Very Very Rough Weekend.. need motivation!

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Very Very Rough Weekend.. need motivation!

Postby tink » July 5th, 2005, 5:57 am

Good Morning! Well I had such a hard weekend on many levels! I got a call from a very good friend Friday early a.m. who I have known since high school. I was shocked when the call came in that her son had been injured in a very serious car accident and I tore off to the hospital at 1 a.m. which is a 4 hour drive from my home. I barely had time to get a toothbrush and a change of clothes packed before I flew out the door. I really didn't even think about taking my MF with me I didn't know how long I would be there or any details really I just knew that I had to get to my friend .. that was all I could think about. I got to the hospital around 5 a.m. and didn't get home until late last night. I had such a hard time being at the hospital not only because of the emotional state of things but also because I didn't have any MF with me and didn't know what to do. I did the best I could trying to pick out hospital food that wasn't loaded with fat but at best I could find grilled chicken sandwiches and pulled the bread off. :cry: I did manage to find some veggies/meat some of the time and ate what I could of those as well as some skim milk. I drank tons of water. I thought I had remembered we could substitute that for a MF meal? Anyway it was really really hard and I weighed this morning and was up almost 5 pounds!!! :dohdoh: I am so upset because of this and I honestly didn't eat that bad but I am sure those foods even while looking somewhat healthy were loaded with fat and butter added to make those veggies taste better. I was starving and was up for days it seemed without sleep. I just felt so out of sorts because my routine was broken with my MF and I had no access to a PC I left without my laptop too! I couldn't get here for any support it is was horrible. I have been 6 weeks compliant and now it is all messed up. I am back at work today and have all my MF with me ... I missed it sooo very much. I am going to get right back on program today of course but I feel lousy! I apologize this is such a down in the dumps post because typically I am much more positive. I guess this set back although I didn't do it on purpose was a real blow to me. I put some MF in my car in case something like this should ever happen again (which I hope never EVER does)!!
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Postby want2Bthin » July 5th, 2005, 6:04 am


I hope your friends son is ok. Don't worry- you will have the 5 pounds off in no time. I can see how you forgot your MF in that kind of situation. I had to take my hubby to the ER a week or so ago & all I could think about was getting him there as quick as I can. Once we got there & met with the doctor, it dawned on me that if he had to have surgery that I did not have any MF with me. Of course I was not 4 hours from home so I could of had someone go by my house & get it. Sometimes things happen in our life that are out of our control & we can only do the best we can.

Putting the MF in the cars for an emergency is a great idea. I am going to do the same thing now that you said that. Hope today goes great for you.

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Postby tumbleweed » July 5th, 2005, 6:20 am

Hi Tink, so sorry to hear about your friends son, I hope he is doing better now.
Dont feel down about the gain, some of that could be water retention, just get right back to the shakes and it will come back off very quickly for you. Sometimes we end up in situations where you just cant control your day, in a situation like you were in you showed your careing self by rushing to your friends side to help her out and be with her family, you didnt even think about yourself, and that shows what a true friend you are, thats pretty awsome in my book your what real friends are all about! keep shaking..... :yourock:
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Postby Alisha » July 5th, 2005, 7:05 am

Tink you poor thing. *virtual hugs* :hug: I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's son and everything that happened. But please don't despair - that 5lbs is probably water weight from intaking more sodium than you normally do. There's no way you could gain 5lbs of fat in that short span of time! Relax sweetpea and give yourself a break! Stress also impedes weight loss and it sounds like you've had more than your share.

I found this post on another forum (sorry Terry, Nancy!) but thought it may help to keep you focused. I wish you all the VERY best and to your friend and her son too.

~Alisha :rose:


Falling Off The Diet Wagon

by Jonathan Bowden, M. A.

"One of the most discouraging aspects of weight loss are the inevitable slips. Everyone has them. For some people, an occasional slip engenders an all out binge...followed by guilt, self-recrimination, a sense of powerlessness, and a feeling of "What's the use?"

Sound familiar?

I call it "falling off the diet wagon," and if you can change how you think about it, you don't need to be victimized by it anymore.

Let's start by looking at a simple children's game called "Chutes and Ladders." Here is how it works: you use a spinner to advance from space to space toward the winner's spot. Along the way there are ladders-which leapfrog you over a lot of spaces-as well as chutes-which send you back in the opposite direction.

Some kids play this game with a laissez-faire, "whatever" attitude, taking life as it comes with all its ups and downs, pitfalls and triumphs. They learn the wonderful moral of Chutes and Ladders-half the secret of life is just showing up. Keep playing the game, and eventually you will get where you are going.

Some kids, however, get very upset when they land on a chute. They are ready to quit the game, pick up their proverbial marbles and go home. For some reason, they believe that life isn't supposed to have any chutes. When they land on them, they are very disappointed and feel like giving up.

Weight loss is like a huge game of Chutes and Ladders.

In dealing with hundreds of clients over the years, I've discovered that the biggest difference between the winners and the losers in the weight loss war isn't whether or not people have "slips" and go off their program. It's not really a question of "if" they have them, it is a question of "when."

What really makes the difference is how you deal with the slips when they happen.

Her's an example. You have been absolutely wonderful on your plan for three weeks. You've been sticking to your exercise routine and feeling pretty terrific. You go to your best friend's wedding and have a glass of wine. Before you know it, soemone is insisting that you try those delicious little canapes, and before the wedding singer can say "Tanta Elka Cuts The Cake," you've managed to down about 4,000 calories from stuff you wouldn't have been caught dead looking at during the past few weeks...pates, desserts, breads, stuffings, you name it.

Most people think that's where the action stops. Actually, it's where the real action begins.

First, a reality check. Have you done a lot of damage? Not really. You may have put on a pound or two. Big deal. You can knock it off in no time, and go right back to work on yourself.

So what's the problem?

The problem isn't what we did, but what we make it "mean." We tell ourselves that our "transgression" means that we have no willpower, that we will never succeed, that our efforts are in vain.

Let me suggest something more empowering.

Suppose, instead, that we learn to see life's occasional "chutes" as just that-stumbling blocks that everyone hits on their personal path to personal power, nothing to be afraid of and certainly nothing to give a lot of meaning to.

So you had a chute. On your next spin you might hit a ladder.

Most important of all, you can't win the game unless you keep on playing.

And every minute gives you a new chance for another spin. Take it.

And don't look back.
"I can resist everything but temptation"

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Postby martha » July 5th, 2005, 7:16 am


I'm sorry about your friend's son and hope he is better.. You were right about the skim milk thing.. I remember seeing it too. It said something like if you were out of products you could use the skim milk in its place for a days worth and still do the lean and green..(nancy will check in soon and correct me if I am wrong) its for emergencies only but I remember reading it..
Please don't beat yourself up over this.. like Angelia said 5# will off before you know it.. you did what had to be done and just think about your friend.. she needed you with her and I know you made all the difference to her by being there for her..what a true friend :mrgreen: they are hard to come by these days.. so hold your head up and start new today.. Just your words tell us you wouldn't have slipped if you could have helped it anyother way.. I know this doesn't help you feel any better but sometimes we have no control over situtations like this.. keeping a few products in the car is a rally good idea.. i do it all the time(for the same reasons)
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Postby tink » July 5th, 2005, 7:32 am

You guys are ALL just terrific! Who would have thought when I found the MF products I would have found such a wonderful place full of friends who motivate through the good and the bad days! I know you are all right and everything you have said is true. I have had my oatmeal this morning and it was sooo good! I felt wrapped up in the familar routine again this morning and that alone helped me get my mind back in the right place. I have 3 1 liter bottles of water with me too and will get those knocked out before I leave work at 4:30! I know situations will happen to us all and thank goodness we can fall back here in a comfort zone full of friends just a click away to put things back in perspective. I really like the article that Alisha added to her post .. and this is just a "chute" not the end of the world! I have the tools and friends to get me back up on my ladder today!

Okay my pity party is officially over :deadhorse:

**Oh also thank you for your concern over my friend's son and the update I have this morning is he is still not stable and in critical condition. Please keep prayers coming for him and the family!

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Postby LeeannNH » July 5th, 2005, 8:09 am

hi tink

i will be thinking about your friends son. im sorry that you had this awful experience. i really hope that he recovers fully.

as for your mf slip. your head and your heart where in the right place. you had a moment of turmoil and you cannot allow yourself to be down about that. now you have learned from that experience and have come here and shared what you know. i hope this doesnt sound odd but, i am grateful that you told us all about putting mf in your car for emergencies. what a wonderful idea. i am actually going to put some on my boat, my car, and keep products in my purse and laptop bag.

so, look at yourself as a teacher and an inspiration. you are lovely and strong and hang in there girl!

i do wish all of the best to your friend and her family

take care
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Postby ljm498 » July 5th, 2005, 9:09 am

Tink, first I just want to say that I hope your friend's son is doing well. My prayers are with him.

Second, please don't beat yourself up over what happened. You did the best you could in a tough situation. Look at it this way, you realized you were without your MF. You assessed what they had at the hospital and you made the healthiest choices possible given what was there. You put into practice what you've been learning since you started MF. You could have said the heck with it and just ate whatever, but you applied your newfound skills and that is certainly something to be proud of. And look, you are right back on the horse and by the end of the day you will be able to look back and see that you're on track, and this wasn't so bad. (the eating part, not the part about your friend's son). Those 5 lbs? pah! They're just water and will come off quickly.

Congratulations on conquering a huge challenge and good luck for the rest of the week, but I know you'll be fine!

Way to go! :cleader:

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Postby tink » July 5th, 2005, 2:06 pm

Hi all! I just wanted to post once more before I head home today and thank ALLLLL of you who had such kind words for me today. I really needed each and every one of them. I am happy to report I made it through the day without much incident as far as headaches and such. I am VERY happy about this! :mrgreen: I am planning to do the complete program this week and leave off my Lean and Green to kick start myself back on the "ladder" to better health. I can't wait for my oatmeal and later on chili to complete my day.

Here are some big internet hugs for all of you .... :hug: :hug: :hug: :bighug:
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Postby martha » July 5th, 2005, 2:24 pm


I am sooo proud of you and really glad you made it today without the headaches again :D You sound as if you have a plan and are going to carry though on it.. I admire you for that.. have a great evening--Martha
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Postby missahc » July 5th, 2005, 4:11 pm

Hi Tink,

You are a great friend.....I know God is going to reward you for that.
I just wanted to mention something that I do "just in case".
I always keep an extra box of MF in my car in case I get stranded.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your friends. I know it's very stressful what you are going through.
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Postby LessOfMe » July 5th, 2005, 4:48 pm

Tink... I just have to add my "two cents' worth" and thank you for having the courage to post your experience. Everything, well...most everything, that is posted on this web site is so positive. I know I just love to post when I'm having one of those "perfect" MF days. But the reality is like what Alisha's e-mail said: It isn't IF you slip, but WHEN. I am approaching 57 yrs. old and have had a weight problem ALL MY LIFE. This is the only program that has helped me have a healthy perspective of what I am about. I am about making a change in my lifestyle. I have far more healthy choices now than ever. One unhealthy choice doesn't take that away. I am getting better and better, not perfect. I will never be perfect. But, I do know this. I will only be a failure if I give up. I WILL NOT GIVE UP OR GIVE ANYTHING THE POWER TO MAKE ME GIVE UP. I hear that resolve in your "voice" too! Success will be your reward and I am strengthened by your honesty and willingness to share your heart!

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Postby MomsTherapy » July 5th, 2005, 5:17 pm

My post will be short because I think everyone else has said it perfectly. You had a minor setback, your back on it and you are determined. Nuff said!! Keep on Shakin! :D

And I will be praying for your friend's son also.
Leah (Lee-uh):D aka MomsTherapy

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Postby martha » July 5th, 2005, 8:38 pm


I really like what you said about not being perfect but getting better.. That is so true for all of us to remember.. This program is not about being perfect but about learning to make healthy food choices and to know when to stop with the unhealthy ones..At least for me it is..

I also loved the fact that only we can make us failures.. we have that power(also something I am learning)and no one can take it from us UNLESS we allow it to go.. we are our own worse enemies when it comes to food :cry: Thank you for reminding me of those things... I needed that ..Martha
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Postby mytime » July 5th, 2005, 9:12 pm

Tink - just wanted to say I read the post and I am so sorry for your friend's son. I am with everyone on this - you did MF while you were away - that is the ultimate goal - to make the best choices long term. Having MF allows us a comfort zone because there really are little choices. You do it or you don't. I cannot believe how brave you were and dedicated to your program. You were given a chute and made it a latter. In the end the weight will be gone - but not the love of your friend nor the lesson you learned - no matter what life throws you, you can handle it- food is not magic you are !!!!! Congratulations on a job very well done.

Your friends son's condition helps put this in perspective - his is life or death. We have the choice to be strong and you did it. Please keep us posted about his condition. Mytime
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