A very bad day!

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A very bad day!

Postby Shana » April 20th, 2006, 9:09 am

Yesterday was a very bad day!
It was also closest I've come to cheating, after an exceedingly frustrating afternoon yesterday that gave me thoughts that went something like this:

Okay, I have to have a cigarette! Oh CRAP! I don't do that anymore...(today is my 16wk anniversary! yay me!)
Okay, I'm going to have a whopper with cheese, extra pickles, mayo & ketchup, maybe some sweet bbq chicken chunks & chocolate. That will make me feel better! OH CRAP!!!! I don't do THAT anymore either!
Thats okay, I'll just make myself a very dirty martini & everything will be just.... BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP (Self Edit) I don't drink anymore either!!!
At this point, I wanted to bawl like a little baby because all of my coping mechanisms are gone *sob* so I ate pickles.... lots and lots of pickles. Sugar Free Sweet Gerhkins and Kosher Dills.... They're apparently my new coping mechanism of choice lol Better than cigarettes, food or alcohol!
But I wonder... how much damage did I do by eating extra pickles? I'm not saying I went completely bonkers & ate a whole giant jar, but I probably had the equivalent of 3-4 pickles (I cut the whole dills into spears to fool myself into thinking I'm eating even more). I know the sodium can cause water retention (and I'm praying thats why I only lost 1.4lbs this week because it's only week two and the number being that small makes me want to binge on pickles again!), but excess pickle consumption wouldn't put me out of ketosis would it?

Anyway, I'm pretty proud of myself for not cheating yesterday - or does excess pickle consumption count as cheating? hmmm
Yay! I didn't smoke!
Yay! I didn't eat chocolate (which is how I gained 30lbs since quitting smoking on December 29th lol)
Yay! I didn't drink alcohol! (okay, I haven't been much of a drinker in years)
Yay! I have a new pickle dependancy? lol

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Postby FORMOMMY » April 20th, 2006, 9:42 am

Considering the alternatives - I think you did great! Make sure you drink lots of extra water and that should help with the retention.

Oh.... and just so you know......

My name is Michelle and I too have a pickle dependency!!!!
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Postby Tiolazz » April 20th, 2006, 10:52 am


Wtg Shana,

I quit smoking on December 31st, so I am right in there with ya. Plus I am married to a man from Italy, so we used to have 1/2 a bottle of wine between the two of us every night with dinner...

soooo, between getting over the habit of smoking, getting over the habit of drinking, and getting out of the habit of eating the wrong foods...

I think we must be doing something good....

WTG for not budging. I know it is hard, I have had those same thoughts, but caught myself as well...

hang in there, we can do this....


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Postby Mom23 » April 20th, 2006, 10:56 am

:hug: Oh Michelle - I can empathize and sympathize with you because yesterday was a very bad day for me too!

I found out the my 8 year old son (who has Aspergers and severe ADHD) did not get into the special magnet school we wanted him to go to next year. Then I had a stupid new neighbor park on our newly aerated/seeded lawn (we don't have curbs) -- :x why he couldn't park in his own driveway or on his lawn is beyond me! But I didn't want to confront him, so I just seethed. :x Then when I was in carpool line at the school, my battery died. My car would not start and my hubby is at the beach on a golf trip! :uhuh: So, I had to call AAA and wait for over an hour for them. In the meantime, I had to get my son out of the car rider line and talk to about 3 teachers as to why I wasn't in the car line and who I was (I'm glad they were careful!) and then wave traffic past my car.

My son was so good waiting for AAA. :thumbup: Usually he is not so cooperative after school, but praise God, he was super! The guy from AAA was going to try to jump the battery, but it did not work -- the battery was past dead. So again, thank the Lord, he had a battery in his truck (the AAA man comes well-prepared!) that fit my SUV and he replaced it on the spot! I paid too much for it, but it was worth it to me -- otherwise, we would have had to pay for a tow and a new battery. I think I came out ok in the end, although hubby was not happy about the cost! I told him that if he had been in town and not out galivanting on some golf course, :x :x :x then maybe such a decision could have been his. I did the best with what I had and I felt it was fine. :) So there!

When we finally got home, my high schoolers got home too. All 3 of my kids and a friend were in my kitchen munching on doritoes, grapes, wheat thins, and orange slices. :bib: I wanted some too. But instead, I came into our office and got on the computer and visited here. :puter: I did not post, but I read and then I prayed. It worked! I did not stray!

This board is such a powerful tool for me -- I needed to 'feed' my emotions, but after reading about successes, reading encouragement you give to one another, hints on how to stay compliant, etc. etc. My desire to eat went away. :exercise:

I also decided that cheating was not going to solve my bad day. It would be momentary satisfaction with repurcutions that would last for a long time. I have worked too hard to blow it. I want to be thin, I want to be healthy -- illegal snacks would not be worth it.

I'm sorry I sabatoged your thread about your bad day. I just want you to know that I understand totally, and I am proud that you were able to hang in there!
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Postby ascicles » April 20th, 2006, 12:00 pm

I can't have pickles in my house, because I'm worried I will do the same thing. I have always LOVED pickles and could easily eat an entire jar in a day.
Start Date: 3/6/06


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Postby MusicalMomma » April 20th, 2006, 12:36 pm

Just so ya don't feel alone in your misery. I had a REALLY bad day yesterday too. It wasn't the same situations, but equally as challanging for me. I stayed on program, but WOW was it a BAD DAY. Funny thing is, this time (three months into program) I didn't really consider eating off program. That was a small victory for me. So be proud. You dealt very well ladies!! Keep up the good work!
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Postby Shana » April 20th, 2006, 12:54 pm

Michelle, for all of us with pickle dependancy syndrom, perhaps after Medifast we can start a new 12 step program called PA (Pickleholics Annon). Course, I'm not sure how well I'll do considering the fact I intend to make my own pickles with home grown cucumbers, but... well.. maybe after medifast I'll be able to make it without?

Terri, we are doing something VERY right! We've stopped filling our lungs with that nasty tar! And we're becoming healthy & fit & adding years to our lives! And your husband is pulling for you just as hard if not harder than we all are here! No matter what, we can do this!

Ascicles, I've already given up cigarettes, all non medifast approved foods AND my beloved very Dirty Martinis, I'm NOT giving up my pickles now! lol

Mom23, CONFRONT THE JERKY NEW NEIGHBOR!!! Nip it in the bud before he starts parking in your rosebushes or something! I'm glad AAA had a battery for you and that your son remained relatively calm during the whole ordeal! mmmm Doritos *whimper*

I think as a group we've exceeded our bad day quota for the month so it should all be much better from here on out! :)

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Postby Loribug » April 20th, 2006, 5:48 pm

There's always....shopping! everyone shops! :lol:
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Postby falisamarie » April 20th, 2006, 5:59 pm

I know I am probably alone in this but........uggg.............I HATE shopping with a passion!

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Postby Loribug » April 20th, 2006, 6:04 pm

Lisa, I normally hate shopping too but I can't wait to go into a real store and buy real clothes! look out mastercard
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Postby Shana » April 20th, 2006, 6:06 pm

Unless its for shoes (or groceries... my heart thumps faster in gourmet shops), I'm not a fan of shopping - never have been - I make a list, get in, get out & refuse to go with "real" shoppers :)

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Postby supermom » April 20th, 2006, 7:49 pm

Lisa, I hate shopping too. But probably because I don't like having to go upstairs and to the left back in the back by the storage closet and the discontinued panties to find clothes in my size. I can't even find a site online that will cooperate with me trying to make a virtual model and "try on" bathing suits. Someone suggested Lane Bryant dot com, but I couldn't find the model link. Anyway, I think I just HIJACKED the thread. I am sorry you all had a bad day. Tomorrow will be better. Hang in there!!

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Postby dede4wd » April 20th, 2006, 10:25 pm

I had a pickle "episode" a while back. I can't have the jar with me now because I don't trust myself!

I'm with you on the hate shopping for everything but shoes & Best Buy!

You dunn good though not cheating! I'm proud of you!

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Postby SkinnyMama » April 20th, 2006, 10:37 pm

Wow, you cheated with pickles, I think you did amazing, an awesome job sticking to plan :yourock: :whoohoo: :bravo: I wish I could say the same over Easter weekend :oops:
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