WEll here is my first journal.
I am 33, 2 darling kids, and a dear husband. I teach 2nd grade- only 7 more school days! Woohoo. I love my job but am ready for this year to be done.
I've been doing MF since end of Jan. I've lost 16 lbs. I want to lose another 5-10. I did MF faitfully for 3 wks then fell off the wagon- BUT I didn't gain a pound in that time. I really maintained. Now I'm back on again because dh started. I'm really proud of him.
Funny thing, he actually said..... "You were right" I nearly fell out of my chair. He didn't believe me that the fourth day would be better but it was and he's lost about 10 lbs in 4 days. I've lost 4.
I'm still hungry but it's getting better. It's also better to have my clothes feel looser at the end of the day- not tighter.