Using Fitday to calculate calories- and my confession

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Using Fitday to calculate calories- and my confession

Postby sarah » July 14th, 2005, 4:08 pm

Hi everyone


it is almost the end of day 4 for me. Monday and Tuesday were good. I did a good job. Wednsday was great during the day until after dinner. I went wild on munchies-junk food :x .

I have been keeping track of how many calories and fat I have everyday. I keep track of them on a site called FitDay. Yesterday after my rampage I consumed approx 1800 calories. I know thats not very bad but the food that racked up the calories was BAD.

Today, I had 2 shakes (banana with davinci chocolate syrup-OMG thats is my ultimate favorite) and I had apple cinamon pancakes. Then dinner i had some browned hamburger, low fat/carb tomato sauce (1/2 cup) and 1/8 cup of low fat mozzorella cheese :| then I have just finished a MF PB bar. SO FAR today I have consumed 925 calories.

I know what I ate tonight is not allowed on the program to stick to. I admit I am having a terrible time at dinner being so compliant. I dont know why :dooh:

Compared to the amount of calories I used to eat a day before MF which was over 2000 a day I should still loose weight -right?? :?:

I am so scared of the weekend. I am having a hard time staying strong already. I do so good during the day (except I am VERY grumpy) and at dinner its hard. This week is/has been my TOM too. Not trying to make excuses.

Anyone else have extras like me at dinner? I will not have another junk food rampage again. Do you think its awful that I had the cheese on my meal tonight? Its ok if you wanna yell at me :coach: .

Still consuming 1100-1200 calories a day I SHOULD still lose weight -right? Since I am eating lots less that I was

PS- I HATE pickles :puke:

Thanks 4 ur time and input

Sarah :puter:
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Postby Jan » July 14th, 2005, 9:59 pm

Hi Sarah,
Boy I guess I'm the bearer of hard news and tough love tonight. This program is not a diet but rather a medical program. We don't count calories (though they are low)because what we are interested in is balance. We balance your fats, carbs and proteins. That's why the program is so strict about what you eat!! When you add things you are unbalancing the formula. This results in hunger and keeps your body from adapting correctly to the program. We want you to be a fat burning machine. The little additions -- though they may seem little --defeat this.. You'll lose weight -- it's still a matter of calories in and expenditures out but you won't do it as fast as you could and it will be much harder than it should be. I guess that's why we always advise -- "don't mess with medifast". It's the easiest and fastest healthy way to part with the pounds. I guess my advice would be -- be very very compliant -- give your body a chance -- you'll feel much better and the pounds will be gone much more quickly. Now I didn't hollor too much did I ??
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Postby MomsTherapy » July 15th, 2005, 5:50 am

Hopefully you finished out okay last night. The "FOODIE MONSTER" can be a punk to deal with. It has been rocky for you these first few days but keep going! The first week was crazy for me - I felt like I was obsessed with MF!!!

Now, about the munching and bad dinner choices. It would help a lot if you would clean out your pantry, cabinets and fridge of all the "not allowed" food. And don't say hubby or the youngin needs any of it around - they don't! If it is bad for you it is bad for them too. And it is even worse to have it around when you are trying so hard to do this. If you have to get in the car and drive to McDonalds or the grocery store to "cheat" - you are much less likely to do it at all. But if it is right there - boom, in the mouth, then it is too late to reconsider.

Stock up on chicken and fish and the allowed lean and green. I have to have it easy so I buy the frozen tilapia and salmon at Walmart. It takes only about 10 minutes to thaw in the sink with water. Then in the oven with seasonings for 10 more - add a salad - so easy! For the family I either cook the exact same thing, or do some veggies and another side for them. (with 5 of us I have to cook a lot of food!) My point being, make it easy on yourself - dont cook anything that you LOVE to eat, or you WILL eat it 90% of the time.

And like Jan said, MF is a balanced medical diet. If we add (like I have been doing this week) a nibble of "off diet" stuff here and there, we throw off the plan, the balance. Yes, you may still lose - but like this week I only lost 1.5 when I could have lost 2-3 if I had been more faithful to the program. That is whole week I lost when you look at it like that. So, this week - I'm going back strict. The point here is, you can lose weight many ways, but they have designed this program with these foods so we can lose the weight FAST and SAFE. If we don't stick to it we are going to lose those 2 important parts of MF.

Okay, Im off my soapbox now - and I am NOT fussing at you, so please don't think I am. I am supporting you!! I think it is awesome that you are doing MF and you WILL be happy and love the way you look if you give MF an all out effort. 2 weeks in and I can definitely see a difference.

Hang in there, buckle down and work for a great "weigh day"! You won't be disappointed! :)
Leah (Lee-uh):D aka MomsTherapy

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Postby martha » July 15th, 2005, 7:16 am


Well just about everything has been said that I would tell you.. yes this is hard at first but sooo worth it in the long run.. one of the things I so like about it is not having to keep up with calories ,fats,carbs or anything like that.. if you follow the program as it was laid out everything is perfectly balanced :mrgreen: It will work.. I can vouch for that..
I too would advise you to clean away all of the junkies you are tempted by-- with others in the house its hard to throw it all out.. I KNOW!! that's where this support forum comes in.. you will miss it all terribly at first BUT before you know it -POOF-- you won't even miss it .. not with the golden ring(goal) within your reach.. this program is so easy and just gets easier each day for me.. I still have to cook big meals and bake alot but so far so good I don't want to cheat and know you can have these things again (in reasonable amounts) when you get to mainteance..
With all programs you will lose weight when you decease your caloric intake BUT then a big plateau hits or worse you add more and more food and do less and less burning it off(exercise etc) and before you know it you are back to the original weight and then some.. I know this to be true(it happened to me) ..just follow the program and come back here for the support you will need and then you will be melting away the pounds in no time--Martha
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Postby sarah » July 15th, 2005, 7:44 am

"Some use several of the Medifast products in conjunction with regular food meals at lunch and supper. Yup, you can do that!

Just be SURE your regular food meals are nutritiously well-balanced meals."

Above is what I copied and pasted from another topic in this room titled Medifast & Atkins. It was written by Nancy

I read it last night after posting my post. It answered my question. Thanks anyways guys.

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Postby Unca_Tim » July 15th, 2005, 9:08 am

Hi Sarah,
I hope you're not thinking Nancy's quote says that you can design your own plan. The link you posted is referring to people with not alot of weight to lose or who just want to use it as part of a healthy diet.

Here's that complete line in context:
Nancy wrote:If you want to just use the products for healthy snacks or occasional meal replacements – sure it’s fine!

We have many people who may not need to lose very much weight or who are not in a race ( some of you ARE in a race and you know it!) who use Medifast products for a quick breakfast and an in-between meal snack.

Some use several of the Medifast products in conjunction with regular food meals at lunch and supper. Yup, you can do that!

A few lines above that quote:
Nancy wrote:My Motto is: Don’t Mess With Medifast and the Take Shape for Life Program…

One of the MOST important things about the plan, is that you stay in the proper mild state of ketosis. Designing your own plan will not guarantee this and you may be in a constant state of hunger. I've said before here a couple of times, that this will set you up for failure. You can't be successful if you're always hungry.

Please don't think we're criticizing you. We just want to see you reach your goal.
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