by Landylue » May 18th, 2004, 10:36 am
I just looked up soy allergy symtoms, and none of your symtoms are listed. I remember having a 3-day headache and a touch of nausea and diarrhea, but that didn't last but a day or two.
Assuming you contacted your doctor before you started the fast, did they give you a thumbs-up on fasting? If so, please don't get discouraged, Pretty Face. Your body is undergoing a dramatic change. Your calorie level has plummeted, as it needed to, and you're also not ingesting the perservatives, additives, and all the other chemicals that are in our foods today. You might just be simply going through withdrawal from those types of things. If you are concerned, check with your doctor.
Hang in there. The first few days are the roughest, but the road smooths out and the journey is awesome after that.
Failure is NOT an option!