Well friends I'm one step closer to knowing about my surgery referral! Let me just tell you that the women that work at my surgeon's office are soooooooooooooo friendly to me on the phone. I called the insurance company today to see if they had received the letter from doc and they said No not yet. They told me to call the doc and make sure they knew to send the referral in under my husband's social security number and not mine or they wouldn't know who I am (military remember). I hated to call the doc's office because I don't want to be a pest and them dread hearing from me....but I thought...that would be just my luck and delay everything.
So I called and they were so sweet and checked on everything and put me through to the girl who actually handles these things and she was like "OH HI Christi.....how are you doing?" She was talking to me like we were old friends lol Anyway, I told her I was a nervous wreck but other than that fine hehe. She said not to worry that she had faxed it in just minutes earlier and they would have it by now........AND......that she marked it
URGENT and that means they will reply in 72 hours!!
WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! NOW...take into consideration the holiday on Monday and the fact that it was Friday afternoon (everyone is already taking off) I expect they won't hear anything until Thursday but she said to call on Tuesday just to check!! I tell myself to wait until Thursday but we alllllllllllll know that won't happen.......so I'll be calling in on Tuesday late afternoon
I told her thank you like 5 times!! I said I would enjoy my weekend just knowing that the letter is in and the ball is rolling! THAT MEANS WE WILL KNOW BY THE END OF NEXT WEEK HOPEFULLY!!! Oh my gosh I'm so nervous with anticipation.
Just thought I'd tell you the update. So far so good
Thank you all for being so supportive. There wasn't one single person who had anything negative to say and I'm so thankful for that. I just love you guys!!
Hope you all have a safe and blessed Memorial Day weekend!!