Update on my Dad's MF success

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Update on my Dad's MF success

Postby Emma » August 4th, 2005, 8:46 am


Some of you may remember from other posts that I started doing MF with my dad in May. He's about 150+ overweight, type 2 diabetic, high blood pressure, and has sleep apnea. He was a mess. Anyway, he started MF on May 21 (with blessings from his doctor) and as of today, has LOST 59lbs!!! :yes: (He's doing the 5 &1 diabetic program)

2 weeks ago, he went for a doctor's appt. - his blood pressure was normal, his sugar has been normal, and his oxygen has been normal! All thanks to Medifast!!! His doctors told him to KEEP DOING MEDIFAST!!

He has already added years to his life and can't wait to reach goal. I'm so proud of him!

So anyone lurking (especially you men) - you will not regret this program, it just may save your life.

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Update on Dad

Postby Jan » August 4th, 2005, 9:22 am

Hi Emma

What a great report about your dad. This is a great program which really works. Don't let anyone say otherwise. We see the proof daily right here on the forum. M.F. is trully making America healthy and changing lives. My own B.P. is down now too -- off my meds and my sleep apena is much improved. Don't you wish we could help everyone?? We could if they would only listen :x
Congrats to you and your Dad
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Postby martha » August 4th, 2005, 9:23 am


OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! Tell your dad I said CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: This is AWESOME news.. Isn't it amazing what MF can do for us and our love ones?? I know you are on cloud nine about his success.. Have a great week and tell him how Proud we all are of him..WAY TO GO!!!!!!--Martha
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Postby LeeannNH » August 4th, 2005, 10:05 am

hi emma

thanks for sharing your dads wonderful success with the doc! that is wonderful! that is VERY cool 8)

take care of yourself and give your dad a high five!
leeann :mrgreen:
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Postby Ash's mom » August 4th, 2005, 10:32 am

What a wonderful motivational update!! Thanks so much for sharing....that's an awesome victory!!

Way to go Dad....you tha man!! hehehehe


Thx again for sharing...just what I needed to hear today to keep me on track! Can't wait for the next update...

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Postby sprgrammy » August 4th, 2005, 11:42 am

SOOOO AWESOME!!!! You go DAD!!! It is so wonderful to hear these stories. Tell him I am full of happiness for him.

Blessings, carol
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Postby Nancy » August 4th, 2005, 2:38 pm

Dear Emma ~

Oh, thank you so much for your excellent report about your Daddy.

Sheesh, I am all :tears: teary-eyed.

:shock: Seriously. The reason I started Medifasting in July 2002 is because I :heart: love my toes!

My family has a history of diabetes and its :twisted: :twisted: insidious complications. I was experiencing numbness and vascular problems in my feet and ankles and I did not want to develop diabetes and have toe or foot amputations like my dear Uncle Jake or neuropathy and kidney disease like my friend Eunice.

Dear Daddy of emma ~

Our shaker jars we raise to you! :cheers:

We know how :weightlift: hard it is to make changes in habits that we have had for a very long time.

It takes a daily commitment, great :whip: effort and a desire to become healthier than to stay in the same state.

:thumbsup: Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone, for choosing to improve the quality of your life and for influencing your daughter and others for the health of it.

With every :guzzle: shake you take, you are getting closer to reaching your :trophy: goal and optimizing your health. Daddy, 150+ pounds is a whole lot to lose and it takes time – how well I know. I lost 135 pounds in 7 months.

I know what it feels like to be morbidly obese and I know how it feels to be thinner and healthier for it – fat is not where it’s at; thin is in.

:shock: Wowee zowee! 59 pounds = 6 bags of dog food!!!
:whoohoo: :goodluck:

Go Dad-dy, go Dad-dy, go Dad-dy!

:bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance:
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Postby Emma » August 4th, 2005, 2:45 pm

Thanks so much for the great words you guys. My father doesn't have a computer, so next time he comes over, I'll be sure to bring this post up for him to read.

I love this place!!
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Postby Nancy » August 4th, 2005, 2:52 pm

I love this place!!

and this place loves you, emma :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Postby Mommy2girls » August 18th, 2005, 2:43 pm

Ahhh, what I find when I go back and read posts that happened while I was on vacation.

Emma, that is absolutely WONDERFUL news! I'm so happy for you and your Dad. Tell your dad that I think it IS possible to get better with age, and he is living proof! :yippee:

My DH has been MFasting with me for about 2 months and before MF his blood pressure was creeping up, and starting to worry me (high BP runs in his family...his mom and his brother both have been on BP meds for about 15 years!) and shortly after starting MF his went down to the normal range. I was overjoyed and thrilled at simply that!


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Postby Nancy » August 18th, 2005, 7:01 pm

Mommy2Girls ~

Thank you for the great report about your husband - very good news because high blood pressure can lead to other serious health problems.

How much weight has he lost?

Between the two of you several large bags of fertilizer are now missing!!!

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Postby Mommy2girls » August 24th, 2005, 2:33 pm

Hi Nancy! :wave:

I just now saw this question! You know what I think he must be at around 25lbs. He hasn't been losing at super-speed :goldprowl: like most men are. Once we ran out of crackers and I found out he was eating Wheat Thins at work, :dooh: because he missed having crackers with his soup. I think he gets tempted to cheat at work more often than not because there is always food lurking around, sometimes they will hold meetings and bring in tons of food because they know they are going to be there forever! :bib:

I think he would like to lose about 30 more pounds but I've always thought that he looks fantastic, I think he looks great at his weight right now. He is actually a really muscular guy and though he weighs more than me, he is carrying around less fat. I want him to be at a "happy" weight for himself.

I was just thrilled when his blood pressure reading was around 119/70 I sleep better KNOWING that he is healther! :thumbig:

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Postby Nancy » August 24th, 2005, 10:02 pm

Sheila ~

Excellent BP sure makes us feel better - I know what you mean. I am so happy for him and for you, too.

Keep that household lean, green and flab-free!
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