under 200

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under 200

Postby krandle » November 16th, 2004, 9:03 pm

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Postby RavenKat » November 17th, 2004, 6:38 am

DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!

You're doing great! Are you just bored? Being fat and struggling with food is boring, too. Don't you want to be thin, finally? See how much better you feel right now from your previous higher weight? Increase that feeling of success and beauty by 300% - that's how you will feel under 200!!!!!

I'm serious! I started at 250 and am now 193. I haven't been below 200 since 1992. I cried when I saw 199 - CRIED!!!!!!

It IS worth the struggle, it IS worth the temporary deprivation, it IS worth whatever you think you are missing. IT IS!!!!

Speaking from my own precarious perch that you will regret stopping at 272. I paused (am pausing) in the 190's and struggle on a minute-to-minute basis to keep going to 165. The miraculous push that got me started on this journey is ominously absent - don't do that to yourself.

Everybody gets weary of the struggle. Just try to remember that you are doing a great thing for yourself and that the time will pass. You can pass it and lose weight or pass the time eating. Doesn't sound like much of a choice, actually.

Hang in there Krandle!!!!!!!!!!! You can do it!!!!!!
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Postby Carrie » November 17th, 2004, 6:41 am

Krandle -

Often it's discouraging to think of how long it will take us to reach a goal - especially when we have a lot of weight to lose. However long it would take you - that time is going to pass anyway - and you can either spend it getting closer to your goal or not. It's a decision we have to make daily - sometimes several times a day, but it's worth it, I promise.

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another day another struggle

Postby krandle » November 17th, 2004, 8:40 am

Hello guys
I have started my moring with a positive attitude. I honestly did not think i would get this nervouse so early in the game. But i have to take it one day at a time. I never knew what hold food had on my life. I am bondage with it. Quitting smoking was easier than this. I just quiet cold turkey two years ago, and haven't looked back. This, this is hard. BUT I WILL SURVIVE!

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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » November 17th, 2004, 11:58 am


If you cold turkeyed smoking, you CAN do this - most definitely. Get off the scale. It's only making you more nervous. Weigh once a month or twice a month. Stop over exercising as others suggested. Drink and drink and drink water till you feel like you're gonna float away. Think of it as nature's champagne. Your skin and over all health will glow. Losing the weight is a guarantee with MF. Just follow the plan's instructions. Stop the negative thoughts. Like Nancy says, our brains and bodies are like computers: input is output. Be positive - envision yourself successfully doing the plan and what you look like at goal.

Patience and strength,
Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
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Postby krandle » November 17th, 2004, 12:20 pm

I would like to say thanks. I thought i could do this without encouragement, but i was so wrong. So wrong. Weighing in every two weeks seems to asking alot. But i do get depressed when i get on the scales every 7 days. And my day is shot. Just like that
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Postby Nancy » November 18th, 2004, 12:38 am

Read my Newsletters - go to the Homepage and click on Newsletter Archives...

We didn't go to bed skinny one night, have a visit from the Fat Fairy and Poof! wake up the next day with flab attachments wearing chubette nighties.

It was a process to become fluffy and it is a process to de-flab.

I waited all my life for the Skinny Fairy to do a fly-by and doink me while I was sleeping. She never came. Then I discovered a little gift - a shaker jar, a packet of Medifast and a bottle of water. It took me 7 L-O-N-G M-O-N-T-H-S to deflab. I actually forgot how to chew properly.

Every day I was thankful it was working and helping me to reach my goal.

Every day I am still thankful for the miracle of health that came in a little plastic shaker jar.

I did it, Mike did it, Sylvia did it, Camille did it. You'll do it, too. Each day, 5 times day, shake it up, drink it down, wash your jar and de-flab.
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Postby fedup » November 18th, 2004, 5:40 am

And also, even though that time commitment may seem long.... what other plan do you know of that you can lose so quickly and safely? Like Nancy said, we didn't gain over night, and I know as well as all of us do that we hate waiting for it to "go away" but like Nancy I got tired of waiting for it to just "happen" on it's own. It never will!!! We need to put in the work, and MF makes it as easy as possible. I gush about this program to anyone and everyone! I wish I had found it years ago, but I just thank God I've found it now. I will never try to lose weight in any other way my whole life. When I reach maintenance, even it's been years, I will continue to weigh frequently, and always have a little MF on stash to do a "quick fix" if I ever fluctuate above my goal. MF is the way to go.
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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » November 18th, 2004, 11:45 am


Wanted to add that the first three months, I weighed only once a month. I know it's asking a lot, BUT that's what taught me to pay attention to my body. It was really fun and interesting watching my clothes growing bigger and bigger. After that, I weighed in once a week. When I hit a 20 day plateau holding pattern during the fourth month, I weighed every other day to see what changes I could make to spur my body off the plateau. It is tough not tracking the scale as much as you'd like, but believe me, when you finally do step on it, what a reward!!!! :yes:

Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
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Jul lost 14#=161#
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Postby krandle » November 18th, 2004, 1:28 pm

Once a week huh? Okay that is easier said than done but okay. I will be placing another order tomorrow. My supply is running low.
I have not worked out in 3 days. My body is still achy. But i would like to do some toning like cruches or lunges. Would that be asking for to much.
My day is going by so far so good. How about everybody else.
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Postby Nancy » November 18th, 2004, 11:34 pm


Sure, you can do some crunches and lunges - for a short period of time. Take good care of your body - while exercise is an important component of a healthy lifestyle, remember that right now you are on a limited caloric intake and it is not good to expend too many calories exercising. Keep in mind the health of your joints and connective tissues.

If any of you have been watching The Biggest Loser on television, you'll recall that the contestants spend many hours in the gym and many are wearing joint supports, elastic bandages ad ice bags because they have injuries...

You will have plenty of time to slowly and safely increase your activity level over the course of your weight loss phase. As you near the transition and maintenance phases, cardio and weight resistance will become more important. Medifast is different from other weight loss programs; ours is nutritiously, scientifically and medically sound when followed properly. We have over 23 years of success behind us.
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Postby SusannaRosannaDanna » November 19th, 2004, 9:11 am

You can totally do this!

I was practically the same weight as you were, starting out and I don't even have to squint hard to see that magical 199 ahead of me on my path!
Medifast produces fast results, it's a fact, but I've sort of fallen into such a comfort zone with the routine that I was thinking one day...even if it takes me another YEAR to lose the weight I need to lose, it's worth it! I've taken the time factor OUT of the equation because it serves no purpose for me. My goal is to lose the weight--if it was to take six months, that'd be super, but unrealistic and unhealthy, so I decided that my GOAL is health and fat loss, not a date on the 2005 calendar!

I think you are completely capable of doing this. Lean on us, it's what we are here for. Just be prepared for us to possibly lean back! LOL

Started 8/2/2004
Next goal: 220!

Wow. That's all I know to say.
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Postby krandle » November 19th, 2004, 4:50 pm

60 pound club! :D I can't eeeven imagine. But i will lean on the forum. Hard. Keep up the good work.
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Postby Nancy » November 19th, 2004, 10:14 pm

I can't eeeven imagine

Whaddya mean by that? You are half way there...

What kind of television shows and movies have you been watching, what kind of music do you listen to and who are you listening to? It is important to have positive input. Visualize yourself as a :thumbup: slender success not a :shock: fat failure.

Listen to your self-talk. :oops: Re-read your postings and your words. :x

What's with that?

Go stand in front of the mirror right now and orally name five things that you like about your physical appearance.

Then come back to your computer and :puter: list them for us to read.

Then write five non-physical things that you like about yourself and list them for us to read too.

No more toxic self-talk! :whip:
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