by Landylue » April 9th, 2004, 10:14 am
What an accomplishment, Jeanette, I know you are soaring! Those ten-pound markers take alot of work and determination to reach each time, and you've managed to hang seven of them from your belt. AWESOME!
I worked for a very in-shape, fitness-centered Army colonel one time, who was trying to imagine what having an extra 20 lbs on your body would be like. He finally decided that it would be like carrying two frozen 10 lb turkeys around with you all day. As one of the ladies in the office lost weight, at every 10-lb marker, we would print out and hang in her office a picture of a turkey all ready for baking. She loved it, and managed to collect 8 of them on her wall before she was finished.
Whatever keeps you motivated, I suppose. . .
Again, congratulations, and keep on marching toward that goal!
Failure is NOT an option!