Just wanted to post this now, while I have a few minutes.
I'll be leaving on an early flight in the morn for the hinterlands of Central BC, Canada.
I'll be visiting my daughters family (2 great munchkins) and 25 years of friends. For those of you that don't know, I spent many years in the Canadian north and just moved back to the states a few years ago.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and unwinding a little from the big city life. The only problems is it's quite isolated and minimal internet connections, but I'll try to get on when/wherever I can and check up on everyone.
Bear with Nancy and Terry looking after the forum, and let everyone know if they don't get moved into a goal club promptly or have any problems on the forum, I'll be back on the 10th to take care of things.
If we get any spam attacks while I'm gone, email terry or nancy @makemethinner.com and hopefully they can track them down and get them deleted.
I'll be thinking of all of you and expect everyone to be good and take care of each other while I'm away.
(NO fudgin' on the program...

Take care all and see you soon,