Turning 50

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Turning 50

Postby Triskets » January 3rd, 2005, 1:20 pm

Happy New Year to All!

I'm also a restart. I'm willing to restart this program instead of looking into some other weight loss program because I know first hand that MEDIFAST WORKS. :D
I got rid of the 40 extra pounds I was carrying around in 1989. I didn't take responsibility for my own stabilization and consequently regained the weight over a 3 year period. :cry: And I've gained even more so now I'm up to 255 pounds.
I'm turning 50 Jan of 2006. I absolutely REFUSE to go into my 50's at my current weight. I also have health issues those two things are my motivation to get rid of the excess weight.
I wish you all good luck and if you want someone to talk to on a daily basis to help with motivation, (I know I would) email me at <snip>No emails please - Mr. Snippy</snip>.

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Postby LadyChamp » January 4th, 2005, 2:29 pm

Congratulations on your decision to do Medifast!

In 2004 I also decided that I want to "lose my weight" by my 50th birthday, which is in January 2005. I went on Medifast and lost weight in 2004, but I still have a long way to go.

As of January 3, 2005 I am back on Medifast to reach my goal of being my ideal weight by my 50th birthday (Jan 2006).

My scales are quirky atm. But I know I am and will be losing. :D
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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » January 4th, 2005, 7:14 pm

I will also be turning 50 in January 2006 and I WILL be at my goal way before then!
Here's to all of us seeing our 50's as our years of being the best we can be!!!
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Postby Nancy » January 4th, 2005, 11:29 pm

Triskets, Lady and Mary ~

You are all so young - just kids, really! Now is the time to do IT.

I know what it feels like to be fat. I was fat for 36 of my 56 years.

I know it feels to be young and fat.

I know how it feels to be middle age and obese.

I know how it feels to be morbidly obese and to sit on the sidelines of life, watching life happen all around me and not to be able to participate ad to enjoy all that I was created to be and to do.

Start the year 2005 strong in your resolve to stay on your Medifast Plan to your healthy weight.

Stick with IT. No Matter What.

Get the job done. Now.

Enjoy the rest of your life to its fullest!

Life is a vapor.

In light of the disasters of this most recent year 2004, please strive to get healthy.

May you be blessed on your journey to wellness.
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Postby Triskets » January 5th, 2005, 5:03 pm

Nancy, Lady & Mary - Thanks for your input. :D

We CAN do this program.

We WILL stay on this program.


I'm so confident that I will succeed this time I went out today and bought a SIZE 8 swimsuit for this summer. :shock:

Let's get thin and healthy!
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Postby Nancy » January 5th, 2005, 11:27 pm

:hi5: Oh, yeah!

You just hang that size 8 "babing suit" in a prominent place.

It will remind you that NOTHING tastes as good as struttin' around in a size 8 babing suit!

You will be a Babe this summer and forever after IF you choose to do the right thing evey three hours!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby Triskets » January 6th, 2005, 11:25 am

Thanks Nancy

I do have the "babing" suit in a prominent place in my bedroom - just like the yogurt commercial on TV.
Also, I wanted to tell you that your "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" mantra helped me last night. We took our daughter out to Claim Jumper's (one of those restaurants that serves HUGE portions of everything). When they were eating their appetizers, I kept saying your mantra to myself. I ordered a cobb salad and excluded everything but the broiled chicken, lettuce and tomotatoes. I used a little bit of non-fat Italian dressing.
I was proud of myself AND I was down another 1/2 pound this morning.
So THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your support. :D
Also, I guess I need to re-read my Medifast guide about vegetable consumption.

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Postby msmac0905 » January 6th, 2005, 11:40 am

Hello. Although I am not turning 50, I was just browsing new posts. I wanted to say Kudos to Triskets. This is my 4th day on MF. I've not had to eat out yet. I am actually dreading it!! But reading your post made me realize that I can eat out, eat healthy and stay on plan!! Great job and thanks for the inspiration!! Keep up the good work as your new "babing" suit awaits!! :D Happy Shakin'!! :)
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Postby Triskets » January 6th, 2005, 3:56 pm

msmac -

Thanks you so much for your reply. This is also my 4th day back on MF.
I'll do whatever it takes to "get rid" of the extra 115 pounds on my body.

Good Luck and KUDOS to you to for picking the MF plan.

Happy slurping!
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Postby Nancy » January 6th, 2005, 4:01 pm

Speaking of Babing...

Last night our daughter called from Wally World - she said they had a rack of babing suits for $12-15 and there was a leopardy print one - did I want her to pick one up for me?

Why of course! All Leopard Women NEED babing suits!

She did the old B&B on her way home: Bought it and brought by the MakeMeThinner Cottage last night.

Smart shopper that she is, Becky purchased the leopardy one and a hot pink/orange hibiscus-sprinkled suit.

Picture this: 25 degrees, east wind whipping, stray cats and squirrels huddled under shrubs and bushes, threat of snow and Leopard Woman is hopping on one foot trying on babing suits! :roflmao:

Because she can...because she stuck with the program, during difficult times and during ease, she lost the flabbage, got rid of the baggage ad now she is babing...because she can! :dance:

How 'bout you?

Triskets, you made a smart choice last night!

:hmmm: A great suggestion to avoid menu madness: order a Chicken Caesar Salad with NO croutons - tell the wait staff you'll break their arm :lightbeam: if they bring bread to your table, low-fat dressing on the side... :chef:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby Triskets » January 6th, 2005, 4:43 pm

Nancy -
Walmart does have a great selection of Catalina bathing suits for $16.97! I bought several last summer on SALE in July for $9.97!

The sizes go up to 3X. Even though I could only fit into the 3X, I still wore them because I love the water so much. AND, the suits are comfy.

As you know, I already bought my size 8 Speedo from Costco yesterday. The price there was good too - $19.99.

Maybe leopard woman should put a picture of herself in the "leopard suit" on this web site! Come on Nancy - I dare ya! :-P :-P :-P

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Postby Nancy » January 6th, 2005, 5:19 pm

Triskets ~

:shock: Is that a double dog dare?

:shades: Check out Leopard Woman in the Studio from Kauai - in Leopardy babing suits.

My tan is gone, Darlin' - I look like I am wearing Nurse Nylons on my entire bod. :help: I like the tan time - tan makes those very-close veins look less skanky!

Yeah, $19.99 IS a good price for a babing suit. Triskets, you'll NEED a Speedo 'cuz you're husband will be chasing you when you reach your goal weight.

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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