Tuesday will be my first day!

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Tuesday will be my first day!

Postby EllenFree » June 4th, 2005, 7:12 am

I am very nervous but the time has come. I have 100 pounds to lose and I haven't told anyone I am doing this. It will be a huge blow to my social life but something I have to do.

Can anyone tell me the side effects you have incurred?

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Postby kassilou » June 4th, 2005, 7:43 am

The biggest side effect I've had from this program is the loss of weight and increased self-esteem! :mrgreen:

For the first few days you may be hungry. If so, there are freebies you can have. Really hungry? Have an extra supplement, just not a bar. You may have a headache as your body adjusts to the program. Generally after the first three days you will be feeling better.

This has been a wonderful program for me. If you stay compliant, you will have success. Keep checking out the forum as there is a lot of support here. If you have a Health Advisor, call them when you have questions. They can help you with whatever you need to know.

Good luck!!! :D
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Postby martha » June 4th, 2005, 12:54 pm

EllenFree- Hi i have been doing MF for about 6 weeks and love it.. its the easiest program i have ever done and i have done them all. The first 3 days were the hardest but this forum has helped me alot.. the people here are great.. so far no side effects except smiling alot from the continued weight loss. I too have not told anyone but my husband(doing it to) about MF.. all of my family has seen me go up and down and up they are really great at helping me get off program.. I will tell them soon but for now its nice not to hear all the negative remarks AGAIN!!! we all have to do whats best for us on program and i must TOOT this forums horn again.. They are great and will be here for the long haul with each one of us... congratulations on getting started..Martha
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list of side effects...

Postby LAwoman » June 4th, 2005, 3:58 pm

assuming you are MF compliant, which includes all the water intake & correct amount of MF and/or food intake...

side effects are...
1. relatively quick weight loss
2. increase in energy
3. feel better emotionally and physically
4. compliments from those around you
5. less tired
6. easier to wake in the morning
7. don't have to think about food
8. support of all the great people here
9. healthier body & mind
10. increased self-esteem
11. save money & time on the foods that made us fat
12. wearing all those smaller size clothes in the closet that have been waiting around
13. buying new, cute, smaller clothes

Did I miss anything fellow MF-losers? What are your MF side-effects?

To be fair, there might be a few side-effects on the down side: first 3 days headache, hunger, remaining compliant, change in bowels - there's ways to deal with that: aspirin, more water, bouillon, pickles, celery, metamucil - But honestly, the POSITVES FAR OUTWEIGH the minor difficulties.

If you're ready to lose the weight and ready to commit to MF, MF will work for you. In my opinion it's the "easiest" way to lose weight and feel great.

Good luck! I hope we see you around posting all your success on this forum.
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Postby EllenFree » June 4th, 2005, 4:46 pm

Thanks for the kind words. I am really looking forward to this and getting this weight off. I have a 3.5 year old and not one single picture of myself with him. On Mother's Day the school said to bring one in and I realized that I refused to let anyone take a picture of us together because of how I looked. What must that be doing to him?

I'm ready to gain some confidence in myself and my career because I am in a job that I know I could be a superstar if I wasn't constantly embarrassed about my weight.

I'll keep up the posts and looking for your great support!
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Postby victoria7 » June 4th, 2005, 4:50 pm

Hi EllenFree!

I just started last Tuesday. It's been great... I'm feeling super! Although, I have't weighed myself, so I can't give you any numbers, yet!

The first three days weren't as difficult as I expected... I had a headache once & a bit of stomach upset the first day. After that, smooooth sailing...

Best of luck to you!!! We're all doing this together!!!
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Postby martha » June 4th, 2005, 6:43 pm

Hi EllenFree--
I have been where you are about the pictures.. I haven't had one with any of my grandkids(4) or my husband in years :( and it's because I am discussed with my weight and my failure as a person who couldn't control herself and get her life straight.. :x Its almost like if there weren't any pictures then maybe it wasn't so bad after all..It's great that you realize the need to change not only for him but for yourself.. good luck and I'll be looking forward to seeing your sucess!!!!!!!! :D :D --Martha
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Postby fedup » June 5th, 2005, 8:42 am

LA Woman- LOVE your post! I agree 100%!

Ellenfree- I know just how you feel about pictures with your son. My daughter is one of my main motivators. When I first did MF last fall, I had a clear focus of wanting to be more active with her and be a good role model. After some "messing up" I'm back, and partly because my daughter helped me see the light. She's only 5 but for her preschool graduation she wanted me to wear a dress. I have tons of cute dresses, but none fit. So I was dressed in my everyday black capris... she said "but that's your work clothes!!!" So I knew the time had come to get my priorities back together! (So I wore a dress that I was packed into like a sausage, just cause she wanted me too! What we don't do for our kids huh!!) But she is indeed one of my biggest motivators.
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Postby DonicaB » June 5th, 2005, 11:24 am

Hi Ellen! :wave: I just wanted to say Welcome. We are so glad you decided to join us. This is such a great place to be.

Our children can be great motivators. I have often wondered if my boys, who are both teenagers, have ever been embarrassed that their MOM is overweight? :scratch: Though, this time around I am doing this for me. I think I have to do if for me first, and my family second.

I couldn't remember the last time I felt really good about myself and that bothered me. My self esteem just seemed to get lower and lower. I don't want that....I want to feel good again. MF and this forum has already helped me to begin to feel better and I am seeing my body change.

You are going to do great, Ellen. And again, WELCOME!

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Postby fedup » June 5th, 2005, 3:08 pm

Ditto to what Donica just said! You do have to do it for yourself first. I was so tired of being grumpy, out of breath and depressed all the time. So I knew the time had come... When I say my daughter is one of my greatest motivators, I mean it in a way that is putting myself first if that makes sense! By doing this for myself, I can be the person I want to be for her also. Not to "look good" for her, 'cause she loves me no matter what (to her I'm 'CIndy Crawford!) but it's a choice for ME to be the type of parent I want to be, and to choose the kind of life I want to live. I mean, food will always be good, and I will always enjoy it. But, I do not food to be the thing that drives my life, my health and my relationships!,
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Postby Spunky » June 5th, 2005, 3:56 pm

Welcome Ellen!!!!!!!!!!!

We are so happy you joined the greatest support system to reach your goal! I agree with all the above posts. You may have a few rough days to start but the rewards far outway a tiny bit of discomfort. You may be one of the lucky ones that breezes right through the first three days and looses a bunch of weight. I can't think of a better motivator than to check out that scale moving downward!

You may want to check out the section on "Frequently Asked Medifast Questions"

Enjoy the journey, we are here for you!
Happy Trails Y'all......... Spunky

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Postby suzyq » June 5th, 2005, 6:38 pm

Welcome! Keep psyching yourself up for the week ahead - you can do it! The forum is a great source of support - and information. I notice you mentioned your social life - my social life consisted almost entirely of food events! We love to go out to dinner, get together for barbeques, etc. We entertain frequently. So I can identify! I have found that on the days when we have a food event I do the 5 and 1. You can almost always find a lean and green meal on a restaurant menu. I also find people aren't so "negative" if they know that you can have "real food" too. The soups and stuff are helpful in that way too. And really, who cares what everyone else thinks? You are doing what you need to do to be healthy!!

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Postby DonicaB » June 6th, 2005, 5:18 am

Excellent attitude Christy!! I love the Cindy Crawford thing! :roflmao: You're doing great, Christy.

SuzyQ~~I think I missed you somewhere along the way. Honestly, I am so confused as to who I have welcomed that I'm not sure about anything, anymore. :dunno: Anywho...........I just wanted to say Welcome aboard, SuzyQ. You may have to change your name though, it reminds me of a Hostess Cake. :devious: :nutz: Maybe I will just call you Q!

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Postby suzyq » June 6th, 2005, 7:42 am

Thanks DonicaB! I am really happy to have joined the forum - have been a "lurker" for a little while and finally decided to jump in! My name is Susanne so you can call me that if you prefer - SuzyQ is just a family nickname - never really thought about the snack cake thing! :lol:

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