Tuesday April 25th Live Chat

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Tuesday April 25th Live Chat

Postby Nancy » April 26th, 2006, 7:35 pm

Tuesday Night Chattage

Folks, it was great to talk with you last night. How weird to broadcast from the MakeMeThinner Leopard Woman closet - I mean, how many people do you know that have a daybed, a fringy Victorian lamp, pictures on the wall and a chaise lounge in their closet, huh?

I want to thank you for your great participation and for sharing your good ideas with everyone.

It was very cool to hear about your weight loss success. Yahoo! We are losers! Unca did a quick tally and said together we lost over 300 pounds.

Brian, we didn't have your weight added in but we know you have already lost inches and that's a good thing! You're doing great!

I apologize for not making a post about the Live Chat for you - I was away for most of the day yesterday. (The parental units are in need of moi.)

It was neat to hear about how much you enjoy the Walden Farms salad dressings. Serendipity, I assume you are the one that sent the pictures of the Walden Dipping Sauces – thank you! They look very interesting to me and I may want to try the marshmallow on some Bananner Crème Puddin’ sometime!

Lauradr, how fun for us to hear your sweet voice.

Falisa, you better hook up that web cam...

I hope the rest of you pick up a mic with a headset, talking is much easier than pecking away at a keyboard.

If you get an opportunity sometime this next week, check out TLC’s new program, “Honey, We’re Killing Our Kids.” It’s on Mondays at 9 PM EST on the Learning Channel. I caught some of this last week and a teensy bit the week before. It is sobering….so many families are overweight and the entire family is at risk for certain diseases and what we eat can shorten our lives.

My heart went out to the mothers and fathers as they attempted to make healthful changes to their family’s diet. They didn’t know how – most were busy and tired at the end of their work days and usually grabbed fast food. The parents are also overweight.

The host of the show is a nutritionist and works with the family for three weeks, helping them to make significant changes in their lifestyle. Everyone helps cook and clean up. The family is given three rules each week to incorporate into their lives.

Most of you that participated in last evening’s Live Chat indicated that you got scared about how your weight was affecting your health and that’s why you got started on our program. I remember feeling so out of control with food and fearful of dying at a young age when my friend told me about Medifast. I used to worry that I would die young and the pall bearers would not be able to carry the box with my body in it. I used to worry that I might fall down somewhere and no one would be able to help me get up. I had this vanity-health thingy going on in my head all the time – I wanted to look better and yet I wanted to BE better but I could never seem to get a handle on my out of control eating.

The kids on TLC’s show are already out of control with food, it saddens me that the life expectancy of these precious youngsters will be shortened by 10-11 years unless they make the healthy changes a permanent part of their daily lives.

I know how hard it is to stick to the program for 3 months, 6 months, 8 months – I did it so I really do know how hard it is; it’s even harder to maintain my weight. I feel good and look so much better and yet I know that unless I keep on making healthy choices, I can easily outgrow my jeans.

Our kids, grandkids are watching us. The eating habits we establish in our home have a profound affect on the lives of our loved ones. Let’s do all we can to get and keep America healthy!

I’m in this together with you – I need accountability, too.

Medifast is healthy fast food for people on the go! Keep up the great work, People! I will look forward to reading your loss reportage!

I will be on the road next week, May 2nd at a TSFL business dinner at a wonderful restaurant in Baltimore (Roy's, Fells Point) and most likely will not be on the Live Chat but you MMT Kids can have an open chat room under the helpful hand of Unca.

I will eat responsibly…C U when I return!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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