trying to stay focused

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trying to stay focused

Postby » August 19th, 2004, 9:32 am

:x I do not know why its so hard for me stay focused. In my mind it tells me that i am hungry but my stomach says i am not. I know it sound weird but i really do feel full from my shakes. I need to really suceed at this diet this time around because my job is so stressful as a police officer. It is very physical and challenging. I brought the ketosis sticks and i have so many questions about them? I s anyone out there using them while on medifast? what kind of gum can you chew? Is five shakes a day enough while doing the full fast?[/b]
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Postby Nancy » August 19th, 2004, 10:41 am

Sweeshelby ~

Do a search on my Forum for ketosis. Here's a bit of info

[url] ... =keto+stix[/url

There is no reason to use them - IF you follow the plan, you will be in the fat burning state (ketosis) in a few short days.

Go to the FAQ link, too.
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