Dutch ~
You've taken the first step in the right direction! Now if we can keep your chin up, your head pointed in the right direction: forward, we'll get you there.
I can feel belly flab layered upon my waistband that wasn't there
If you are PMS-ing, hell-loh-oh! Some of the belly and crankiness just may be a result of that…
Some women certainly get a bit

cwazy inside when their hormones are in an uproar and research is showing such positive results when we take care of ourselves by eating wisely, soy is beneficial and getting plenty of rest. Are you doing that – taking care of yourself?
You’ve confessed to having scarfed things not on your weight
LOSS plan but let’s not equate that with being a bad person.
There are no foods that are bad - and eating is not bad. Eating uncontrollably is not healthy, but it is not bad.
The eater is not a bad person either.
Thanks for the confidence in my oh-to-be-wiser potential
DO have confidence in
You’ve stuck with the plan in the past, you can do it again.
You feel safer when your day is planned, when you know what you will have and when you will eat it. Have you been carefully planning healthy foods and healthy meal times the last couple of weeks?
Now I do not intend to open up a can of worms here, this is merely an observation - from afar and my

eyes are not as sharp as they used to be, but I thought you said not long ago that the
SO commented about how you ought to go for a lower weight, that he wanted you to get thinner and yet today, you said he
still refers to me as emaciated
I am confused!

Are you trying for a certain weight to please him or you?
I had a very difficult time knowing what weight would be right for me, too.
Long, long time ago, I weighed 128 and I thought that would be what I would aim for in my thinning process.
When I got to 150, my family and friends thought that I looked good.
My doctor said it was a perfect weight for me. She said that at my age (and lemme tell ya when she used the ‘A’ word that

bugged the puckies outta me…) that 150-155 would be the recommended weight, that is would be protective of my bones, particularly if I were to fall.
But I had it in my head that I wanted t go for the 128 weight.
I set my resolve and went for it.
I stayed there for quite some time but it was
really difficult to stay there.
I could hardly eat anything other than MF. I looked somewhat frail.
I liked the way my clothes fit but in the buff, I was pretty slim. My ribs and spine showed. My forehead looked boney (I dismiss the facial folds up there, hard-earned with life's adventures!).
At 128 pounds there were some body parts that still didn’t seem to be as slender as I wanted them to be: stomach, HIPS and saddlebags even at that weight.
I thought,

NEED to lose
more weight.
It became almost obsessive for me.
My family kept saying, Nancy, you need to
STOP. You look fantastic.
STOP and
be happy.
I realized that I could do some toning and strengthening and perhaps rearrange some of my weight but that indeed, I
DID look good. I no longer weighed 265 pounds and compared to that weight, I had accomplished a wonderful thing.

dawned on me, why was I not satisfied?

Who was I comparing myself to? and Why?
I wanted to look like the women on TV, in magazines, the way I looked when I was younger.
That was sick.
I am
NOT the TV, movie and magazine ladies. I am
NOT a teenager; I am
NOT in my early twenties (Drat!).

I am a

middle aged
extraordinary wife, Mom and friend.
I had lived in such a huge body for so long that I did not have a
realistic self concept of my new body.
I realized that being healthy was more important than weighing a certain amount.
Why was a certain number on the scale dictating how I felt about myself?
I was giving our bathroom scale – an inanimate object, for pity sake! the power to determine my daily outlook and
to define my self worth.
That was sick.

My doc said I was in a totally good place, health-wise at 150. My blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol levels – the ‘good’ cholesterol was good; the ‘bad’ cholesterol was good.
Therefore, my health was deemed ‘good’ by a trained health professional.
My husband couldn’t keep his

hands off me. That was/and continues to be
VERY good.

My friends all said I looked awesome. Some admitted that they were
jealous! What is
THAT all about? Some of them started dieting.

Hmm…that was good.
I got

stares at the grocery store and men ran to open the door for me and offered to help me with my groceries in the parking lot. What was THAT all about?
As I spoke at Take Shape For Life weight management presentations (In our area, there are several other Health Advisors and we used to get together once a week at a local hotel and give presentations on MF, to introduce the product to others interested in knowing more about it.), people flocked to talk to me after the presentation, they wanted to know all about how I lost so much weight. They wanted to know how I felt. They wanted my picture so they could take me home and put me on their refer to remind them that it could be done.
Lemme tell ya, MMT Forum Friends,
I dunno, Friend, if any of this rings true with you or with others.
There comes a time when we have to ask ourselves,
WHY are we doing this?
WHO are we trying to please?
WHEN will we know that we have arrived at the right weight?
WHAT is our plan for staying at our optimal weight?
WHERE do I go from here?
Dutch ~
What weight do
you want?
Why do you want it?
How badly do you want it? If you want a particular number on the scale, what will you have to do to stay there? If it means not eating a whole container of
chocolate frosting, then don’t clip the coupon ad do not buy the
frosting right now when you are in this cwazy rebellious teenager mental stage of life. Your kid and your SO don’t need
frosting either. Sheesh – read the label, do you really want those preservative inside your awesome bod?
Your BMI at 5’ 6” and 137 pounds is
22 which is definitely in the favorable zone
The maximum recommended weight is 155
At 125 pounds, your BMI would be
20; at 120 pounds, your BMI would be
You are an exercising machine. I am not. Your muscles weigh more than my bone padding (Hah! How’dja like that polite way to refer to flab?!)
We are the
same height: 5’ 6”; I am more experienced in life than you, Gulp! 56 years old (blech!) I look great at 135 and wear a size 6 in most clothing articles.
There comes a time when we have to really think this through and have a little chat with our self. There is a day when we have to say,
“This is IT. I have arrived. I did a good job.”
Now let’s get on with the next task of maintaining, learning new things, helping and serving others.
Love ya!
Still like me, Dutch?