trouble in paradise

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trouble in paradise

Postby Sarya » September 29th, 2006, 8:45 am

I'm having a lot of trouble right now. I don't know what to do about it. I've been so successful on Medifast. I know I will continue to be successful, but what used to be a lot easier to keep a handle on is now very difficult.

I know there could be many reasons. Work is insanely busy and stressful. A lot of emotionally trying things have been happening in my private life. I'm still not feeling well. I've really stepped up my exercise. It's that time of the year now...

But it seems like every day is spent battling my desire for "forbidden" foods.

After five months of barely chewing my food I really miss it. I want to have an apple sometime this season. I want to have pumpkin. I want to eat more solid food.

What happened to my head space?

Does anyone have any suggestions for getting back into the groove?
Does anyone have any suggestions for alternatives?

I have absolutely no desire to stop using medifast. It makes me feel better and look better. It is the only effective diet I have ever been on. But I'm really feeling the bonds of strictitude over here.
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Postby Amber » September 29th, 2006, 10:33 am

Interesting, Sarya... I've been feeling similarly of late.
Maybe it's planetary alignment?
Sorry I can offer no sage advise-
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Postby Sarya » September 29th, 2006, 10:49 am

I couldn't take it. I was feeling gross and nauseous so I had a sandwich and feel 200 times better.

What I am thinking about is trying 2 or 3 supplements a day and 2 or 3 lean and greens. At least for a while. Until the "omg where is all my solid food??" feeling goes away. I don't know what else to do. I have really been dreading my meals.

Like I said maybe it is partially the time of year. It's getting really cold here, and usually people want food with more substance to it in cold weather.

I was also looking at the diabetic meal plans.
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Postby Amber » September 29th, 2006, 11:41 am

A couple of L&Gs mixed up w/ your supplements shouldn't hurt you any. It may slow you down, but I'm thinking it won't slow your weight loss much. We are kind of entering that hibernation mode...
I know, from reading your posts, that you are sensible and in touch with your body and it's functions and needs. You know your goals, Sarya, and how to reach them. I encourage you to get there on your schedule and in the way that's best for you.
I've been doing 6&1 plus, somedays, a little extra protein. If anything, I'm losing better that I was on 5&1.
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Postby Nova » September 29th, 2006, 11:45 am

I've been feeling the same way lately, although not as strongly as you, I think. Lately I've been thinking lots about transition and maintenance, planning meals in my head. I'm still fantasizing about food, it's just that now it's fruit and cottage cheese instead of chocolate. I'm not sure that's a whole lot better.

Maybe make sure you have a bar every day, since it's solid food. I also like making my oatmeal into muffins or pancakes, so I can chew on those, and the soy crisps give me a third crunchy thing. I wish I had better suggestions.

I sat down and considered if I really wanted to go off MF just so I could eat solid food again, and my answer was no. So now when I get those cravings, I tell myself it's not time yet. The apples and pumpkins will still be there. I burn sugar cookie candles, and that actually gets rid of my cravings for sugar cookies. I don't know if it would work for other people. Maybe get a pumpkin pie candle.

It may be that the honeymoon period is over, and now you have to settle down for the long committment.

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Postby DogMa » September 29th, 2006, 12:04 pm

If you've stepped up the exercise, maybe you're not getting enough calories? What are you taking in every day?

And other than that, maybe you can change up your lean and greens some, and make them a little more special and satisfying.

Other than that, I don't know what to tell ya. What supplements do you usually have? I'd try to have more of the ones that ARE solid food, as Nova said. Chili, oatmeal, soy crisps - all of 'em are real foods to me. Even the soups, if they have some crackers added in, are solid to me. Pudding is still a daily treat, even on maintenance. Shakes have never felt like food to me, but I've never had more than one or two a day.

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Postby Serendipity » September 29th, 2006, 1:05 pm

I'm sure it won't surprise you that my suggestion would be to get compliant and stay compliant for a week or two. Then see how you feel. You've been on and off ever since you've been sick, right? So, now that you're feeling better, dig in and see if that helps.

I also like the suggestions above to make sure you use the supplements that are most like real food. (to me, they are real food) That could help, too.
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Postby Sarya » September 29th, 2006, 2:37 pm

Jo, you're right. I wanted to get compliant and stay compliant for at least two weeks, but it doesn't seem like my body wants to let me. I feel soo much better physically since I had the solid food earlier. I am still fighting something, I don't know what, so maybe that is a part of it. I have had a sore throat for two days now.

Robin, I didn't really change much when I added in the exercise. So pretty much it was a bar, a pudding, then three shakes or drinks or the occasionally soup or oatmeal. My L&G is either chicken or beef seasoned with different seasonings or curry and grilled. Served with broccoli, green beans, peppers and mushrooms, or salad. A few times I made a full fledged chicken and veggie curry or other stewed veggie sort of dishes, as well as an eggplant lasagna one day.

Generally speaking my calories hover around 800. It has only been this week that I have dipped into the soy crisps. I try to stay away from them since they're so carb-y and addictingly good.

I have a lot to think about with this. Maybe between the fighting the illnesses, the exercise, and the life stress my normal 5&1 plan just isn't enough. The thing is, I have all of the supplements I'm willing to eat, and even then.. well I don't know. Like I said maybe I need more of something. I know some people do when they start exercising, and as much as I hate to have to admit it I am still sick with something or still hard-core recovering.
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Postby monkeegirl » October 4th, 2006, 9:35 pm

I was just reading your posts, and wondering if you are feeling any better, or how you are hanging in there? I am very new to MF, but I have dieted many times in my life and relate so much to what you are going through. I am recovering from a hysterectomy currently, so I am really not feeling well either. I have enjoyed this forum and having other folks to chat with about MF and life in general---it is a wonderful group of people.

Just wanted to give you a pat on the back and hope you are feeling better!

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Postby Diana » October 10th, 2006, 10:35 pm

Hey, Sarya.

I've been struggling a bit, too. I think you're right on track, though -- get it out there, cultivate support, seek advice, embrace accountability, push on through. Even though this is the easiEST, most effective thing I've ever done, it doesn't mean it's a cinch.

And, as you can tell from the responses, nothing works for everybody. I know for me -- now that I've tried it -- as much as that apple and pumpkin look really, really good (especially in PIE form!!), it'll be there next year when (hopefully) I'll be in maintenance. I'm on a journey. I've packed what I'm taking with me. The rest will be waiting when I arrive at my destination (although our relationship will be forever changed).

Hang in there and know that you're not alone in the struggle.
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