I tried

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I tried

Postby Alison » June 2nd, 2004, 3:03 pm

I really tried to be positive and upbeat but I'm just down today. No weightloss this week. I feel like I am never going to get to goal. I also feel really tired lately. My period did not come last month which makes me anxious. No I am not pregnant. I just don't get why I lose so slowly. I wouldn't care as much but being on the complete plan I never go out anymore. I don't know. the last 4 weeks I have lost a total of 3 pounds. I am going to Maui mid July and I was sure I would be at least within 10 pounds of my goal. I have about 20-25 to go. Someone kick me in the butt before I screw up.
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Postby Unca_Tim » June 2nd, 2004, 4:00 pm

Hi Alison,

Alison wrote:I tried

That sounds past tense to me?
No butt kickin' here unless you're cheating.

Give us a couple average typical day's schedule and maybe we can see something.

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Postby Alison » June 2nd, 2004, 4:50 pm

No I haven't cheated exactly. I have 5 shakes a day. Three times in the past 70 days I had 6. I drink a 1/2 to 1 full gallon of h20 daily. I have 7-9 cups of decaf herbal tea with 3 or 4 sweet n lo in each. I do have 10 -12 pieces of sf gum daily (which is more than I am allowed). Maybe 3 days a week I have diet coke. (1 lt.) I workout 3-5 days a week. 3-4 miles on climbing machine (30 minutes) & 10 minutes of weight lifting.
That's the whole story.
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Postby Unca_Tim » June 2nd, 2004, 5:07 pm

With the amount of exercise you're getting the 6th shake isn't a problem, in fact it may be needed.

The first thing i'd suggest is probably not what you want to hear. I'd try cutting back on all the artificial sweeteners including the gum. If you can try this religiously for 4-5 days, you may see a change. It'll probably take a few days to see the results.

The next thing i'd try is cutting back a bit on the exercise. Maybe go to more of a toning regimen that doesn't burn as many calories. You do want to stay toned with gentle exercise, but overdoing it can slow your weight loss. This is especially important if your average day includes plenty of walking and natural exercise.

Try these two suggestions one at a time, so you can confirm which one may be causing the prob.

Keep us posted,
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Postby Nancy » June 2nd, 2004, 10:05 pm

Alison ~

I concur with Unca. Too much exercise, too little food. If you feel puny and tired, no wonder! Have some Fast Soups or bouillon - it may help you feel a bit perkier.
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Postby Landylue » June 3rd, 2004, 7:05 pm

Alison, you KNOW that I totally understand your frustration, but I want to wholeheartedly encourage you to keep on trying. Of course you are going to get to your goal--right along with the rest of us. There are several of us on the forum lately who are having to back up a bit and take a closer look at what we are doing each day. But the idea is to NOT to quit trying, but to alter our actions a bit to get that weight dropping again. (I'm talking to myself here, also. . .) Try Unca's suggestions. I have a friend that is doing Atkins and can't do Sweet-n-Low at all because of the number of carbs in each packet. If you are having up to 36 packets of that wonderful stuff a day, maybe that DOES have something to do with it. Please, give it a try for a week to test out Unca's theory.

Regarding the exercise, are your clothes fitting differently? Are you taking your measurements as you go along? With all that stair climbing and weight lifting you are doing, your fat might be melting away, but the muscles in your new buns-o-steel might be keeping those numbers on that scale up a bit. I applaud your exercise efforts, but Unca and Nancy might be right in that it's too much for now. Ease up a little in that area, also.

Make those changes, Alison, give it a week, and keep us posted on your progress. I'm really interested to know if just those minor changes will make the needed difference.

We're all pulling for you, Alison. No one ever promised us that this was easy, did they. We are both going to find a way to get that weight to start dropping again. In the meantime, hang on. Letting go won't get either of us anywhere.

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Postby Nancy » June 4th, 2004, 7:14 am

Yep, Landy's right. Check out her by-line: Failure is Not an Option!

BTW, Landy, you will soon be outta the sixties! The fifties are on their weigh!!
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Postby Guest » June 9th, 2004, 10:30 am

Hi all,
I wanted to say thank you for the responses. I guess I knew I needed to lose the sweetners and let my body rest but sometimes I think I can still cheat the system. No so!! I lost the sweetner for the last week, cut back a tad on the exercise and had an extra shake on the days I did exercise. Two things happened 1) my energy went way up and I wasn't bloated up. I think all that sweetner puffed me up. 2) I lost 2.5 lbs which is a lot for me. All in I am down 25 lbs in 11 weeks. I am wearing jeans that I wore when I was 10 lbs less than I am now. So maybe I have added muscle and lost fat!! Thanks again Nancy, Unca and Landylue!!
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Postby Landylue » June 9th, 2004, 11:30 am

Great going, Alison! Told you it was those buns-o-steel!

Your post even made ME feel better.

Thanks for sharing your good news!

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