Some of you may be wondering why my ticker hasn't moved.
I have 3 re-starts since January. I know if I want it bad enough, I will stick to it. I haven't.
I tricked myself!
I come to this forum almost everyday and read, post, etc. I somehow thought that since I was doing that, I was ok. Meanwhile, I have been eating whatever I want. Coming and posting DOESN"T count! You actually have to eat/drink MF also! Whoo! There, I said it! It has sunk in!
I have pinpointed my problem, as if I didn't know
It's every Thursday and every other weekend!!! My kids go with their dad and I go out with my friends!
I'm not and alcoholic but I can drink with the best of them. I love beer and Vodka and of course, shots!
This is the only time I drink! Then, of course...gotta hit Filibertos or Dennys for that 3am meal! YUCK!!!!
Slap in the face last night.....I saw myself dancing in the mirror.I only dance when I have that lovely liquid courage. My stomach was worse than I thought! Somehow, I always manage to meet guys and get asked out but Lord have mercy......what are they seeing? Naturally, these men are all the wrong type. To save you the breathe, I know the bar scene is the wrong place to meet people. My mother tells me this all the time!!!
Anyways, tomorrow is May 1st! Perfect day to start getting real and stop fooling myself.
I will weigh in the morning, posts new pics and start shaking!
Thanks for letting me take this space for my own personal diary.
You all have been nothing but 100% great since I've been here.
I couldn't do this without every single one of you!!!!