Transition from full fas to 5&1

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Transition from full fas to 5&1

Postby Hyperion » February 26th, 2006, 11:09 am

Hi guys and girls!

I think that's time for me to live a change. November 3rd, I was here writing my first post, and I received my order this day. My weight then was 264.

Today, February 26th, I weigh 181 pounds... I succeeded what I failed all this time. Success was so good that I decided to keep up until 160.

However, I decided that at 180, I would switch to the 5 & 1 plan. I truly think it will help me transition when I get to 160. Plus, I feel the extra food will help me with my exercise program.

My question is (and I'd like Nancy posting here :D): What is the recommendation for transitionning from full fast (4 months now) to 5&1? I am pretty sure I cannot decide to switch in one day :D

Thanks for all your answers!
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Postby Serendipity » February 26th, 2006, 11:37 am

Hey Hype! One more measly pound and you're at your first goal! That's just fantastic! Seems like only yesterday, we were just beginning.

I agree with your decision to go with the 5&1 now, well in one more pound. I think transition can be very tricky - at least it was for me last time.

The great ones :bow: here will help ya through it.
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Postby Nancy » February 26th, 2006, 10:34 pm

Hyperion ~

You are such a star! :star:

We enjoy you so much and are blessed by your success and your vitality!

I think it is a good idea for you to begin now, too.

You :weightlift: feel good and obviously :shades: look wonderful
(what a :table: fine specimen you are!)

:secret: Sheesh, just as I was about to turn off my ‘puter and :yawn: ta ta off for my leopard jammies…you come along and ask a biggy that cannot be answered in a short paragraph. :x Now this is exactly why you NEED your very own personal Health Advisor to :stroll: walk you thru the whole process…

I did write a newletter long long ago and I covered transition somewhat in the November ’03 Newsletter. Like you, I was on the complete meal replacement program with no regular food. Here’s a linky-poo just for you ... letter.htm

Now lemme say that your first meal of regular food needs to be a SMALL portion of deli chicken or turkey or white fish. Like 1 -2 ounces the first day.

Chew it up really good so it is like a paste before you swallow it and drink plenty of water before, during and after.
You may need a Tagamet or Zantac if you feel uncomfy.

If you do ok for several days then you may gradually increase the portion size over the course of several days.

The meat must be very lean – avoid beef and pork until you are sure your belly can handle it.

Salmon is not a good idea either… Leopard Woman took the :trophy: prize for the world indoor diarrhea dash when I ate salmon too early during transition…

The second week, add a small green salad to your meat serving.
If you’ve tolerated the 4 ounces of meat, you can increase it this week a little more.
:shades: Watch the salad dressing…low fat & low cal.
If cooked vegetables are easier to digest for you,
you may wish to go that route.

I would plan on the switch to take two full weeks to go from the complete to the 5 & 1 Program.

:devious: Stick close to the BR.
Keep some :runner: Imodium and Tagamet handy in case you need them.

Be very careful, Hype.

Stay off the scale the first couple of weeks; expect some fluctuations.

Drink water! :water:

:coach: Keep me posted.
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Postby big ron » February 27th, 2006, 7:44 am

Hype is my math correct you are in the 80 club ???? :toast: Unca needs to change you. Awsome job, glad to see you so close to goal. Have missed you on the forum but glad you are doing so great. :thumbig: Ron
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Postby Hyperion » February 27th, 2006, 7:57 am

Thanks everyone for the reply!

Indeed big ron, I have been much more active these last weeks in real life, which means less active on the computer :D

Yes, I need to be put in the 80#s club, hehe when you're ready Unca :D

As soon as I get under 180, I'll take the plunge to the 5 & 1 with the transition guide Nancy gave me :)

Until then (3 or 4 days more), I need to plan carefully how I'll do that, get some food at the grocery store (there has been nothing since November 3rd!), and finally prepare my mind to an eventual weigh rebound as I adjust :?

By the way Nancy, if I understand well, right now I have 6 MF meals... First week, I would go down to 5 MF meals + 1-2 ounces of deli chicken or turkey? Then increase gradually.... Second week, small green salad and 4+ ounces of meat?

I'll keep you all posted, and thanks for the help! :D
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Postby Nancy » February 27th, 2006, 9:03 am

Hype ~

I'd stay with the 6 packets the first week as you are adding such a small amount of meat.

The second week when you add salad or the cooked vegetable and increase the meat a little more then I'd try taking away the 6th packet at that point. However, if you need it, keep it for a while until your meat portion is increased to a standard 5-7 ounce portion, depending upon if it is red meat or poultry/fish.

80 Pounds is a lot of weight. We're happy for you, Hyperion. How much has the GF (Girlfriend) lost by now?
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Postby Hyperion » February 27th, 2006, 9:10 am

Nancy, thanks you're so much help :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

My girlfriend has lot 40 pounds so far, which is great :D

She has a little more diffculty than me though, as she is cheating sometimes, but hey, 40 pounds gone is 40 pounds gone right? :D

I may post some pictures when I'm at goal, and hopefully they will be with my girlfriend (for now, she seems to have that "I hate cameras" atttitude most of us have!) :D
Began: 2005-11-03
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Postby Nancy » February 27th, 2006, 10:44 am

We will be looking for those pictures, Hype!

Your GF has done great to lose 40 pounds - that is a LOT!

Well, yeah, we girls do like to avoid those cameras for a while; it takes some time for our 'head' to catch up with our weight loss. We still see ourselves as being overweight and sometimes we become more self-critical when we are in the process of thinnin'.

re: cheating and sticking to the plan...

When a person cheats, it is easier to keep on cheating and more difficult to stick to the plan.

Psychologically it affects us and also physically. The additional carbs raises the blood sugar level and then it plummets, leaving us cruising the cupboards for more. It is destructive. Usually one cheat leads to another and we easily become 'hyped on the carb high’; that is not good because we crave more and more and then the cycle returns and we feel trapped.

The more we cheat, the more we struggle with stopping and then we feel discouraged, angry and feel like a personal failure. It is a tough place to live, Been there done that...

I know you are such a great encouragement to her, Hype. You can help her to make it work - talking while walking is a great way to help others - usually when we walk, we are watching where we are going and have less eye contact, it can be less threatening when we discuss serious matters of the heart in close proximity but without the stare-down!

Happy healthy day to you, our Canadian Friends!
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Postby katieb920 » February 27th, 2006, 11:28 am

Wow you are such an inspiration to me. I think it is great that you lost that much. You look Fab. Tell your girlfriend way to go. Keep up the great work. I love to see when people are happy with what they are doing. It really does help me and it gets me motivated.

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