
Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)


Postby Cate » January 24th, 2004, 9:08 pm

OK, I've been on Medifast for a few weeks, but I have not been as strict as I was the first week. I am hoping that loggng in here will help keep me on track. Fortunately I just received about a month's supply for free! A friend's sister did not want it any more. This is a great motivation.

I have been doing the modified program using about half a chicken breast and steamed broccoli for the meal. This works well for me. I just need to stay on track this time.

I have lost about 8 pounds and I shutter to think of what I could have lost by now if I just did what I need to do.

Thanks for being here.
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stay on track!

Postby Jade » January 25th, 2004, 11:12 am

Hi Cate,
I think the thing with this program is not deviating. Your body will fall out of "burn mode" if not following it to the letter. The water seems to be essential too. I had one day where I was running around and didn't get all the water. I was up 2 lbs the next day. Even though I know it wasn't fat gain, it still bugged me. The next days I paid more attention to the water and the pounds came off and more. Keep posting on this forum. It has been a tremendous help to me to feel like I am not doing this alone. Sending you energy and peace. Jade
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Postby finalstraw » January 25th, 2004, 11:51 am

Read and post daily. I am on day 8 and actually having more trouble than the first 5. I come here and see other people also struggling and when I see how they made it, it give me the motivation I need.

Sometimes we just need enough motivation to get through a few hours and sometimes a few days.

Hang in there and keeping reading and posting. If you need motivation, just ask :D

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