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Postby Sojourner » August 24th, 2006, 12:37 pm

Sorry this is so late, but WELCOME DI!!

I would have liked 50 but will take 10.

Funny girl! I know what you mean, but still--10 lbs. is a great loss in one week!! Good job! :yay:

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Di » August 24th, 2006, 4:08 pm

Thanks - I never knew how powerful it is to see that little slidy thingy at the bottom of the blog move - it really is great!
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Today I will concentrate on just today.......
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Lower than pond scum.....

Postby Di » September 13th, 2006, 5:00 pm

Well I am back from vacation and I was not good. Kansas, family, bisuits, gravy, meetings, lunches, client dinners, you get the picture. I pretty much made my mind up to be as good as I could and know that I would jump right back in when I get back and today I'm back and today I jumped back in. :lol:

I haven't gotten back on the scale yet and am scared to. I know I gained but I just don't want to have gained it all back. I am taking it one day at a time and have been right on program so far today. Tonight I will make up my food for the rest of the week and take stock to see if I need to order. I am bound and determined to not let this 'set back' stop me. Last night I binged - :bib: - I think it was the stress of the whole vacation and ate a whole coconut cream pie, 4 apricot tarts and 2 cherry. Wow the headache I have today is monumental. I really feel ashamed that I let go like that - but I wanted pizza too so I guess there was some control in there somewhere.

I'm feeling pretty low right now but tomorrow is another day but for now I will concentrate on today.
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Today I will concentrate on just today.......
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Postby Di » September 29th, 2006, 3:43 pm

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 1:56 am Post subject: BACK ON TRACK


Well I am back on track and vacation is over. I have thrown out all the bad stuff from my fridg and boy were my kids happy with what they inherited. I have lost nearly all the weight I gained on vacation and expect to be ahead again by the end of the week. All in all I have lost 10 pounds in a month. Not bad by normal standards - but who's normal.
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Postby Di » September 29th, 2006, 3:54 pm

I got my latest order and one of the things I ordered was the Medifast Book which has a lot more information than the quick start guide. I realized that I was not begin nearly as good as I was supposed to be. I am a creature of routine and can eat the same thing every day. For dinner I have chicken (7oz) and 'veggies in a bag'. I buy the veggies from vons and you just toss them in the micro and they cook in about 4 minutes. I generally eat the whole bag which is about 95-100 calories. I prefer the stir fry bags which have brocolli, carrots, and pea pods. Well at least the brocolli was legal.

I went home and threw out what I had and bought just the bags with brocolli and cauliflower. I will be more diligent.

Today I am really proud of myself we had a going away lunch for one of my employees (she is 18 pregnant married and her husband is being stationed in Denver and is a size 2 maybe) everyone picked off the menu and it was order and brought back to the office. So while everyone was having lasagna, manicotti, etc etc - I had my chicken soup. Later one of my site guys came in and gave me a present - a pink string with a fishing lure on it and three swedish fish on the hook, plus a bag of swedish fish. He knows I love them and I could eat the whole bag in a second. Well I took a big smell, hung the fish on my desk and passed the bag around. I didn't eat a one. I did go out to my car and grab a RTD that was in my glove box.

Such progress....I am impressed with even myself!
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Postby Nova » September 29th, 2006, 6:39 pm

That's fantastic, Di. I know how hard it is to hold fast in the face of something like the swedish fish, so a big round of applause for you. Sounds like you're doing great.

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Postby mellowmom » September 29th, 2006, 7:28 pm

WTG Di...Best exchange that Swedish Fish for some good old Coho Salmon... Much better for you and way more filling... ;-

You're doing great and you really have got the Medifast mindset in play now. You're on your way, girl.

Take care and give me a call sometime, if you have any further questions.

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Wedding Shower Strong

Postby Di » October 2nd, 2006, 7:23 am

Thanks Guys. Went to a Wedding Shower on Saturday. I knew it was going to be a challenge so I was eating chicken soup in the car on the way there. I passed on the roll up sandwiches, cookiers, margaritas, chips, dips and even the cake. I did munch on the the raw veggies (that I brought) and didn't touch the dip. They did have dill pickles though so I had some of them. Another victory.

Sunday I made up my soup and oatmeal for the week and put it in the fridge. I am ready and strong. So 15 pounds down since 8/17.
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Postby Di » October 4th, 2006, 7:46 am

Its Wednesday and I got on the scale - another pound gone - that makes 16. I haven't started exercising yet and maybe I should be. Maybe that would help things along. I know I should be very happy with 2-3 pounds a week, but I want more....MORE I TELL YOU MORE...sorry lost it for a second. I haven't measured myself in a while and I will do that Sunday when I weight myself. :roll:
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