H E L P !!!!!!!!

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H E L P !!!!!!!!

Postby ChattieCathy57 » April 10th, 2006, 4:36 pm

I've had a TERRIBLE day and I need to stay online, reading posts and NOT go in the kitchen!!!

I need to vent - so here we go!

I have been looking for a full time job for a little while now and found a wonderful one with the Board of Education, it's a one-on-one nurse position for a severly handicapped child; the pay is wonderful and the benefits even better ... Mon - Fri with all the holidays, spring and winter breaks off and - of course - the 2 summer months ... HOW WONDERFULLY EXCITED I AM TO HAVE THIS OPPORTUNITY and BE LOSING WEIGHT and feeling great at the same time! :D

Well, today they called me to tell me that the childs Mom pulled her out of the district and is moving her to another district ... so "your services are no longer needed" (and I was scheduled to sign my year contract next week!) :shock: I am SO disappointed :( all I did was cry most of the morning... It was the "ugly cry" :cry: (like Oprah says). On top of that, my husband (who I kid about being a pain in my 'you know what') but he really is my best friend and my biggest supporter, is away on business for the week :( AND today - of all days - is the day my son brings home the dreaded EASTER candy from the school sale! :help: (of course I bought about $100.00 worth of candy (this was pre-MF, mind you)...


...but I haven't so far. I really dont think I will either. This is the hardest test I have come across yet (hope NOTHING comes up thats harder than THIS one!).

I know things happen for a reason - and that God has a better job waiting out there for me ... and that this is a test and if I can pass this test, there are wonderful things waiting for the "new me" ... but it really, really SUCKS! :cry: I am so incredibly sad right now, but proud to say I am still on program.

Oh well, tonight will be a 2 jello night with Howie Mandel and "The Donald" and - hopefull - tomorrow will be a better day :)

Thank you all for listening to me ... sometimes it just feels good to talk to friends! :hugblue:


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Postby supermom » April 10th, 2006, 4:46 pm

Hi Cathy!! I hope you are still doing okay. Hang in there. Boy, do I know how you feel. My husband is gone a lot. It seems like he is always gone when something BIG and TRYING happens. Right now is when you need to put your big girl panties on and stand firm on your ground. You started this life change and you are not going to quit. When your husband calls to check in tonight, don't let on like you are feeling like quiting. Instead, just tell him matter of factly what happened and that it was not a very good day, but that you are doing good and you know there is going to be something come along really soon. God never shuts a door without opening another one. Problem is, sometimes we refuse to see the door opening!! Keep your eyes open, your mind clear and your spirits high. We are all here for you.

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Postby Arklahoma » April 10th, 2006, 4:56 pm

Cathy, I'm so sorry to see that you're having such a rough time. I recently had a very difficult issue and I practically laid in bed with the pizza delivery menu on the bedside table because I wanted to call so badly. It was a huge struggle but I did get through it with a lot of positive self-talk and reading the boards. Let me know if I can help in any way!

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Postby DogMa » April 10th, 2006, 5:05 pm

Hey, I've done that with the delivery menus, too!

Cathy, I'm so sorry about the job. But you're right, it wasn't meant to be and something better will come along. You know what? They talk about overweight people being discriminated against in the job market, even subconsciously. So maybe you were meant to be available a little longer so that you be closer to goal and would GET that perfect job when it becomes open.

Hang in there. And read, read, read the boards all night if you have to. I'm at work for the next five hours, so feel free to post or PM as late as you want. I'll do my best to talk ya down. :)

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Postby ChattieCathy57 » April 10th, 2006, 5:41 pm

Awww, thanks everyone :heart:

I am feeling alot better now that I've cried myself silly and gotten everything off my chest about this horrible day :x

I spoke with my husband and let him know exactly what was going on with the job and the Easter candy ... OH!, for dinner tonight, my boys had burgers & macaroni & cheese (the Kraft one in the box with the squeeze package of cheese) ... one of my favorite comfort foods!!! AND (I'm proud to say) when they left the kitchen and I had to clean up ... EVERY SINGLE NOODLE went in the garbage can (but I did have to hold my breath so I didn't smell that yummy cheese! ;) ) BUT I DID'T EAT ANY OF IT! (I had my 4oz burger w/ a little ketchup and cabbage on the side)

this sure is HARD ... I hope I'll be a knockout when I'm at goal!

I am now concentrating on a case manager or clinical coordinator position - maybe in New York City ($$ good there). I'll just pray that I am led in the right direction :angel:

I love you all and thank you for being here for me (It's so nice NOT to be alone). :stroll:


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Postby DogMa » April 10th, 2006, 5:49 pm

Good for you, Cathy!! Mac and cheese is the worst. I love that stuff. Sigh.

You know you should be having 5 ounces of beef after cooking, right? Not 4 ounces? It's not a big difference, but when you're facing temptation already, that ounce can be a life saver.

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Postby falisamarie » April 10th, 2006, 6:03 pm

Cathy---I am so sorry you are going through a rough time but I am very proud of you for standing strong and it will pay off for you! I know that there is a better job that God has waiting for you so just hang in there and trust in Him.

PM me if you need anything or if you want my number so you can have someone to talk to if needed.

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Postby deirdrek » April 10th, 2006, 10:20 pm

Cathy I had one of those days too, and my husband is gone on buisness also. This is my first week, day 7, hardest day for me so far, I almost caved in :shock: but like you I got through it. So glad your doing better. We can do this! :D

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