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Postby explorthis » February 2nd, 2004, 10:10 am

RESOLVE: Definition:
1. To make a firm decision about.
2. To cause (a person) to reach a decision.
3. To decide or express by formal vote.

Listed below are actual snippets from THIS BOARD. Snippets from you. Do you see YOUR reasons and excuses listed here? Do you see the comments following? Pro’s and Con’s. There are no Con’s to losing weight, that I can see.

Today I suck.
I was stressed and depressed the scale hadn't moved and yesterday I ate.
I sit here on my butt yesterday being an ice cream piggy.
I just suck today.
I'm a stress eater and I used to be able to binge.
I don't know how or why I sabotaged myself so badly, but I did.
I couldn't take it any longer and I soon found myself at the take out line.
Well, I just feel like giving up now and I’ve been doing good I guess.
I don't know if I can take it anymore!? I soooo wanna go eat my favorite meal right now.
I was in tears last night and some of today.
I was not enjoying life and I could no longer suck in my stomach to hide my belly.

Now from the same posts, look at the same folks posting the reasons and testimony’s that Medifast works:

We have all used food as a coping mechanism for so long.....then we fall into the pattern of self-hatred for our actions.
We fall into the pattern of self-hatred for our actions.
Just take a few minutes to go somewhere quiet and clear your mind then refocus yourself toward your goal again.
I can see a difference on my lower tummy when I have pants on.
It is a day to day struggle, my experience is that is does not get easier, you just get smaller.
Yes it does get easier it becomes a way of life.
This is one plan that really does work if you stick to it.
It does get easier.
Medifast is 90% mental.
I'm not willing to gain those back.
My shirts have gone from XL to a large.
A dramatic improvement in your health.

These are ALL excuses. Excuses are what got us here in the first place. There is no reason to not lose weight. (In my opinion): We have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT OURSELVES. We have been overweight our entire life (or part of it anyway) we are here for 2 reasons:


As you decide to go to that drive through, or make that ice cream cone, or go to Red Lobster and eat that brownie, think what you are doing to yourself. How did you get this way? Why would you sabotage your progress for a USELESS minute of taste, one minute of instant gratification, when 10 minutes later, or 10 seconds later you are sorry you deviated? You knew in the first place you should not have deviated. You know the program works. You know by reading these posts, weather confessing, or telling someone of your WONDERFUL progress that Medifast works.

I want you to list all the reasons you want to remain overweight right NOW. YOU CANNOT LIST ANY. List all the reasons you want to be BEAUTIFUL and thin. There are a million. There is not enough space on this board to list ALL the reasons. Please, please give it the chance it deserves. Give this program all the credit in the world. I have lost 110 pounds by giving Medifast the top priority in life it deserves. For the first time in my life, I took control. For the first time in my life, I put food on the bottom burner. I actually turned the burner off. I have sworn off food that is bad for me. I no longer see food as a crutch, or what ever you want to call it. We cannot continue this life style. We cannot continue to eat ourselves to death. We are destined to be thin. If you did not want to be thin, you would not have begun your last chance effort. Medifast is your last chance. Medifast works. I am living proof. You have seen my pictures; you have read my testimony over and over and over again.

Do not give into temptation. Temptation will go away. They must not over power you for 1 minute of self gratification. I speak from the heart. Stick with it, don’t allow 1 second of temptation to jeopardize your progress. Everyone on here has seen progress, weather its 2 days and 2 pounds, 10 days and 10 pounds, or 147 days and 110 pounds.

There is no EUPHORIC program like this one. There are no other programs. This is the last stop. THE LAST STOP!

Please resolve NOW to begin again, continue on your “slender” path. Continue to lose this weight FOREVER!

Let Medifast do its magic. It is Magic I promise. There is a NEW YOU waiting in the wings.




P.S. for Kimbob: Definition of Irreverence:
Lack of reverence or due respect.
A disrespectful act or remark.
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Postby Jeanette » February 2nd, 2004, 10:45 am

He's BAAAAACK!!!!!!! :yes:
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Postby finalstraw » February 2nd, 2004, 10:45 am

I want you to list all the reasons you want to remain overweight right NOW

Nough Said. You nailed some RESOLVE on my front door today. Thanks :D

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Postby star85 » February 2nd, 2004, 11:00 am

The MAN is back! Mike I so needed to read that post! Thank you once again. I'm so glad you are back. As I've already told you before, you're one of the main reasons I joined this forum in the first place. When I first joined, there were only a few "regular posters" at that time, and you took me in "under your wing" and inspired me and guided me to get started and keep going. You know I look to you as an advisor/mentor. You are an inspiration to all of us. You set out and accomplished the same goal that we are all in the process of trying to accomplish right now, and that was no easy goal. You take the time to read all of our posts and always make sure you respond with useful and inspiring information. Unless it's absolutely necessary, don't disappear on us again! ( hee, hee) Congratulations on the 110 lbs. weight loss. That's amazing. Post some more recent "after" pics! Are you on maintenance right now? Let us know. I'm going to print this recent post of yours and stick it on my bedroom wall to read it whenever I get an urge to cheat!

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Postby BonitaGirl » February 2nd, 2004, 11:17 am

Mike, Thank you for the motivational post, I agree with much that you have to say, but I have a very LARGE problem with one thing you said.

List all the reasons you want to be BEAUTIFUL and thin.

Does this mean that you cannot be large and beautiful? I totally disagree with you, I AM beautiful, and I am by no means thin. You don’t have to be thin to be beautiful, that is what society has made you think. That is the wrong way of thinking. You have to want to be thin for another reason, maybe for your health or for comfort reasons. Not because you think THIN is beautiful. That is a crock. There are thousands and thousands of men and women who find larger is beautiful. Society has made us all think that you must be thin to be beautiful. Don’t buy into that. Yes, we need resolve to do this program. Yes, it works, but don’t do it for the wrong reasons. Do it because it makes you feel better, do it because it will make you healthier, don’t do it to be BEAUTIFUL and THIN.

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Postby finalstraw » February 2nd, 2004, 11:29 am

I also second Bonita, everyone has always told me that 'I hold my weight well'.

But, I am losing for two reasons, unfortunately, the first is to look 'thin & beautiful', although everyone says I am very pretty, they do often add, "Oh, if you could just loose some weight, you would be gorgeous", so I am giving into society that will always say 'you are pretty but -". The other reason is just SIZE. I love water parks, ride parks and just being outdoors, I am tired of worrying if I will fit or what people will think, I miss being active outdoors. I want to go rafting with friends, but afraid my weight will alter the boat or my size will keep me from being as limber as I need to be.

Bonita is so right, my daughter is just 30lbs overweight and the 'world' says she is fat. She looks good, but she is not bone thin, so she is fat. THAT MAKES ME MAD!

Rom 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes:

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Postby Kimbob » February 2nd, 2004, 11:34 am

Thank you, Mike. Nobody does "honesty" the way you do. You don't let us hide from ourselves, and we've already spent way too many years doing that.

Thank you for putting the mirror back up in front of our faces :)

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Postby shineface » February 2nd, 2004, 11:48 am

Go BABY ----
Mike --YOUR POSTS are one of the reasons I joined this forum -----thank GOD as you reach your GOAL - you continue to reach OUT --- to all of us who need your experience, strength and hope.

I haven't heard it told that straight since I (very sadly) buried my husband 2.5 years ago ---- some time guys (not sexist) just have a way to cut thru the CRAP and say it !!!! I don't care how many words it takes when the message is delivered - the message is RECEIVED!

Thanks & stay close!!!!

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Postby explorthis » February 2nd, 2004, 11:58 am

BonitaGirl wrote:Mike, Thank you for the motivational post, I agree with much that you have to say, but I have a very LARGE problem with one thing you said.

List all the reasons you want to be BEAUTIFUL and thin.

Does this mean that you cannot be large and beautiful? I totally disagree with you, I AM beautiful, and I am by no means thin. You don’t have to be thin to be beautiful, that is what society has made you think. That is the wrong way of thinking.

Bonita, forgive me for the non thinking "finger slip". I in no way have ever thought someone was non beautiful for being overweight, or under weight, blue, green, white, any size, or color for that matter. I guess reading my post did make it sound that you had to be thin to be beautiful. This was not my intention to have you percieve this the way it sounded, and I am sorry if I made it sound this way.

I know the world/society has led us to believe that being beautiful means being thin. I DO NOT live in a glass house by any means, nor do I plan on moving into one anytime soon, so I have no right, nor WOULD I ever grade someone's looks based on weight.

My error, I did not read (re-read) carefully enough before posting.

However, your comment...

There are thousands and thousands of men and women who find larger is beautiful.

...makes me wonder if these people have ever been at a desirable weight. I call it thin. The old addage: "Money does not bring happiness" Well I say that someone that says this, has never had money. These thosands and thousands who find "larger is beautiful" probably have not expierienced the euphoria of being smaller. I call it thin.

My opinion.

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Postby Jeanette » February 2nd, 2004, 12:12 pm

Not gonna nickpick ya on this Mike. If you want to say "thin", go for it.

The old addage: "Money does not bring happiness" Well I say that someone that says this, has never had money. These thosands and thousands who find "larger is beautiful" probably have not expierienced the euphoria of being smaller. I call it thin.

This is definitely debatable, IMHO (In My Humble Opinion). "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is definitely applicable to many. For those that are not shallow, personality outshines the exterior every time.

I know I am beautiful AS IS....even if I never lose another pound. BEAUTY is one thing--health is totally another.
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Postby BonitaGirl » February 2nd, 2004, 12:32 pm

...makes me wonder if these people have ever been at a desirable weight. I call it thin. The old addage: "Money does not bring happiness" Well I say that someone that says this, has never had money. These thosands and thousands who find "larger is beautiful" probably have not expierienced the euphoria of being smaller. I call it thin.

Mike, my husband is one of these men who find larger women beautiful. He is thin and has always been thin. His father is the same way, they have been thin all of their lives, so that has nothing to do with it. These are not larger men who have never been thin. These are men who find that women who are larger are more physically appealing. The painter Ruben was not a large man, but he found beauty in “rubenesque” women. I am happier now than I ever was when I was 150 lbs. Then I thought I was ugly because I was TEN pounds overweight. I am 100lbs overweight now, but I feel beautiful. I am a plus sized model for several larger sized online stores. I receive lots of fan mail from men and women saying thank you for being confident enough to show my body the way it is. Being proud of it and not ashamed and hiding away under “fat clothes”. Showing larger women that they can be sexy and beautiful, and they don’t have to be a size 4 to be that way.

I admire you for what you have done, losing 110 lbs is a great achievement, but being thin is not going to bring you all the happiness or “euphoria” that you did not have before. It just opens doors that you didn’t feel you deserved when you were overweight. Losing the weight isn’t going to suddenly make all your problems go away, those bills that need to be paid aren’t going to suddenly disappear because you lost weight. Life still happens, thin or not. YOU are what has changed. You are the same person inside that you were 110lbs ago, you are just letting that person out now instead of holding him inside. Nancy mentioned in her newsletter that she used to be invisible when she was larger, but now that she is thin, she is very much visible. That was because she made herself invisible. She let it happen.

I am losing weight, not to be society's view of beautiful, but to be able to do the physical part of life. I want to fit into the seats without worrying about them also. Does that worry make me less a beautiful person? Only if I let it, and I don’t. I am doing this for my health. Not for the outside idea of beauty. Like I said earlier, I am more confident and more attractive now than I have ever been. That comes from inside. Not what size I am or what the scale says.

This is something I feel very strongly about I hope that I have made some of the women (and men) on this forum a little more aware of what beauty is. Beauty is from inside, no matter your size.
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Postby Maggie » February 2nd, 2004, 1:10 pm

What a wonderful discussion. I am speechless. There is nothing more I can add. Thanks all for posting your opinions. Welcome back, Mike. I missed your posts. Maggie
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Postby finalstraw » February 2nd, 2004, 1:12 pm

Nobody can bring out the opinions like you Mike! ;)

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Postby shineface » February 2nd, 2004, 1:28 pm

There is nothing quite as healthy (in my opinion) as a little -or large spirited discussion.....BOTTOMLINE this is what make us individuals!!!!

I have been told I am beautiful - have I ever felt it for any long period of time -no --- is that all meshed with a thousand things that have to do with just me and the events of my life --- sure. Health of the body is very important - for me, I also want the vision of myself back in a pair of size 12 form-fitting jeans and some high-heeled boots. Yeah, that is definately gonna do something for my personal mental health --- while of course, doing a lot for my joints, etc.

Thanks guys - I'm lovin' this place!
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Postby explorthis » February 2nd, 2004, 2:09 pm

Mike, my husband is one of these men who find larger women beautiful. He is thin and has always been thin. These are not larger men who have never been thin. These are men who find that women who are larger are more physically appealing.

What’s your point? I NEVER said I did not find “larger or rubenesque” women appealing. I slipped, while re-re-re-reading/editing my first post, and said I did not mean to say it. IT WAS AN ERROR.

I am happier now than I ever was when I was 150 lbs.

You are 255.5 pounds, (if I am reading your signature correctly) and you are happier now "than you ever were" 100+ pounds heavier? Amen to you that you are a “plus” sized model, and are “confident” enough to “show your body the way it is” Again, I never said I did not find “larger or rubenesque” women appealing, so lets not put assumptions in play that are not true.

Then I thought I was ugly because I was TEN pounds overweight. I am 100lbs overweight now, but I feel beautiful. I am a plus sized model for several larger sized online stores.

I admire you for what you have done, losing 110 lbs is a great achievement, but being thin is not going to bring you all the happiness or “euphoria” that you did not have before.

How do you know that “being thin” is not going to bring me all the happiness and euphoria that I felt I did not deserve? Each of us is entitled to our own opinions. Who are you to decide that being thin is NOT going to bring this happiness to me, weather a societal one or not? I never said the problems were going away, I never said I had any problems other than a weight one (and the compounded ones that came from being overweight). I deserve anything I want to deserve. I get anything I want to. I have always created my own circumstances. I was FAT, now I am almost thin (in my opinion) for the first time in my life. I was unhappy (I was never willing to say this out loud – I hid it to go along with the crowd - yes the SOCEITAL CROWD) my entire life. I never knew what 10 pounds (as you did) of overweight was like. Now I know the feeling. Life still happens, yes, but it is happening MORE for me. You might be happier now at 255 pounds than you were at 150, but I bet you are a very small minority of the readers on this board. I bet there is very few if any that will agree with your feeling?!?!?! I am “what has changed” I am thinner, I am EUPHORIC. I feel 1000% better than I EVER did.

Call it what you will. You say you are not losing weight to be society’s view of beautiful. I am. My weight loss was for me, all me. Call me vain, I did it 95% for vanity and the rest for whatever you want to call it. If vanity is sitting and not breaking furniture, or shopping for NON fat clothes, or fitting comfortably in a restaurant booth, or ordering a regular meal, and not worrying about weather I am being watched, or being “more confident and more attractive” then so be it. I must be real vain. This is me, and I bet a large minority of the overweight population.

Let’s take a poll, and see who is more “confident and attractive” being overweight than they are being thin. I might just be wrong in my thinking, remember I am a Man, but I have been a FAT man my entire life.

My feelings come as yours do, from the inside. I am thinner than I have ever been. I am feeling things that I have never felt before. I like the NEW me. Yes, I am still Mike, but I am a NEW person, and experiencing the joys that come with it. I will not for a second forget what I WAS, nor will I ever belittle anyone for being too fat, or to thin, too tall, or too short. We are what we are. We choose our own circumstances. I choose this one. This is additionally something (as you can tell) I feel strongly about, as you do.

What’s wrong with a little new found beauty from a society driven thinner person like me? To each his/her own.

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