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Postby auntielingo » August 4th, 2005, 8:19 am

Hello everyone! Since I spend so much time reading messages, I figured I ought to introduce myself to let you know who's lurking in the shadows. I started the program almost a week ago and I'm so glad I did.

I've always had a hard time keeping my weight in check, even as a little kid. I'm in the Air Force, so it's tough being overweight since part of our job is to be in shape. I've had different commanders counsel me about my weight problem, once when I was 20 pounds lighter than I am now! I've been going up and down for years, but I gained lots of weight during my pregnancy and haven't been able to lose it. My husband and I want to get pregnant again in a few months, but I want to get in shape first.
I've always loved food. In the past few months it became out of control. Every minute while I was at home, I felt like I had to find something to eat. I would raid the fridge and cabinets and eat non stop. Then I would always have huge portions during dinner. I absolutely felt out of control. I felt so horrible about myself. Every time I put on my uniform, I felt ashamed of my body, of what my fellow Airmen thought of me. I cried a lot. And I always went back to food to make me feel better.

I can't believe how much medifast has helped me change in just one week. I've learned that yes, I can control what I put in my mouth. I don't need to be constantly eating. And I can enjoy a meal without stuffing myself full. The lean and green meal is helping me practice good portion sizes. I just feel so darn good about myself! My husband rubs his hands all over me whenever he sees me and says OOOHH. I know he can't tell this difference yet, but he's doing a great job of keeping me motivated.

I certainly couldn't do it without this message board. I had a really rough time the first three days, but after reading everyone's messages of how it gets better and easier, I said, okay, just have to make it through three days. Then I said, just have to make it through one week. Now I know I'll have no problem making it through the next week. Taking back control over my eating has really lifted me out of sad cycle I was in.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


I've noticed there is another Angie on the board so you can call me Angie2 or something.
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Postby martha » August 4th, 2005, 9:15 am


WELCOME!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: So glad to have you with us on our forum.. And especially glad you finally came out of LURKING :mrgreen: I know you will do good on MF as it is the easiest program I have ever done..The lean and green does help us to learn all about portion control..and we will all need to remember that part when we are at goal..
Thanks to you and all the others in the military..I for one appreciate all you do for this country and for my freedom :D My daughter in law was in the Air Force(out now) but she had the same problems with the weight issues as you did.. Welcome aboard and look forward to you weighing in each Sunday under roll-call.. That way we can continue to cheer you on :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Congratulations on getting started to a healthy way of life--Martha
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Postby Jan » August 4th, 2005, 9:15 am

Hi Angie
I'm really glad you decided to post and let us all know that you are here!!
You are off and running now and soon the pounds will be dissapearing.
How neat that you have such a supportive hubby. That will really help!!
Keep reading -- you'll find an answer to almost every problem you encounter and you'll find that we are all just human and occassionally find ourselves having a trial. It really helps to share with the other forum people. You'll have a whole support system of caring individuals. I know you will do great and I'll be watching for you.
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Postby Nancy » August 4th, 2005, 2:14 pm

AuntieLingo ~

A Formal Welcome to you. :exercise:

So :lol: happy to have you join our merry band of losers. Those first few days are :twisted: killer but we are grateful you stuck it out and look at ya now!

:heart: :heart: Getting “ooohed, :rose: wooed and :hug: ahhhhed” over. :hmmm: Just you wait ‘til you are at your goal weight, Girl! Not a bad benefit of shaking it up, is it?

We have several military clients – stateside, some in Korea, and some in Iraq right now who need to keep healthy and trim.

When it is stressful, it is easy to look for ways to relieve our anxiety and we just need a little de-fragging and to have a new piece of shakeware put into the old central processing unit!

Taking a :felix: walk,

talking about our stress with others, reading a book, etc. are better choices to make than sucking up something :twisted: fattening and unhealthy.

And I can enjoy a meal without stuffing myself full. The lean and green meal is helping me practice good portion sizes.

:hi5: You’ve got the right :idea: idea, Angie – you are already looking at this with the right mindset: as we lose the flabbage, we are learning how to eat appropriately – smaller low fat/low cal meals, frequently and to drink a whole swimming pool of water.

Keep on going, don’tcha even think about stopping until you reach your goal. Your goal is attainable: keep your eye on the prize.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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Postby suzyq » August 4th, 2005, 6:19 pm

Welcome Angie - glad to have you "officially" here! Sounds like you are doing so well! Keep up the good work and hope to see you around the forum!

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Postby sprgrammy » August 4th, 2005, 6:44 pm

Welcome Angie. So happy to have your here.
Keep on Shakin, Carol
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Postby prata1973 » August 4th, 2005, 6:46 pm


Hi Angie my name to is Angie to Angie Prata. I started the program 1 1/2 weeks ago and I absouletly agree with all you said. I love the program and it helps tremendously to have support. My husband is a gourmet chef but he is so supportive, and the people on the forum are so full of support, ideas, and information :D I to have been out of control over the past 5-6 years and I haven't felt this great in a long time.... My husband and I are going on a cruise in Feb. and also renewing our wedding vows in Feb. so to really exciting things to look forward to and to motivate me!! I am so glad you decided to join and if I can help in anyway let me know.... ;) Good luck
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Postby prata1973 » August 4th, 2005, 6:47 pm

I just have to say once I re-read my message my first sentence didn't make sense and my spelling is terrible but hopefully you get the point.
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Postby martha » August 4th, 2005, 8:36 pm


WOW!!!! a cruise and renewing your vows--How exciting... What great motivation for you.. Can't wait till you reach your goal and we get to see your after pictures and of course the new wedding pictures.. :mrgreen: Have a great week and let's melt those pounds away..Martha
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