It feels good to be back home.
Sin City just about put Leopard Woman into sensory over-load.
I still have "ka-ching!" sounds rolling around in my vacant head...we got home about midnight Wednesday and was faced with a HUGE load of mail in my in-box. After replying to 30+ I went to bed after 4 am I didn't roll out until nearly noon TODAY.
We stayed up way too late in Ls Vegas but had a blast meeting Gerald and Mike - LW danced - the first time in years!
Wish Guido couldda seen her having the time of her skinnier life. I actually danced with a guy that looked like Bruce Willis! Remember his film
Diet Hard? Hee hee! Seriously, he DID look a little bit like Bruce Willis. I wore my leather pants and off the shoulder shirt BECAUSE I CAN (see above on this page at the top) and I looked fabulous.
I missed you all terribly! Dutch, so very

to see you. I can't get used to Kat2's new avatar