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Postby topcow » July 28th, 2006, 12:06 pm

Hello everyone!
I have been lurking around these boards and decided to introduce myself. I have ordered my Medifast and am waiting for it's delivery. The idea of an online journal sounds great, I am sure it will help me very much.

Well, a little about me....I am 30 years old, married with three little boys. I am a stay at home mom for now. I married my highschool sweetheart and we just had our 11 yr. anniversary trip to Hawaii in April 2006.
(which, at 230 pounds, I did not enjoy as much as I could have) I have struggled with my weight my entire life. When I was about 8 my mother put me on my first diet. Of course many more have followed, but even when I succeded the weight came back due to my terrible eating habits.

Five years ago I managed to lose 60 pounds by counting calories and excersing ALOT and kept most of it off for 2 yrs until my next pregnancy. Just nine months after our third son was born our oldest son suddenly became ill with encephalitis. I spent six weeks living in the hospital with him, coming home every fews days, and instead of just crying and breaking down I ate to dull all the fear and pain we were going thru. My husband did the same thing and we both gained weight. I would sit in my son's hospital room while he was in a coma and eat candy bars or go down to the hospital cafiteria and eat burgers and fries.
It has been a long and difficult road to recovery for him, but he has recovered mostly.....he is left with epilepsy, ADHD, and memory problems.

My husband and I both did Nutrisystem last fall. In three months I lost 25 pounds, but it was a struggle. Now I am ashamed to admit I have gained back 8 of those pounds.
I discovered Medifast on the internet last week. I read everything I could find about it and I think it will be my answer. I am suprised that such a diet veteran like me had never heard of Medifast. I gave up on Nutisystem because I felt like I was working so hard and seeing no results.

Well, that's my story. I cant wait to get my food and get started. My husband wants to do Medifast too, so I will be ordering him some food as well.
Reading your posts has been very helpful! I am trying to decide if I should do the 5/1 or the 6/0 plan. I guess I will figure it out when my food arrives!

Good luck to us all!

Michelle aka topcow
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Postby caligirl » July 28th, 2006, 12:14 pm

Welcome! :D :D
I'm like you, lots of dieting experience, but had never heard of Medifast. I've lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks, and many have lost 20#'s in their first month. I have a journal here in which I review my 1st 3 weeks on the plan, feel free to check it out. Journals are a great way to see how people feel on this diet.

I couldn't do the 6/0 plan, since I really look forward to my dinner every night. I need to eat "real food" with my hubby and daughter, it keeps me sane!!!
Not to mention, on the weekends I'm able to switch it up a bit. There have been times when I use my meal for lunch if I'm going to be out, etc.

Everyone's different, you'll just have to see what works for you. Remember, if you want to keep it off it's for the long haul, not a temporary thing. I find being able to eat daily is what keeps me mentally satisfied. Physically I've gotten over hunger. It took me about a week.

I'm glad you found the forum. Keep posting, and keep involved. It will make all the difference. You'll find that everyone is very supportive and there are lots of good ideas here!

Good luck!!!
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Postby Prancer » July 28th, 2006, 12:20 pm

Welcome To MMT. I think you will find this program fits you well. The results are much easier to achieve and see then other programs.
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Postby topcow » July 29th, 2006, 8:16 pm

Yesterday My 8 yr old son wanted the whole family to go to the water park, but I would not go because I am too self consience of my body. I take the kids to the YMCA and swim with them but there are only a few people there to see me. The local water park usually has a few hundred people there. We live in a fairly small town and I know there will be alot of people there I know.
I just cant do it.

But today my medifast came in the mail. I am starting in the morning. I told my husband one of my goals is to buy a family season pass to the water park next summer and go with them and really enjoy it.

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Postby Unca_Tim » July 29th, 2006, 10:18 pm

Great goal TC,
Nothing better than having a visual goal like that to keep you moving ahead. Try to picture it every few days. Everyone happy, splashing and having a ball.

You'll be swimsuit shopping next spring...:)
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Postby topcow » July 30th, 2006, 11:03 am

Well, half way thru day 1.
This isnt too bad. I have liked the foods so far. I realized today that we have a very busy week ahead and it crossed my mind to wait until next week to begin. But then the thought of eating "normal" food for another week while my Medifast food sat in the cabinet, staring at me every time I opened it up made me rethink it. I have been on enough diets to know that the world cant slow down just because I am trying to lose weight. So, this very first week I will be learning how to handle social situations, squeeze my meals in when I am very busy and away from the house for hours at a time, and how to handle doing Medifast infront of one of my closest friends who is about 300# and has NEVER been on a single diet in her life. She always gets weird when I try to lose.

Anyway, I wont bore everyone with daily updates, but I just had some random thoughts that needed to get out.

Good luck to us all!

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Postby Janae » July 30th, 2006, 12:05 pm

Michelle....just wanted to say welcome to you and congratulate you on making the decision not to procrastinate, but to start today! You will love that decision come next week at this time....because you will have lost weight...if you stick to the plan...that is a given!

I will be watching for your success as you share it with us here. Meanwhile...happy losing! (Drink alot of does make a difference!)

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Postby caligirl » July 31st, 2006, 8:30 am

It's true...
This diet is very different than any other I've been on.
If you follow it, you WILL lose. And in the beginning it's not uncommon to lose 5+ pounds per week (1-2 weeks). Then it will slow to 2-5 pounds, but you'll lose steadily. No thinking about it. Just pre-plan you entire day before stepping out the front door. If you've planned it, you'll do it. If not, you'll feel out of control.
That's what I love about this program.
I went out to dinner with family last night, but I'd planned on my order two days in advance. I went online and made a proper l&g choice. I also had a shake right before. So when I got there, there were no surprises, or temptations. There's nothing worse than looking in a menu while hungry. You'll learn tricks that work for you.
You can do this!!!
MF is very empowering, and you deserve to control your relationship with food, not vice versa!

Good luck, stay on the forums for support!
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Postby topcow » July 31st, 2006, 7:18 pm

Ok, day 2 is over. I know I wasnt going to write in here every single day...but it does really help.
I have a sweet taste in my mouth that wont go away, not too sure if it is the taste I have read about meaning I am in ketosis or if it is an after taste from the medifast meals. Either way,I feel pretty good.

You wouldnt believe the amount of self control I had tonight. Driving home from his school with my son....a 30 minute drive!!....he was eating a Spangles grilled cheese sandwich, fries and a strawberry shake (did he order all my favorites on purpose??!!) oohh, it smelled SO good and he kept offering me some...he was getting mad cause I wouldnt taste the shake so I PUT THE STRAW IN MY MOUTH AND ACTED LIKE I WAS TAKING A DRINK ...hardest thing I have ever done. But, I did it, then came home and ate my sixth meal for the day ending two days of NO cheats. :clap:

The thought of not losing any weight this week kept me from sucking on the darned straw. The rest of the way home I kept telling myself that those foods are not going anywhere, they will be here when I reach my goal, then I can have them again in moderation. I swear I was chanting to myself those last few miles home.

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Postby Sojourner » July 31st, 2006, 7:42 pm

So Michelle...are you saying that you didn't inhale? LOL

But really, that is awesome! Day 2 and already...

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby DogMa » July 31st, 2006, 8:17 pm

You're doing great! The sweet taste is most likely ketosis breath. Congrats!!

And you could always have a Medifast strawberry shake. Not the same, I realize. But it LOOKS kind of the same. If you squint.

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Postby topcow » August 2nd, 2006, 5:54 am

Day 4 here we go. I really wanted to get on the scale this morning but I talked myself out of it. That has been one of my problems in the past..I would weigh, not like what it said and then later in the day when faced with tempation I would tell myself that since Im not losing fast enough-or I am up that day- I can go ahead and cheat. I dont want that to happen this time since I am really loving the program and dont want to set myself up for failure.
So, the scale stayed in the cabinet and I hope I have the will to keep it there until Sunday.
Yesterday was very hard...I was up very early, out of the house most of the day and although I planned ahead and took a bar & shake with me the appiontment ran 3 hours longer then expected so I was caught in a hospital with little money and no more Medifast. I just filled up on water and then drank a diet soda. I ended up going 4 hours between meals...the longest I have gone since I began. But, I stayed on program....wooohoo!

Today is a pretty lazy day, but then for the next couple days my schedule is going to be crazy...I learned from yesterday to take one more meal than I think I will need and to not worry about what anyone around me thinks of Medifast.

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Postby topcow » August 3rd, 2006, 8:13 am

ok, I did it...I got on the scale this morning. I have lost 6 pounds! YEH!
I know some if not all of that is water, but the numbers still made me happy. :D

I would like to be at an 8 pound loss by weigh in day on Sunday.
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Postby Sojourner » August 3rd, 2006, 10:36 am


Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby topcow » August 6th, 2006, 6:59 am

Wow, I made it through week 1 !! I lost 7 pounds!! I cant believe how easy this is!! I tried slimfast a few weeks ago, and made it through only 2 days, and when I was on Nutrisystem I was always thinking about food, but this is alot diffrent. I really think I can do this long term.
My husband wants to do it too, and his food arrived yesterday, so today he will begin Medifast too. He did Nutrisystem with me, and it helps to have a diet buddy right here at home. He only needs to lose about 20 pounds, but he is very supportive of me.

Last night we went out to eat and to the movies with some was strange. The couple we went with both weight around 300# and neither of them have ever tried to lose weight and my friend, the woman, always treats me badly when I am on a diet. I know she has alot of issues, and she acts that way becasue she feels bad about herself, but it is still hard being around her when she acts like that. This time she isnt giving me a bunch of crap about it though. She didnt make fun of me, or tease me at all. She seemed intrested in what Medifast was, and made a comment about how I seem so content on this diet. I hope my weight loss will inspire them to loss too. They have a son the same age as our middle son, and it is sad to think about how they will miss out on so much with him due to their weight. My friend is only 30 and has so many weight related health issues. They both are also heavy smokers. We have been freinds since highschool and the older we get the more I worry that one of them will have a heart attack. My husband says people have to want to change, and I know that is is just frustrating to see them so miserable but in so much denial.

I cant wait to see how much I lose this coming week...I am hoping for another 5 pounds. :D

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