Just watch yourself for any sort of weird feelings. When I first went on MF I was drinking like 16 glasses of water a day and gave myself a little bit of an electrolyte imbalance.

Luckily it was easily taken care of by slightly less water and substituting some of the plain water with electrolyte waters. What happened with me was that sometimes I would get up from my chair and the world would feel fuzzy in my head. Or I'd crouch down and get a weird cramp in my chest. It went away within a day of switching up my water intake. Now my daily goal is 8 glasses of pure water and everything else can be something diet.
Two months in I think my body has also gotten used to the lower calorie intake and the higher water intake so it's less likely to get all wonky.
Just remember that if you do need to do some electrolyte replacement that you get low or no calorie replacements. Propel has 10 calories per serving (30 per bottle). Gatorade is way off the charts and not a good idea as supermom could tell you

I also found this powder packet stuff called ElectroMix. It's sold by the same company that makes Emergen-C if you've ever seen that. I'm sure there are other brands as well.
Just pay attention to your body, and I'm sure you'll be fine