tons of recipes for shakes!!!!

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Medifast "ice cream shake"

Postby theoriste » June 3rd, 2005, 5:20 am

Into a blender, pour 5-6 oz of DaVinci's syrup (or other splenda-based syrup). I try to use about 5 oz. I use French Vanilla in this reciepe but you can use any flavor you like. I find the nut-based flavored ones aren't so yummy in medifast shakes, though (except sometimes chocolate shakes).

Put in a packet of Medifast french vanilla shake mix. Blend the syrup and shake mix at medium speed for at LEAST 60 seconds -- more if you can wait. Once it's all blended, I sometimes add a few drops (1/2 tsp sometimes) of vanilla extract.

Then, into the high-speed blender, add in about 15 ice cubes or more -- ONE AT A TIME. The one at a time is important -- wait until each one is completely crushed before adding another. If you don't wait, you'll end up with a grainy shake. You sometimes have to blend it a minute or two after the last ice cube to make sure the cubes start to melt into the mixture. It will be VERY thick -- and so yummy.

At the end, you'll have a vanilla "ice cream shake" that will boggle you, at how good it tastes. :)
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Postby ladyhawke » July 9th, 2005, 5:55 am

Red pop here (Florida) also in upstate New York, Chicago and Ohio :roll:

I got the gingerbread syrup at Marshall's, Magic Bullet + vanilla supplement and sprinkle nutmeg on top, love it!
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Postby Signladytf » August 21st, 2005, 5:50 pm

I kinda like a packet of Banana Blitz, some ice, topped off with a glob of peanut butter DaVinci syrup....reminds me a little of a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Of course, it's made with my Magic Bullet Blender. (I even bought another one to keep at work!) Can't take the country out of the girl!

Makes me wonder....what a packet of vanilla, peanut butter syrup and possibly a grape or strawberry syrup would do....a PB & J??
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this day...our daily shakes

Postby Islandgirl » August 21st, 2005, 7:04 pm

I've been strictly on the shakes so far and I am really loving them!

I love the SF Davinci Chai syrup with my morning Vanilla shake and plenty of ice.

I also can't live without mixing 8 oz of Polar diet double fudge soda with my Chocolate shake and lots of ice. It is sooooo yummy.

When I am going out I make my shakes and poor them into an insulated giant mug and they will stay cold for hours which keeps me safe from straying while I'm out.

It's about time to stock up on more supplies!

Thanks everyone for posting the great recipes!
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Postby Nancy » August 21st, 2005, 10:41 pm

:ukulele: Islandgirl ~

Oh, Wow! Lemme think about this one...
does your diet Polar double chocolate fudge + a Dutch Choc shake...does that = a triple Chocolate shake?

I feel chocolate deprived...never hada Polar!
It sounds tasty. :eat: Thanks for the idea! :lol:

Sign, I did try a Bananner Blitz with the DaVinci PB syrup - we call it The King and when we slurp it,
we curl our lip and wiggle our hips in honor of :git: Elvis Presley!

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orange creamsicle soda

Postby Guest » January 20th, 2006, 12:17 pm

I LOVE adding Diet Sprit Zero to orange delight! Tastes like a melted orange creamsicle! Of course, I add diet sprite zero to almost all my shakes. Is that cheating? I hope not!
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Postby Nancy » January 20th, 2006, 1:37 pm

Nope, it's NOT cheating at all! You ought to try it in the Cranberry Mango fruit drink or the Tropical Punch - you'll be doing the Samba with a basket of fruit on your head and a low slung Island print skirt! :ukulele:
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Postby Guest » March 7th, 2006, 6:39 pm

Thanks for this. I just started recently and I have not liked any of the shakes yet. Maybe I can make them a little bit better.
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Postby Arklahoma » March 23rd, 2006, 2:59 am

If you guys are talking about Diet Big Red then it's fantastic! :D
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Postby Nancy » March 23rd, 2006, 8:21 am

Arklahoma ~

I've never had Big Red but obviously,

it is making you become littler Arklahoma...
you're minus 27 pounds already -

that's great! :yes:
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Re: tons of recipes for shakes!!!!

Postby Guest » May 21st, 2006, 8:49 am

TamiLU :) wrote:RECIPES
Vanilla Supplement
Banana Dream
Black Cherry Chiller
Key Lime Cooler
Lemon Meringue Cooler
Pina Colada
Raspberry Cream
Rootbeer Float
Strawberry Daiquiri
Strawberry Shortcake
Vanilla Almond Coffee Cooler
Vanilla Lemon Pudding

Dutch Chocolate Supplement
Black Forest Freeze
Chocolate Covered Cherry Chiller
Chocolate Fudgesicle
Chocolate Mint
Mocha Delight
Orange Chocolate Shake

Swiss Mocha Supplement
Mocha Almond Cooler
Mocha Walnut Shake

Strawberry Crème Supplement
ChocoBerry Shake
Strawberry Almond Delight

Orange Delight Supplement
Orange Coconut Cooler
Orange Pineapple Shake

Hot Cocoa Viennese
Spicy Chicken Oriental
M-7 Drink/Gazpacho

Banana Dream
1 packet Medifast Vanilla Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/8-1/4 tsp. Banana Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extract, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Black Cherry Chiller
1 packet Medifast Vanilla Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/8 Black Cherry Unsweetened Kool-Aid (dry mix)

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the Kool-Aid, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

1 packet Medifast Vanilla Supplement
6-8 oz. cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/8 tsp. Orange Unsweetened Kool-Aid (dry mix)
2 drops Red Food Coloring
2 drops Yellow Food Coloring
Dash of non-nutritive, artificial sweetener to taste, if desired

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the Kool-Aid, food coloring, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Key Lime Cooler
1 packet Medifast Vanilla Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/8-1/4 tsp. Lemon-Lime Crystal Light (dry mix)

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the Crystal Light, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Lemon Meringue Cooler
1 packet Medifast Vanilla Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/8-1/4 tsp. Lemonade Crystal Light (dry mix)

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the Crystal Light, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Pina Colada
1 packet Medifast Vanilla Supplement
3 oz cold water
4 oz. Diet Ginger Ale
3-4 ice cubes
1/4 tsp. Pineapple Extract
1/8 tsp. Coconut Extract
1/8 tsp. Rum Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extracts, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Raspberry Cream
1 packet Medifast Vanilla Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/2 tsp. Raspberry Ice Crystal Light (dry mix)

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the Crystal Light, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Root Beer Float
1 packet Medifast Vanilla Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3 ox Diet Ginger Ale
2-3 ice cubes
1/4-1/2 tsp. Root Beer Extract

Place ice cubes, water and diet soda in a blender. Add the extract, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Strawberry Daiquiri
1 packet Medifast Vanilla Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/8 tsp. Rum Extract
1/8-1/4 tsp. Strawberry Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extracts, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Strawberry Shortcake
1 packet Medifast Vanilla Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
3/4-1 tsp. Strawberry Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extract,
Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of
the ice cubes are crushed.

Vanilla Almond Coffee Cooler
1 packet Medifast Vanilla Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3 oz Diet Ginger Ale
3-4 ice cubes
1 tsp. Instant Coffee
1/4 tsp. Almond Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the coffee, extract, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Vanilla Lemon Pudding
1 packet Medifast Vanilla Supplement
1 1/2 Tbsp. Jello Sugar-Free Vanilla Instant Pudding (dry mix)
1/2 packet (1 full tsp.) Know Unflavored Gelatin
3 oz. hot water
3 oz. cold water
1/4 tsp. Lemon Extract
2 ice cubes

Combine Medifast Supplement and pudding in a small container. Set aside. Stir gelatin in hot water. Let soften 3-4 minutes, then stir until clear. Add cold water and stir again. Process gelatin mixture, dry ingredients, and extract in blender until thoroughly combined. Add ice cubes one at a time until mixture begins to thicken. Pour into serving bowl. Refrigerate until set, about 15-20 minutes. Stir and enjoy.

Black Forest Freeze
1 packet Medifast Dutch Chocolate Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/2 tsp. Cherry Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extract, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Chocolate Covered Cherry Chiller
1 packet Medifast Dutch Chocolate Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/8 tsp. Black Cherry Unsweetened Kool-Aid (dry mix)

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the Kool-Aid, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Chocolate Fudgesicle
1 packet Medifast Dutch Chocolate Supplement
8 oz cold water
1/8 tsp. Chocolate Extract

Place water in a blender or shaker jar. Add the extract, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-20 seconds. Place in freezer for 1-2 hours. Stir and enjoy.

Chocolate Mint
1 packet Medifast Dutch Chocolate Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
4 drops Peppermint Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extract, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Mocha Delight
1 packet Medifast Dutch Chocolate Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/2 tsp. Instant Coffee

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the coffee, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Orange Chocolate Shake
1 packet Medifast Dutch Chocolate Supplement
6-8 oz. cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/8-1/4 tsp. Orange Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extract, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Mocha Almond Cooler
1 packet Medifast Swiss Mocha Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1-2 tsp. Almond Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extract, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Mocha Walnut Shake
1 packet Medifast Swiss Mocha Supplement
6-8 oz. cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/8-1/4 tsp. Walnut Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extract, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

ChocoBerry Shake
1 packet Medifast Strawberry Crème Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/4 tsp. Chocolate Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extract, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Strawberry Almond Delight
1 packet Medifast Strawberry Crème Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/8 tsp. Almond Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extract, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Orange Coconut Cooler
1 packet Medifast Orange Delight Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/4 tsp. Coconut Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extract, Medifast Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice cubes are crushed.

Orange Pineapple Shake
1 packet Medifast Orange Delight Supplement
6-8 oz cold water
3-4 ice cubes
1/8 tsp. Pineapple Extract

Place ice cubes and water in a blender. Add the extract, Medifast
Supplement, and mix for 10-15 seconds or until most of the ice
cubes are crushed.

Hot Cocoa Viennese
1 packet Medifast Hot Cocoa Supplement
1/4 tsp. Cinnamon (powdered)
6 oz. hot water
1/4 tsp. Vanilla Extract

Empty Medifast Supplement into a mug or cup. Stir cinnamon into dry powder. Add hot water and extract. Stir until dissolved. Allow drink to cool for a few minutes to blend flavors. Stir again.

Spicy Chicken Oriental
1 packet Medifast Delicate Chicken FastSoup
6 oz. very hot (not boiling) water
1/8 tsp. Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy salt-free seasoning blend
1 tsp. low sodium soy sauce

Empty Medifast FastSoup into a large mug or cup. Blend spices into dry mix. Add hot water, stirring constantly until thoroughly blended. Add soy sauce and stir.

M-7 Drink/Gazpacho
1 packet Medifast Tomato FastSoup
8 oz. hot water
Dash of pepper

Mix Medifast FastSoup and hot water in a cup and add pepper. Chill in refrigerator 1-3 hours. Stir and enjoy.
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    Postby Elidh » August 10th, 2006, 5:20 pm

    DIET CREAM SODA mixed with vanilla, chocolate, strawberry shake is quite yummy!

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    Postby Mike » March 8th, 2007, 6:21 pm

    This was recently posted by kristinburdine and thought it would be a good place for here.

    Hi All ! I was having a really hard time getting the orange cream shakes down, so I added 1/2 packet of Crystal Light On-The-Go lemonade and some ice and whizzed it up in my trusty Magic Bullet. WOW ! It made a world of difference. icon_biggrin.gif Tastes like orange sherbet or one of those Push-Up thingies I used to get from the ice cream man when I was a little girl ! Yum !
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    Postby Unca_Tim » March 8th, 2007, 8:29 pm

    Mike wrote:Tastes like orange sherbet or one of those Push-Up thingies I used to get from the ice cream man when I was a little girl ! Yum !

    You were a little girl once?

    Is there something you haven't told us?
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    Postby Sojourner » March 8th, 2007, 8:32 pm

    Well, Unca...he did mention having had surgery... :twisted:

    Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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