Tonight's Maintenance Support Call: Lauren

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Tonight's Maintenance Support Call: Lauren

Postby Nancy » March 21st, 2007, 11:18 am

Dear MakeMeThinner Forum Family ~

When I began on the weight loss program in 2002, I knew only one real live person who was on the program – he was my Health Advisor and he started the program about 6 weeks before I did.

He was my inspiration; I wanted to do what he did – lose some weight.

We did not have many materials to assist us then ( :secret: kinda sounds like I'm talkin' about the olden days, when we had buckboards and horse-drawn carriages!); the tools and information was limited.

Thus, we started the MakeMeThinner Forum to provide people with :puter: information, :stroll: encouragement and :dance: inspiration.

This thinnin’ process takes :weightlift: effort and :whip: perspiration!

Each week Take Shape for Life has several national support calls designed to encourage and help people on all phases of the TSFL Programs.

The nurse’s and doctor’s support calls are part of the company's virtual clinic where clients with questions about their health or the program can phone in and speak directly to our registered nurse or a physician. Occasionally a certified nutritionist hosts the nurse’s call.

In addition to these two calls, there is the midweek Stay in Shape Call; it’s purpose is to support people on maintenance or those who are about to begin the maintenance phase of the Take Shape For Life Program.

It was started by Nurse Lori Andersen and Mary Jane Medlock to help people keep on being optimally healthy.

I am the host for the Maintenance Support Call on the third Wednesday of the month.

Often the people who use the support calls are Health Advisors seeking assistance for their clients or program newbies, people who are just starting the weight loss phase.

We all need :help: help now and then and the support calls are excellent! :thumbup:

The support calls are scheduled for 30 minutes.

After the host’s presentation, generally there is time for a few questions from those who are on the line.

Yep, thinnin’ and becoming healthy takes :hammerhead: effort and :brickwall: perspiration.

Thinnin’ and stayin’ thin also requires inspiration. :angel:

:coach: It my honor to announce to you that the most lithe and lovely Lauren will be my guest on tonight’s Maintenance Call.

Lauren will share her inspiring story of weight loss and weight maintenance. :trophy:

I invite you all to listen to tonight’s Stay in Shape Maintenance Call.

The call begins at 8 PM Eastern, 5 PM Pacific. It is a 30 minute call.

Dial 1 (512) 225-9427 and when the recording answers, enter the pin code 77421 #

There will be people dialing in and you will hear ‘beeps.’
:sheepjump: (Uh, that's beeps, not sheeps...)
The beepage indicates callers getting on the line.

You will need to mute your phone so we do not hear the dog barking, your stomach growling as you stir your puddin’ in the background.

To mute your phone, press *6 or use the ‘mute’ button on your phone.

I will begin the call and then introduce Lauren.

There will be a short time for questions and answers.

(You will need to unmute your phone to ask questions. Press *6 or the ‘mute’ button to unmute your line.)

The call will need to end at 8:30 PM.

If you are unable to listen to the call live, the call is recorded and playback will be available for one week beginning the nest morning -Thursday, March 22nd, 2007.

The playback number is 1 (512) 505-6863.

Hope you join us tonight!
Last edited by Nancy on April 18th, 2007, 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Nancy » March 21st, 2007, 9:20 pm

:byebye: Hullo there, MakeMeThinner Peeps ~

Tonight’s Stay in Shape Maintenance Call was awesome! :yes:

The lovely and lithe Lauren shared her weight loss story with us and it was so :kool: cool to have Brian, Mike, Di and others in the listening/participating audience as well. :thumbsup:

You shouldda been there! :secret:

Lauren’s Take Shape For Life story began in November 2005 when she made a decision to change her lifestyle.

Her story is that of success, freedom from flabber and great joy. :sheepjump:

She lost 165 pounds, is active ( :secret: heck, she :puma: runs the streets of NY now!) and is committed to helping others achieve optimal health, too.

What an intelligent, articulate and caring person – we :heart: love you, Lauren!

We’re :shades: proud you are a part of the MakeMeThinner Gang! :stroll: :stroll: :stroll:
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Postby Serendipity » March 22nd, 2007, 3:46 am

Sorry I missed it. I'm gonna try to make time to call the replay line.
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Postby Lauren » March 22nd, 2007, 6:51 am

Aw shucks, Nancy, thanks! It was my first time telling the "story" in a more organized fashion, so I think I shall work on refining it some more, and hit on the emotional components of this process (both of living fat and finding thin), as opposed to the facts, as most of us relate more to the mental struggle. So I definitely learned a lot from doing the quick talk, as I now know that if I am to share my story again (which I do to anyone who asks), I can really make it impactful, and hopefully encourage the masses to come on board!

I do appreciate the opportunity very much, Nancy, and as always, you've been wonderful, gracious, supportive, and just as sweet as ever!

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Postby Mike » March 22nd, 2007, 10:26 am

I was a great call, and Lauren's story really encouraged us. I don't know how many folks were on the call, but it almost felt as if it was a little conference with Nancy, Lauren, Brian and us.
Hopefully more people will take advantage of this call in the future.

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Postby JonnaD » March 22nd, 2007, 10:56 am

I missed it last night, but listened this morning. I not only enjoyed hearing more about the maintenance program, but I got a kick out of now having voices to put with the faces. :D

I have a full house at the moment and it would be difficult for me to make the night calls, but I will be following up an Thursdays.
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Postby Nancy » March 22nd, 2007, 1:31 pm

Jonna ~

People that stay informed have better success. The weekly support calls are good!

Mike, Di, Brian, Jolie and others are frequently on the calls. Look at 'em and follow their example. They rock! :yay:

I know that there are times that I am unable to be on the calls, too - hey! Life gets in the way of our fun, eh? Now the calls are recorded and available for a week so we can listen to them while we are doing our :weightlift: workouts or :redprowl: driving to work!

Lauren's story is a wonderful example of what can be done simply by following the program.

She didn't tweak it, she didn't skip stuff, she just followed the program.

She looks fabulous, she feels wonderful and she IS healthy and happy.

It :lightsword: bugs the puckies outta me when people mess with the program and then :aarggh: whine that they are hungry, they :nonono: moan that the food tastes yucky (I would have eaten cat doo if it meant I would lose weight), they complain that it is :dunno: impossible to go out to dinner or to a party :partytime: and not cave in...

:whip: wrong-a-rooney! Lauren and others are living, breathing thinny examples (in different age brackets!) that TSFL works when ya follow the plan...

I shall now climb down from my pulpit and resume my :water: water slurpage and happy little life.

Do all ya can to be all ay can! :goodluck:
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Postby Mike » March 22nd, 2007, 2:44 pm

Hey Nancy, sometimes its good for people to hear (or in this case read) exactly what you wrote. Too many times I am guilty of being off plan when I know full well that I shouldn't, but do it anyhow because of some lame excuse that I make myself believe. :dunno: My biggest one is that nobody else will know. Well, it doesn't really matter if others know, because its my journey, so why do I even think this. :?: Besides, others know when my ticker isn't moving anyhow. :couch:
In reality though, I am WAY healthier than I was 3 years ago, :yay: and a year ago I was on the path to gaining back all of the weight I had lost, :oops: then I started with TSFL, and I now have a way to stay healthy and get healthier. :bravo: :cheermed: Yes, I've only lost 70 lbs in a year, but hey, its 70 lbs that I won't have again. :yes:
I just felt the need to put that out there, because I do see and hear lots of people complaining and giving lots of excuses for not being on program and not losing (myself included). :question: :hammerhead:
Can't wait til we see ya'll next weekend :yay:
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Postby Nancy » March 22nd, 2007, 3:14 pm

Mike, you are an awesome person!

70 pounds is a LOT to drop.

Have you ever thought about what that amount of flabber might look like? :whattha:

70 packages of butter... :you:

I know what you mean about lame excuses and off-plan food sneakage...every once in a while I just get the urge to pork out.
Once in a while is not a big hairy deal but daily pork-outs rapidly becomes a big fatty deal. :bricks:

Why do we do it? :scratchhead:

Dunno. :no: We've developed a long-lived habit and it takes a while to develop new good habits. We know it does not contribute to our optimally best self and yet we do it. :twisted:

The important thing is this - you are making :thumbup: great choices now, your weight is trending down and your MakeMeThinner (and Cuter) :stroll: :stroll: Medibuddies are walking right along with you and you've given us permission to keep you in line :3head:

Mike, I can hardly wait to see you in the thin, too. :whistle: You are super at encouraging others and helping them with the program.

You are a keeper! :cateye:

I hope that MMT Folks in the Bay Area will come out and meet us. I want to inspire others to enjoy the benefits of a healthy life - you are never too old, too chubby or too late to join us in the pathway to improved health. We'll have a group hug, eh?
:hug: :hug: :hug:
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Postby Tawanda » March 22nd, 2007, 4:17 pm

I listened to the Maintenance call this afternoon. It was great to hear Nancy's message and all that Lauren shared. I wished there was a transcript of the program so that I could go back and review some of the things that were said. Motivating and also plenty of food for thought.

It was also fun to hear everyone's voices that spoke during the call.....Nancy, Lauren, Diana, Mike, Brian....... I'm going to have to make sure that I listen to these more often.

Thank you Nancy for the reminder about the calls and the ability we have to listen later if we missed it.
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Postby JonnaD » March 22nd, 2007, 7:02 pm


I really appreciate the opportunity to listen to the recorded support calls and I look forward to hearing more.

I started out off-program and didn't realize it, couldn't understand why my loss seemed so low. Seemed the doc planned it that way because of my kidney. Which would have been fine if someone had informed me of the whys and wherefores. Oh well, for the next couple of weeks at least, if my blood work stays okay, I get to try the FULL MF plan and I'm excited about it.

Thanks for all you do to keep us informed and motivated. :rose: :rose: :rose:
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Postby dede4wd » March 22nd, 2007, 7:52 pm

I'm so sad I missed the live call!

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Postby Nancy » March 22nd, 2007, 7:57 pm

Jonna ~

I hope all continues to go well for you, too.

The beauty of TSFL is there are ways to adapt the program to meet the needs of nearly everyone.

Sometimes we need to add more regular food and although weight loss may be slower than that of others, the good news is this: the nasty flabber weight will come off.

I have a health issue that has been rather :x vexing this year myself and have experienced some fluffage as a result.
Jonna, we do what we can do; sometimes we have to accept it with a forced smile and gratitude. We may wish it weren't so but sometimes it ‘tis.

You are learning; I’m learning and together we will all be wiser, eh?
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Postby JonnaD » March 23rd, 2007, 7:34 am


I don't have a problem with the doc being conservative, I just didn't understand the Plan. If I had, I would't have been so frustrated at what seemed like poor performance, when all along it was fine. :D

Which ever way it ends up, I know I'll still be better off than when I started.
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