Tomorrow is my start day

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Tomorrow is my start day

Postby aimalasplace » August 15th, 2005, 6:28 pm

I got my package late this evening, I had waited until 11am till I had to eat something so then I also prepared my chicken and veggies for the next 2 days. I will weigh myself in the morning so I can get an exact weight. It was fun unloading the box and seeing all my food laid out for the next two weeks. My boyfriend said it didn't look like enough to eat for the next two weeks. I showed him my lean and green meal- he was happy to see that I will get a "real" meal. (He will not do this with me, he CAN'T eat veggies, and won't drink shakes)
I already bought the DaVinci sugar free syrups, diet sodas, boullion, jello, celery, extract, pickles and spices to help me through the rough spots.
I am sorry to ask the same questions as I am sure others have asked. I even stocked up on the advil so I feel that I am ready and rearing to go!
:walk: I am even going to walk for my 20 min around the hospital during my break. I got my MP3 player all programmed too!
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Postby Nancy » August 15th, 2005, 7:31 pm

Aimeé ~

Happy Medi-start to you!

You have it goin', Aimeé by having everything prepared in advance.

:secret: If you plan to eat Chicken Noodle or Chicken and Wild Rice Soup tomorrow, prepare it tonight or in the morning. It takes a while for the chicken and the noodles/rice to come back to life and by preparing it before hand, it has time to re-hydrate and the flavors can develop.

:devious: Trust me, you'll be glad you did and avoid a dental appointment to repair a broken front fang that got impaled on rock-hard rice...

Shake it up, Aimeé and shake it off!

Be sure to measure yourelf, too - you will be :shock: shocked how many inches you lose!

I am even going to walk for my 20 min around the hospital during my break.

Do you usually walk for 20 minutes a day?

If you have been regularly exercising for the past two months or more, then cut your walk time in half until week 4. Your bod needs three full weeks to adapt to the fat-burning state since your carbs are reduced. Begin to gradually increase the length of time and the intensity up to 45 minutes maximum after the third week on the program.

If you have not been walking for 20 minutes for two months or more, why start now? WAIT until week #4...your body needs time to adjust to using stored energy (flab) since there will no longer be a glut of carbs to draw from. Exercising before its time can jeopardize your weight loss and your muscle health.
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Postby Unca_Tim » August 15th, 2005, 9:03 pm

Hi Aimee,
Sounds like you're all set. When you have a plan and a roadmap, you make it to your destination.

You're gonna do it!

Don't forget those "before" pictures too. You're gonna need em to remember what BF (before medifast) was like....:)
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Postby aimalasplace » August 15th, 2005, 9:21 pm

To be honest I don't walk regularly so I can wait on the walking.
As for the soup thanks for the heads up. I will get it ready before work.
I am one of those ppl that stay away from the camera now. I don't have a digital camera anymore, so I will have to figure out what to do. I do have some pictures from April that I have, but would be too embarrassed to post those. :shock:
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Postby Nancy » August 15th, 2005, 9:27 pm

Aimeé ~

Most of us :couch: shy away from photographers when we are not feeling real good about ourselves but it is a GREAT idea to have a before picture. Your April picture might work just fine...your after picture will be awesome! :thumbig:
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Postby martha » August 16th, 2005, 5:12 am


It sounds you are well prepared to get started..Congratulations and let's start melting those pounds away..Don't worry about being camera shy--we all are at the beginning but soon you'll see yourself in a whole new way :mrgreen: and you'll like what you see..Good luck this week..Martha
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Postby KeleeGrl » August 16th, 2005, 5:43 am

Aimee, you definitely sound like you are ready to shake away the poundage...don't worry about asking too many questions...there are never too many questions around here...we all benefit from them!
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