Today's Weigh in...Day 7

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Today's Weigh in...Day 7

Postby Kimmers » July 20th, 2007, 9:38 am

Guess what? I got on the scale today (beginning of day 7) and I am down another couple of pounds...this was exciting because I had been hovering around the 200 mark (a little under...but my scale isn't digital so you can move a little and the needle will move, too)...but today it definitely went down to around 196 or 197...that was a huge drop for me to see on the scale.

So...last Saturday I weighed 210 (app) and now I'm 197? Isn't that shocking? I can't believe it. My husband is a commercial fisherman and he had been gone fishing while I started this...he came home and didn't really see the difference yet, but was excited. (So much so, that he started the program today....with MY FOOD, until his order comes) I have about 50 more lbs to here we go!

Anyway...just thought I'd report in...

Thanks to all of you!
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Postby Lasi » July 20th, 2007, 10:04 am

WOW That is GREAT!! Keep it up. I am new to this also. It is exciting to see results.
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Postby Tawanda » July 20th, 2007, 1:21 pm

Congratulations on a great start!
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