Today is my first day ...

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Today is my first day ...

Postby Charlotte » June 14th, 2005, 9:54 am

I am ready to go. I have packed my food in bags for each day, so I can just grab and go.
Why am I so nervous? What if I fail? How long is this going to take me?
Will I ever be able to "eat" again?
I know I need to learn to eat to live, not live to eat. And I am hoping this program will help make me eat to live.
Do we have a chart or something we can use to track our progress?
I think I am just rambling on.
And how do you get those little preferred member, regular member, #40 club things on your post?
Does everyone weigh in on Sunday?
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Postby 24KaratGold » June 14th, 2005, 10:21 am

Welcome, Charlotte!

Yes, you CAN do this. If *I* can do it, *anybody* can do it.

Spend some time reading through the board here, especially the FAQ section. Ask any questions -- we're all happy to help.

Unca Tim has created a spreadsheet to track weight loss and inches lost, and it's loaded with other information as well. You can find it here: MMT My Daily Journal It includes a graph, and a BMI chart, too.

You should register, rather than post as a guest. That will give you access to private messaging and a host of other features too. Plus, then when you lost "x" number of pounds, Unca will be able to add the proper goal club number under your name. You change titles "preferred member," "trusted member" etc. based on the number of posts that you have here. And yes, we tend to weigh on Sundays and post at Roll Call, just to keep ourselves accountable to each other. But if you are weighing at a doctor's office or something, then just post when you can.

You CAN do this. And it is SO worth it. Good luck to you!

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Postby martha » June 14th, 2005, 10:32 am

Charlotte--First off---WELCOME!!!!!!!! this is a great program to be on and this forum is the best there is.. the people here relly care and are really here to help you every step of the way.. Nancy will be on to help you with anything or any questions you have.. She is GREAT!!!!! and will put you on the right path to sucess.. of course its up to us as individuals to want to do it the RIGHT way.. have no fear she and uncle Tim will lead you to the right path.. it's up to us to walk that path once they show us the way-- don't be afraid to ask any questions you have as that is how we all learn and I learn something new everyday.. welcome aboard and look forward to hearing from you...

24KaratGold---- thank you for your post.. I didn't know about the spreadsheet for tracking ourselves and our progress. i love this post and still learn everytime I read on this forum... LOVE IT!!!!!! like a sponge and ready to soak up all I can --Thanks again friend--Martha
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Postby LilMsTexas » June 14th, 2005, 11:34 am

See a post I wrote under yours where you are telling about your baggy idea and sharing it with another new person. I wanted you to make sure you saw the post...I responded to you there before I saw this one.
Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby LeeannNH » June 14th, 2005, 11:49 am

hi charlotte

i can understand your apprehension. i too felt that way and honestly feel that way on occassion still. i think it is NORMAL for those of us that have "dieting" on and off for many years. i can tell you that so far i have been able to stay compliant and using this board and the products together make all of the difference.

good luck and i hope to "see" you around!
leeann :mrgreen:
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Postby Mommy2girls » June 14th, 2005, 3:07 pm

Welcome Charlotte! I think your aprehension is normal and understandable. MF works when you comply and makes your life easy while you are losing weight. There is not much thinking involved and I personally am not fond of counting calories, carbs, and the like (although when I get to maintenance I WILL start keeping close tabs!)

I think you will feel better after you make it through that first week and your pants are looser than they are right now. My husband decided to start (after I've done it for 2 months) last week and lost –13lbs in his first week.

Good luck and we are all here to cheer and lend support whenever we can!
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Postby Guest » June 14th, 2005, 6:50 pm

Very glad to have another "ready to be healthy" Medifaster in the midst! We are all here to cheer you on!

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Postby martha » June 15th, 2005, 11:16 am

charlotte-- took me awhile to get the ticker thing too. then my daughter taught me how to cut and paste it to your signature in your profile.. I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong but thats how I did mine..then press submit on the bottom.. you are going to do great!!!--Martha
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response to 24kgold

Postby czavadil » June 15th, 2005, 3:28 pm

I finally got the link. I didn't notice the first time that it was in excel.
Thanks. I have sent the link to my favorites so I can keep on it.
Thank you for your help.
June 14, 2005

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