Today's my first day!

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Today's my first day!

Postby fedup » September 27th, 2004, 12:00 pm

I spent a couple months looking into the MF program, and last week I finally was FEDUP enough to realize I had to DO something and order it. I started the program today. I'm doing full fast because I think for me it may be best to not have the food choices, at least not right now. I've been reading the discussions posted here, and knew I had to join in. I think it will really help along the way!

I had lost about 40 # 2 years ago, and kept about 1/2 off. I have regained the other half due to emotional overeating. As I said, I'm FEDUP with this situation, and need to do something positive NOW. I truly think medifast will be the solution for me. It's still only day 1 for me, and it is tough, i'm so used to just grabbing food... but I WILL DO THIS!
Christy 5'5" age-34
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Postby explorthis » September 27th, 2004, 1:01 pm

Fedup! Welcome. Perfect name for the one reason we are here. I am Mike, one of the many regulars here. You cannot find a better support bar none than this forum. Probably nothing you could ask that we have not discussed at one time or another. Feel free to search all over the forum. Since you are registered, you have the option (once logged in) to search for topics, and there are many. If you can’t find it, ask away, someone will chime in. We have been there, and done that and like you we are FEDUP as you are!!

Nancy the board owner just left on a 3 week vacation, so we are in charge while she is gone.

If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask! We like to give support, as well as receive it.

We can do it together!



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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 27th, 2004, 2:09 pm

Welcome Fedup! :wave:

You're gonna 'fedex' those extra pounds off the planet with this plan. It's the most successful diet there is, IMHO. Just follow the program's advice. We're all interested in each other's experiences so happy to see you join up! Hang in there today! :weightlift:

A MF Pal,
Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
Jun lost 20#=175#
Jul lost 14#=161#
Aug lost 7#=154#
Sep lost 13#=141#
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Postby DutchChoc » September 27th, 2004, 7:30 pm

Hi, Fedup. Where there's a will, there's a way, and this is a pretty good way, indeed! Every day, a bit smaller, we are; every day, a little less unhappy with clothes that used to be problem children to us, etc. The dark clouds keep lifting and the sun begins to shine. You're in for quite a treat, actually. You now have the tools to fix what's been irking 'ya.

Good luck.
Ending weight MF 10/2004: 126
Starting weight 12/1/08: 168 :-(
Loss December: -7/-0
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Postby looznit » September 28th, 2004, 5:32 am

Hello fellow buckeye - looks like we're in the same boat. I'm about a month into the program doing the 5/1 plan and have lost 14 pounds. This program is a breeze. Good luck!

With God ALL things are possible!
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Postby fedup » September 28th, 2004, 6:23 am

I just got to work and checked in with this group... I'm so happy that people already responded. I really do believe it helps to "go through it" with others.
I made it through day 1! now it's already 1 shake into day 2. Yesterday I tried to space my meals evenly, but I also know my weakness for evening snacking so I tried to lplan ahead and eave only a little over 2 hours between my last two supplements. I think that helped with the late afternoon/pm munchie thoughts. I haven't decided how often to weigh in, I know I'll probably like to weigh in a lot because I like the feedback. (My problem has always been that I weighed myself a lot while "dieting" in the past, but as soon as I lost the weight I stopped and that's how it crept back on. I read someone else sharing this trait on this forum and I thought, "yep, that's me too.") This morning the scale showed 2.5 pounds down just on day 1! I know the weight loss evens out after the first week or so, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that it felt GREAT to see something so soon.
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Postby explorthis » September 28th, 2004, 6:38 am

dieting in the past, but as soon as I lost the weight I stopped and that's how it crept back on

Here in lies the death of the diet death. This has plagued every one of us for years. PLEASE let this one work for you. DO NOT give in to that first temptation. It will be your last. Everyone will tell you, once your on the program, and allow a slip (and your still brand new here – in the courting period) it’s nearly impossible to get back on – just ask anyone here, and they will be glad to tell you the same.

Make this the last time you ever have to do this, and you will be amazed. We ALL have that “munchies” time, but you can withstand, with just a little help and support – US!

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Postby fedup » September 28th, 2004, 7:08 am

That's what I keep telling myself also, that to "give in" is not an option. I've read so many people say that the first 3 days or so are really tough, and so far they definitely are, but it's just my body wanting to fall back on the old habit of reaching for junk. Sure, I've had the headache, still do, but I'm pushing through that. It's really motivating to see how much success people have had, and it helps to read about it here. It helps me know it CAN be done, and it's now or never! (And never is unacceptable, so I guess it's NOW!)
Christy 5'5" age-34
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Postby TamiL » September 28th, 2004, 11:55 am

Hi "Fedup"!!
thats how I felt when I ordered my first round of Medifast fed up at all the failed attempts at all the past diets...I needed something to WORK for me!! I am one of the "old timers" on the forum I guess you could that will PROMISE YOU that if you stick to your shakes and NEVER stray...YOU WILL loose your weight, no question....but just know, that if U do stray...or fall off the "wagon" so we way...its the hardest thing to get back on track, because I have struggled with that so many times!! NO ONE IS PERFECT...some of us have been weak at times, have had several slip ups....but if I could give anyone new some advise it would be....DONT TAKE THAT FIRST BITE of anything you know is not on the program...that first bite is the door to GUILT AND SHAME CITY...your body then goes out of Ketosis..and all your hard work is down the drain for a while....starting over is the hardest!!

I too am 33 years old...and 5'5...when I started Medifast I weighed 185 down to 155...then back up to 170-175 again after some cheating (me cheating myself...fooling one else!!) then I got back on track..and got back to 155 again! I still find myself from time to time having those "food demon :twisted: moments"...but I just ask you want to be 135 pounds by 2005? YOU BET I DO!! every slip up sets me back..and once the CLEAN feeling is within me, by sticking to the program and not eating any sugar or junk...I feel like a new waking up guilty in the mornings...waking up feeling THINNER by the day!!

Just space out your shakes....use the fast soups for times that your really hungry!! I too..used to have my shakes every 2 hours...with fast soups and pickles, sugar free jello inbetween...anything to have a feeding and not feel deprived...after a few weeks, your hunger will subside and it becomes easier...I PROMISE!!
just keep shakin.....come here for support and DONT GIVE UP!!
;) Tami

Medifast RESTART 13 March 09
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Postby fedup » September 29th, 2004, 10:33 am

Hey Looznit- a "hi" right back at ya from this Buckeye... oh yeah, Ohio rocks!

Tami- Looks like we have a lot of numbers in common... age, height, and my start weight isn't far off from what yours was! Keep up your good work! Hopefully I call follow in those footsteps! :!:
Christy 5'5" age-34
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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 29th, 2004, 10:42 am

Hey Fedup! You're doin it! You're doin it! It's Day 3 already and soon it will be over and you'll be fired up - furnace mode!!! Oct 1 starts my 5th month and it has really flown by. I'll weigh on that day to see my total September progress. Keep up the good work - you're on your way. You're doin it! :boing:

Jun 1, 2004 Start Date 5' 6" 195 lbs
Jun lost 20#=175#
Jul lost 14#=161#
Aug lost 7#=154#
Sep lost 13#=141#
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