by pumkiepoo » October 21st, 2005, 9:42 am
well tomorrow makes a week. Yesterday I had a huge event at work. We had a talent show and relay races and art projects and cake. I was good i did not eat a piece of cake. I did however stick my finger in the icing for a little taste and i've gotta tell you, only being on this program for a week the sugar made me feel pretty gross. it tasted good but it made me not feel so good. And i just had a lick. I couldn't imagine how gross i would feel if i ate a piece of cake.

I am proud of myself though :-) Tomorrow is weigh in day so be looking for my results :-)
<img border="0" src=";10711;88;0;1/c/177/t/120/s/177/k/c624/weight.png">