Oh, my! Such good ideas in this thread and I wanted to make a couple of comments, too
Eander5696 mentioned how bouillon improved the flavor of the soups - yep! I agree. I really like the bouillon granules because you can vary the intensity of the flavor as you wish.
Have you tried the Knorr™ brand of bouillon?
Long ago during one of my

stupid DIEting episodes, I lived on that stuff.
I was on a VLCD and ate nothing but 4 ounces of shrimp per day (total daily protein consumption), 1 can of green beans and 4 cups of bouillon. Which by the way, was a dumb and dumber weightloss way to go, totally unhealthy, my periods stopped, lost my hair, got meaner than a catbox, became anemic, etc.

go there!
Anyhoo...I digress, as I am wont to do...back to the Knorr™. I hadn't seen it for years. The other day I was at my local Safeway store shopping for a family from my church and I was looking at the canned tuna. I selected several cans and turned to put them in the cart and spied the Hispanic Food shelf section. I looked it over for some new hot sauce and what to my glazed green eyes, I

spied the Knorr label on some bouillon!

I do not read, speak or understand Spanish but I recognize logos!
There was a picture of a chicken sitting on
three tomatoes!

I found it!

I found it! My beloved
TOMATO bouillon. I was elated!
Now I tell ya, I prefer the
Medifast Robust Tomato Fast Soup as it has veggie bits in it and the addition of potassium but I whooped out a

gladsome "Mama Ceeta" and did a little

jig right there in the Hispanic section and tossed a few bottles of Knorr™ tomato bouillon into my cart and shuffled off.
Tomato Fast Soup or tomato bouillon is super in the Chili and in the Minestrone.
Guest, yes, indeedy doo, the Chili, Minestrone and Chicken With Wild Rice are excellent cooked on the stove top.

They taste and smell like homemade and the texture is perfect. I hate to dirty up a saucepan for such a little dibble dab of soup so usually prepare two-three packets at a time stovetop method and then just nuke a portion when I am ready to eat them.
The Creamy soups cannot tolerate the heat of the stovetop; they get

gloppy. That’s why I really don’t recommend adding hot water to them – the water in those ‘Insta-hot’ faucets that many homes and office cafeterias have seem to be too hot and make the soup into one big blob so I usually mix the Creamy soups with cool water, stir as best I can and then nuke for a minute and stir again. I let it rest for about 5 minutes and re-nuke but never bring it to a boil unless you need the paste for a wallpaper project!
Eander5626, the
lime pickle spears are great, aren’t they? Have you tried those Vlasic™
Tabasco pickle spears? Yum! I love ‘em!

Hype Vlasics™ are now available in Canada! Yeow-sa!