by loriannk » June 5th, 2006, 8:33 am
Today I celebrate my 33rd birthday and I celebrate getting my life back.
I have lost and amazing 42 lbs in what I consider a very short time. Tomorrow will be the end of 14 weeks.
When I started this diet program I was hopeful like all of us are but there was also a feeling of doubt. I have tried so may diet programs and sure I loss a little weight, but I would fall right back to my bad destructive habits. Medifast has given me my life back.
I no longer have to feel like the fattest person in the room or worry about how my kids will feel when their friends see me. I am not the really fat mom anymore. I know I am not at my goal but I can see it now, it is coming and faster then I expected. There is no way I will ever go back to being overweight. How could I? I can see the change in me. The energy, the happiness I feel. It is like a high. I was obese through my 20's and two plus years of my 30's. My life is starting new. I feel like a new person.
I am grateful to all of you and for all of your support. I come here when I feel weak and I am happy to say I have never once cheated on the program since I started. I have been close but this forum always pulls me away from the temptation.
So I will stop my long post and say THANK YOU MEDIFAST for giving me my life back.
Age: 34 HT: 5'4"
3 kids ages 2, 8 & 9