My products arrived today!!!!!!!!!!!
Wooo Hoooo! I am so excited. I wasn't sure exactly what day they were going to arrive this week, so since today is Thursday, I said no matter what day they arrived this week or weekend I was starting on Monday. So I have this last three days to get all of this bad eating out of my system, and also get all of the bad foods out of refrigerator, and cabinets. Also I can finish off all thoese great leftovers from the 4th of July

But I always do this bing eating thing right before I start a diet, where if I know I am going to start a diet, I just eat like crazy any and everything I want because I know I won't be able to eat it when I go on my diet. But for some reason I am not going crazy this time. I think it is because I am really ready, and I don't feel like I am going to be depriving myself, I am just going to start doing something healthy for myself, so I dont' feel like I am actually loosing this time. If that makes sense. The only thing I am really going to miss is fruit!

But that is all for today, just wanted to let everyone know I finally received my package and the countdown has officially began. 3 days to go until I change my life, and I can't wait