Tips From a Newbie

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Tips From a Newbie

Postby Slimsoon » September 1st, 2005, 9:54 am

To take to work, I make 2 separate shakes with ice in my Magic Bullet and pour them together into a big insulated mug ( about a quart size). It has a snap on lid that slids to open and you can use a straw . You can get one at the dollar stores or walmart . I keep a box of straws for this at work.
For my third shake I just mix it and shake it in my mug.
I do the total suppplement plan some days but mostly the 5 & 1 plan . on the days I want to do the complete plan I still take my lean and green meal . This way if I really need to eat I have food and wont be tempted by the junk food machines . I also keep celery in the fridge at work .
I found some baby dills by Mt Olive . Instead of a eating a whole big pickle I just have a baby dill when i feel the urge to snack . I put a few of these in a small container and keep them in the fridge at work.
I avoid aspartame at all costs, also sugar free gums and mints. Aspartame can make you crave sweets and intensify the urge to eat . also the sf gums and mints. I am new to MF but not new to dieting and have learned this the hard way . I do enjoy one diet coke with splenda a day.
One more thing I ordered some bars thinking I would be strong but ate 3 in the first 2 days. I will not order anymore until I am in maintence . I put the 2 boxes in a plastic walmart bag and tied it shut with a couple of tight knots I repeated this about 4 more times , bag inside bag. LOL .I then placed them in the freeze in the garage. I will really have to think before i go to the trouble of opening them before I eat another one.
Medifast is working great for me and I know cheating will only set me back days which will add up into weeks or months from reaching my goal. The worst thing about dieting to lose weight is the slow process of losing and not seeing results each week . Being on Medifast and seeing the lbs drop each week is a real insentive to stick to the plan .
I cant remember if I saw this on here but I think I saw it on another dieting site . You make a poster . Find a picture of yourself where you are overwieght . Ya know one of those I didnt realize how i looked until I saw this picture .The ones we all want to burn.
Center pic on a paper or small poster board and glue it in the center .Find pics of yourself when you were thin doing things you would do again if you lost the weight. You add these out around the center pic of you overwieght . you may also add pics of things you would do from a magazine ,such as water skiing ,if you dont have a pic of you actually doing the activity .you could also add pics of your kids say if your goal is to be healthy and more active with your kids or grandkids.
I am going to add pics of flat stomachs. I carry my wieght in my stomach and need to work on my abs the most . glue all this together and hang it inside your closet or bathroom door or on your fridge if you dare.Then look at it whenever you want to cheat and think about why you really want to lose wieght.
Happy Losing to all !
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Joined: August 22nd, 2005, 12:12 pm
Location: Indiana

Postby Nancy » September 1st, 2005, 10:19 pm

It is VITAL to have a list of the reasons why you are doing this - it will sustain you during the rough times...

Dare to dream.

Visualize success.

Do all you can to stick to the program.

Day by day, you get closer to your goal.

We believe in you! :bananadance:
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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Postby Slimsoon » September 2nd, 2005, 12:12 pm

The reasons ( mentally) why we are doing this ? Yes, that's whole nother post isnt it .
Posts: 9
Joined: August 22nd, 2005, 12:12 pm
Location: Indiana

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