Timing of the shakes

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Timing of the shakes

Postby female1978 » January 19th, 2004, 6:26 pm

I have one shake for breakfast, 2 for lunch and 2 for dinner (without hunger). Is it okay to consume them in this matter, or, is having one at a time recommended?


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Postby Guest » January 19th, 2004, 7:35 pm


I believe that it is best to spread them out 3 - 4 hours and it's okay to drink 2 together every once and awhile.

If you are only drinking your shakes 3 times a day then your body is not getting all of the nutrients it's suppose too since this is such a calorie restricted plan (notice, didn't say the D word!)

I could be wrong, I would also think if you drank them more spread out it would help your energy level.
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Postby Marci » January 19th, 2004, 7:37 pm

by the way, that was me who posted last.
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 19th, 2004, 8:25 pm

Hi Female,
Yes, Marci is right on this one. You want to space your drinks out every 3 hours during the day. It's not a good idea to ever double up on them. You want a steady stream of nutrients flowing into your bod throughout the day. This also keep your blood sugars level and everything in an even balance.

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Postby Nancy » January 19th, 2004, 10:33 pm

:shock: Uh, Oh! Do I detect someone trying to double up on their shakes?

:twisted: Naughty, naughty!

Yup, Marci and Unca are exactly right. It is best to eat (or slurp) every three to four hours, just the amount of food prescribed.

We are learning how much to eat and how often to eat while on the weight loss portion of Take Shape For Life. Therefore, it’s not in your best interest to have double shakes.

re DOULE SHAKES: My favorite husband Terry mixes a double shake for me TO GO. In the morning, he mixes a Medifast 55 Dutch Choc with a Choc Medifast Plus Joint Health into 16-18 ounces of water for moi to take along to work.

I slurp HALF of it in the morning and the other half later in the afternoon. He :pour: pours it into a Rubbermaid quart size plastic container and I just stow it in my office refer. I usually get a bit hungry about 9 or 9:30 AM so I sip on half of the shake. I often have an apple or an orange plus a small salad with a hard boiled egg or some water pack tuna or chicken.

Remember, I am on maintenance now :shades: and you will get there, too. You will be a BIG LOSER like moi and then be able to maintain your girlish figure!

:thumbup: What fun: I was at my parents' home for the weekend and found some of my clothes from COLLEGE (1966-1970) and I can still wear them! Woo Hoo!
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Postby SneezyKitten » January 20th, 2004, 12:04 pm

Hi female1978,

The way it got in to my head was like this: once you build a fire, you have to stoke it with one log in regular intervals or you will get flare ups and die downs in the level of the flames. We need to keep our fat burning furnaces going, going, going!

I had to regulate my body and teach myself to keep my furnace going! I know it seems akward at first - getting 5 or 6 shakes in a day often seems like we are constantly thinking about shakes! But it makes such a big difference once you get used to it!!!!!!! Your body will thank you for it and your efforts will pay off in pounds!
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Good thing I asked...

Postby female1978 » January 20th, 2004, 12:06 pm

Thanks everyone!

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Postby Unca_Tim » January 20th, 2004, 12:32 pm

Excellent analogy Sneezy...:)
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Postby finalstraw » January 20th, 2004, 2:02 pm

Is there a time in which you should not drink - does it get too late to drink? I am still having trouble getting in that 5th shake. I have the 4th around 6-7pm. :?

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Postby Jeanette » January 20th, 2004, 2:09 pm

The only thing I have read is...you should have at least three by 2 pm if you work a regular day.

Hey, I just noticed--you lost 6 pounds in two days??????? Holy cow!!!!!
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Postby finalstraw » January 20th, 2004, 3:11 pm

I think that is great also, but I have used 2 rolls of toilet tissue also, I have to think it is water weight to begin with, but at least thats water I'm not carrying around. :)

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Postby Nancy » January 21st, 2004, 1:24 am

Actually it is best to not have your meals very late in the evening but some of us (moi included) have very long days and as long as we are having those three by 2:30 (if we get up at a decent time and not sleep until the crack of noon...) we should be having # 4 by 6:30 at the latest and # 5 by 10:30 at te latest, right?

Some of of have cwazy schedules so we adjust our meals accordingly.

It is best to have that first meal within the first hour of awakening and then go from there every three-four hours. :buddies:
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