Let me start at the beginning...
A few weeks ago my uncle, someone whom I am very close to, nearly died in an ATV accident. God was with us and he has recovered amazingly, but that was not to be the last of my family's recent trials. This past Saturday, February 18th, my uncle's daughter (not only my cousin but my best friend) and her fiance lost their home and everything they own in a tragic fire that consumed their house and nearly consumed their lives. When they were picked up out of the snowbank they had fallen into and passed out in after smashing out their bedroom window with barely enough time to save their lives, all they had left were the pajamas they were wearing and her engagement ring. They even lost their vehichles, ATVs, two motorcycles, his brand new snowmobile and their pets...

Why the long winded story, you ask? Well, friends, these past few weeks have been very trying for me. I have been lost without the ability to turn to food, and I have not been 100% successful in staying true to plan....but I have also been more successful than I might have expected. A [short] list of successes first...I have not had any ice cream (Lisa, you know how I feel about ice cream!), and I have not had anything off plan. I have walked away from French fries, chicken wings, and countless other foods that I know would send me spiraling.
A [longer] list of mistakes...I haven't been drinking nearly enough water most days. I have been traveling a lot from where I go to school and home (250 miles) and because of all the time in the car I have had to watch what I drink so I don't have to stop every 15 minutes to find a restroom. One day I had too many bars...three.

My plea is this...I know I haven't completely failed. I have still managed to lose weight and I haven't given in to the things that would typically have reeled me in. I also feel some amount of pride because I feel that because of MF I have learned some good lessons on controlling my cravings, controlling what goes into my mouth, and enjoying things I like in new ways that are healthier for me....but I am starting to panic. I know MF works, and best yet I feel great, people are noticing my weight loss, and I have faith that I will succeed. There is a dark side though. I've never made it six weeks on any weight loss plan so this already is a huge achievement...I am always doing well, start to slip and ultimately fail. I DO NOT want that to happen again. In my mind I feel something odd and familiar creeping up on me...whispering to me that I'm on my way toward ruining all the progress I have made. My plea is for some inspiration...for some reassurance that my doubts are not going to get the best of me, for some help in quieting those evil voices that are telling me, "Hey, you already screwed up- why not order a pizza?"
I am fighting, and I am fighting hard...but now is when I need all of you to help me in my fight. Whatever words of wisdom and prayers you have, I certainly appreciate. I will win this fight and I will win it with the help I have been blessed to find on this forum.