Serendipity wrote:I take 15 minutes or so for my bar
Finally_Losing wrote:I know we are supposed to take at least 15 min for a meal, but is there a time limit as well. Say if I take 45 min or an hour is that ok? And when this has happened, I count my time until my next meal from when I finish that one, even if it's takes a long time. Am I doing this right?
wildtrk wrote:I wish a bar would last that long...I know that if you can do it that way it is beneficial. Shakes I can make last sometimes a little too long...30 plus minutes. But bars are opened and gone in a few minutes.
Finally_Losing wrote:Along these same lines.....So this will mean I'll have all 5 of my MF meals by 4/5pm. Then I'll have dinner with my family and that will be my last meal....Is that ok? We usually have dinner around 6:30 or 7. Or do I have a snack around 9?
Serendipity wrote:hmmmm. If you push your bar up to 4:00, then it works to have 4 MF supplements before the L&G at three hour intervals. Still room for one after dinner.
Finally_Losing wrote:Now you see my predicament lol
Here is my average schedule:
5:15 get up
7:30/8:00 oatmeal
10:00 shake
12:30/1 MF lunch
3:00 bar
Here's the tricky part, my husband gets home at 6 (I get home at 4:30), we usually eat around 7. If I eat a MF meal at my regular time intervals, that's all 5....Some days I'm starving and can't space out my meals further than 2 hours some days I can.
Dinner around 7
Bed around 10
Any suggestions?
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