Tightening Up My Boot Straps!

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Tightening Up My Boot Straps!

Postby LessOfMe » July 4th, 2005, 5:58 pm

I would just like to say that for me it is important that I "tighten up my boot straps" and get back to the basics of this program. I could use a good dose of reading the introductory materials, especially "Success in a Shaker Jar," reminding myself just why this is such an important program, remembering how much more uncomfortable I was three months ago and focusing on reaching my next goal. The tools for success are all available and it is sometimes easy to just coast along thinking that I can do this without using them.

Today we went to the movies. I packed my shaker jar and took flavored water in with me. Right in the middle of the movie I made a shake. I also asked my husband not to eat popcorn in front of me. Sometimes I don't mind, but today was not one of those days. I hate for people to make special consideration for me, but there are those times when it makes such a difference.

Sorry to have focused so much on myself in this post. Just needed to express myself to those who understand and to make a commitment to remind myself of how far this program has brought me and how important working this program is in order to reach goal. Thanks for listening!

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Postby want2Bthin » July 4th, 2005, 6:09 pm


Your doing great. :-P I know the movie thing can be hard. We took my daughter last week & I was surprised at how the smell of the popcorn made me feel. My hubby had a little struggle with that one too.

I can't tell you how many times I have read Success In a Shaker Jar. It really helps me.

We will make it to our goal & look back & say how quick it went. I have to remind myself that I gave this to God in the beginning & I am not going to take it back. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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Postby LessOfMe » July 4th, 2005, 6:14 pm

Thank you, Angelia.... I could feel your care and concern in your words and in the scripture verse that you quoted. You are a blessing! Just what I needed to hear!

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Postby mytime » July 4th, 2005, 7:36 pm

Karen - It can be such a difficult journey and each day in its own way brings its own challenges and triumphs. I think it is amazing that you were able to ask your husband for what you needed. It shows your and his level of commitment to changing your life. Each day brings us one step closer and sometimes it really helps to just focus on this day - or this meal. Congratulations on all you have accomplished - you have so much to be proud of. See you at the finish line :) Mytime
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Postby martha » July 4th, 2005, 9:30 pm


I just wanted to say how impressed I am that you would share your feelings with us.. Yes we all think we can just slide by once we have started something without using the tools that are in front of us.. It is important to not only remember why we started but how it is to be done properly.. most of us have started diets over and over and over only to fail and I for one am no exception to that.. i use to teach a group about dieting every week and know basically how to do a program frontwards and backwards BUT this is a life changing program and I don't know what that is all about because I am here with the weight back again..You reminded me that it is important to reread and refocus on the important things about this plan.. THANK YOU for that..
I don't really like popcorn but when I go to the movies I all but drool over the smell of it.. you did soo good to ask your spouse to not eat in front of you..GREAT FOR YOU :mrgreen: that's what we all need to be doing..my hubby started this plan with me so he could help me...that means alot to me as I am sure yours not eating the popcorn did to you..
Good luck with your program--and keep up the good work :mrgreen: --Martha
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Postby doglover » July 5th, 2005, 8:51 am

I am right with you Karen! It is back to basics for me as well (today is day 4 I think) and it is hard. I need to remind myself that the goals I set for a reason and are worthy of achieving! But dang it's hard! ;)
Thanks for sharing,
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Postby Alisha » July 5th, 2005, 11:58 am

Way to go Karen! You're such a strong person and I really commend you for that.

I don't have a partner but I've been specifically avoiding the cinema because of THAT smell! I can usually only eat about 3 handfulls of popcorn before I feel nauseous on a good day but the smell still drives me nuts. It's similar to coffee houses I guess.

But, I'm determined to do this, even if I have to take a jar of Vicks with me and dab it under my nose like someone who performs autopsies! Whatever it takes... whatever it takes. :)

Hang in there!

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Postby LessOfMe » July 5th, 2005, 1:22 pm

Alisha....What an absolutely dynamite suggestion: putting Vicks under your nose! I think all of us should carry a jar for emergencies like that! I love it. Thanks for the encouragement. You put a big smile on my face just now! ;)

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Postby martha » July 5th, 2005, 2:41 pm


I love the VICKS under the nose suggestion too :mrgreen: I needed a good laugh today and just thinking about everyone looking around to try to figure out who smells like that is funny as all get out.. talk about having elbow room next to you :mrgreen: :mrgreen: - thanks for the giggle--Martha
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Postby MomsTherapy » July 5th, 2005, 5:24 pm

Just returned from the store with my bottle of vicks rub ;)

I had a rough sunday too and posted about it. Don't feel back for letting it all out and the focus being on you. Look at the top...this is a SUPPORT forum and that is why all of us are here. :stroll: This is tough. And because of that, we seek support from like-minded people. We are here to support and be supported. So if you feel down, bring it on! We are all here to pick each other back up. And Dive in there again girl! All the way! :cleader:
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Postby Unca_Tim » July 5th, 2005, 5:33 pm

I love that! That should be our new slogan here.
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Postby Alisha » July 6th, 2005, 7:25 am

Hahaha :lol: I'm so glad my corny suggestion turned out to be helpful! Well, I'd rather be a Vicks chick than a fat chick any day! So, like Leah said, bring it on!!! :mrgreen:

Have a wonderful day everyone.

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Postby Mommy2girls » July 6th, 2005, 1:29 pm

Good for you! I'm in the middle of a PULLING UP MY BOOTSTRAPS moment too! Let's do it together!!!

Let's see today so far I have resisted CHEESE (that is my all time favorite) and then chips and salsa. I made the girls chips and salsa for lunch along with a quesedilla...oh yum. Since I couldn't have what they were having, I made my MF chili and added 2 tbsp. of salsa. It was so yummy! I didn't even miss the cheese and chips!!! :bib:

It was definitely a PULLING UP MY BOOTSTRAPS moment!

The vicks is a great idea, and funny too. My DH used to keep a jar of Vicks open by his bedroom door at night to keep the cat from trying to scratch his way in. LOL! :scratchhead: Who would have thought there were so many uses??? :shock:


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Postby martha » July 6th, 2005, 2:38 pm


Good for you passing up the chips and salsa and especially the cheese.. It's hard to not think about your favorite foods when you have to cook them ..I know as I just made smothered liver and onions for mom and dare I say smothered potatoes BUT I fed her and called my daughter to come and take it home.. she just left.. I'm shakin it tonight :mrgreen: I just have to get by with the smells for now :mrgreen: Keep up the good work---Martha
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Postby mytime » July 6th, 2005, 7:41 pm

Shelia and Martha - great for both of you! I know it is so hard sometimes to cook for others. I had another one of those moments tonight. So I just clean the kitchen. I don't know if you saw this - I am sure I wrote it somewhere. When I really want to eat something I write it on a list - this is my symbolic way of telling myself that it is not gone forever and I won't forget it - It's just not ok for today. Weird I know but it seems to help. Mytime
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