Thought a poll would be fun!

Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

When you get on the scale do you wear your clothes or go natural?

Poll ended at May 21st, 2004, 10:55 am

Fully Clad
Just the Undies
Birthday Suit
Total votes : 15

Thought a poll would be fun!

Postby cdixon » May 14th, 2004, 10:55 am

:lol: :lol:
Start Date 05/10/04
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Postby cdixon » May 14th, 2004, 10:57 am

I am as naked as a J-Bird of course.
Start Date 05/10/04
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Postby Carrie » May 14th, 2004, 11:17 am

I make sure I weigh myself before I shower in the morning ...... because I figure my wet hair would weigh more than my dry hair ...... how stupid is that, it's probably about 1oz of water!!!!! But since I do that, ya gotta know that I wouldn't wear any clothes OR JEWELRY cause it makes the scale say more!!! Oh the tangled web we weave.......
Last edited by Carrie on May 14th, 2004, 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Tonya » May 14th, 2004, 12:24 pm

I'm with ya Carrie!!! I do the exact same thing :)

Besides, I do feel like it's more accurate since it's roughly the same time every day and I don't have to worry about how much extra a tshirt weighs as compared to sweatpants! ;)

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Postby Marseilles » May 14th, 2004, 12:31 pm

I weigh myself fully clothed as this way I can tell myself that my particular outfit of choice weighs 46 lbs and Im THIN..then I go eat three cheeseburgers, go home and drift off into a carb induced coma.

No, seriously..fully clothed as i weigh in at a weightloss center..they frown on full frontal public nudity in Sunny FL.

I dont weigh at home, Im already slave enough to the scale.

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Postby Carrie » May 14th, 2004, 12:39 pm

Hmmm, if I still had it I could wear my wedding dress, it weighed 36 pounds!

Actually sometimes I feel like hanging one leg right off the dang scale, that should make for a better number!

Or better yet, I could install a chin-up bar OVER my scale. Then I could get exercise WHILE making a smaller number on the scale. It's a win-win situation!
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Postby explorthis » May 14th, 2004, 1:25 pm

I figure my wet hair would weigh more than my dry hair ...... how stupid is that

Not as bad as me. Still every morning, even after the weight is off, shower on heating up, morning quick R/R relief, take my watch off (cause it might weigh .423 oz) then weigh. Now, at least my scale knows I am coming, and does not hide under the sink anymore, I used to hate when it hid from me.

I sold my wedding dress on eBay, to pay for Medifast. It was “white”

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Postby Carrie » May 14th, 2004, 1:28 pm

You wear your watch to bed? Hmmmmmmmmmm
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Postby Carrie » May 14th, 2004, 1:36 pm

And how bout how fun it is at the Doctor's office ...... the dang thing is always more than the home scale, and you're fully clothed and you know you gotta get on it. I always at least set my purse down, but I feel like telling em to hold on a minute while I take my shoes and socks off, remove my contacts, and make sure there isn't any weighty belly button lint to tip the scales against me! ARGH, I hate that!
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Postby explorthis » May 14th, 2004, 1:44 pm

Common, I am a man! I drive a truck (making the Tim Allen sounds), and I wear a G-Shock. I NEVER take it off, except before weighing, then it goes back on before I get in the shower!

Be right back, looking for listings on eBay for purses...

Whooommmmph,.. More Power!

-Truck Guy, that skates, and is free of any and all BB-Lint!
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Postby Carrie » May 14th, 2004, 1:50 pm

Oh I see, that explains everything, LOL
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Postby explorthis » May 14th, 2004, 1:57 pm

How dare you patronize me !!!
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Postby Carrie » May 14th, 2004, 2:02 pm

I have a feeling if this were a cafeteria, I would've just been pelted with porridge.
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Postby Marseilles » May 14th, 2004, 5:00 pm

You two are bad!!!

I will refrain from a top ten list of place -not- to be watch-wearing.

Yes, the Dr's office sucks, I have flat out refused on occasion to step on the scale..but guess what???

I was just shopping and refrained from buying the next size of shorts because for the first time in my life, they made my Hiney look SMALL..


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Postby LouLou » May 17th, 2004, 11:40 am

Completely naked, before the shower is even running (don't want the steam to trip up the scale). I also make sure I go potty first and always exhale as I read the number (as if a lung full of air is gonna make a difference!)

Oh, and at the doctors, you can be sure I take off my shoes first!!
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