Those Peske Emotions!!!!

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Those Peske Emotions!!!!

Postby MusicalMomma » February 9th, 2006, 8:30 am

Besides some wicked allergies the past few days, my emotions are OUT OF CONTROL!!!! It's not PMS. I don't know what it is. The closest thing I can figure is, when I used to start feeling this way, I'll never guess....EAT! I am finding it REALLY difficult to get through this rough emotional patch without binging. Last night I wanted a peanutbutter sandwich like crazy!! I resisted, but had an extra shake to get me over the rough spot. It doesn't help my emotions any that I haven't dropped an ounce since Sunday. I know this plan works. I know if I stay with it, my body will readjust itself, and the pounds will start coming off again. After all 18 pounds in three weeks is most excellent!!! Ah, I'm rambling here....just needed to document my emotions. Gotta deal with them now, cuz I refuse to EAT them away! :x
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Postby Lizabette » February 9th, 2006, 8:44 am


You done done good!

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Postby falisamarie » February 9th, 2006, 9:04 am


Hang in there! I relate so easily to you and feel for you when you are having a rough time. :hugblue: I know you can do this just hang in there remember the first week I told you that as of Friday I had only lost 6lbs and then Sunday it had jumped to 10. Not to beat a dead horse :deadhorse: but STAY OFF THAT SCALE!!!! I know it is easier said than done but with your emotions already doing flip flops it probably doesn't help much not to see the scale move either. We both know that the scale will be moving again soon so hang in there and we are all here for you!

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Postby MusicalMomma » February 9th, 2006, 9:35 am

Thanks Lizabette and Lisa! Lisa you are so right! I gotta stop letting the scale be my only confirmation of progress! I also have got to stop putting high expectations on myself. I have to stop saying things like "I want to lose 35lbs by March 11th" (our disney trip). My body will respond to this program in its own good time! I am in this for the long haul. I am in this for more than "thinness". I am in this for long term health benefits! I'm already experiencing them too! Emotions come and go. I can't live my life based on "how I feel today"! That's what got me in this mess in the first place! It's time to take control of my emotions and my eating habits. I control when I eat, what I eat, and how much I eat! No one puts a knife to my throat and makes me binge. It is my choice and I choose LIFE! I choose to be good to myself even when my body screams for bad foods! I choose to be a good enough friend to myself to say to myself "GET A GRIP, stop feeling sorry for yourself and KEEP GOING"!! OK, I'm rambling again, but sometimes we just gotta give ourselves a pep take (or a kick in the butt).
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I know the feeling

Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 9th, 2006, 9:40 am

This is only my 3rd day and I am very emotional. I just want to cry. It is my TOM so that may be some of the cause but I like you don't have my FOOD to comfort me.

I think it's good that we are feeling ourselves. Maybe we will eventually figure out what the real source of our problems lie. Or maybe we just like to eat. :) .

You are doing so well :bravo: 18#'s is no small loss. Just hang in there. You and I will get past this. I bet when you jump on the scale in a few days you are going to see a wosh.


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Postby Dayna » February 9th, 2006, 3:27 pm

Success in a Shaker Jar wrote:Because estrogen is stored in the fat cells, rapid weight loss causes an increase in the level of estrogen circulating in the blood stream. This can affect the regularity of menstrual cycles as well as increase symptoms of PMS. You may become more irritable and moody as well as struggle more with food cravings right before your period.

Elevated estrogen levels can also increase fertility so if you don't want to get pregnant, be sure to use adequate birth-control measures.

Extra estrogen = extra emotional (for me, at least!). I first encountered this problem while on Atkins, although it's been more pronounced on Medifast (I would assume that's because I'm losing more rapidly). Last Sunday, I was watching the little blurb before the Superbowl about the PAL football league for kids with disabilities . . . and there was the part of the story about the kid who doesn't have long to live . . . I was sobbing by the end of it. Not teary, not misty, sobbing. It was ridiculous. I can't imagine how watching the olympics is going to be; every touchy-feely story they run (and NBC seems to run those a LOT) is going to set me off! The emotional-ness (is that a word?) has been fairly constant, or at least it hasn't been limited to just PMS. This may be what's going on with you; if it is, just tell yourself that the emotions mean you're burning fat, and that's a very good thing. Also tell yourself that it's not forever, and dream of all those sexy outfits you'll be wearing when you reach goal! Guaranteed to make you smile. :mrgreen:

- Dayna
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Postby MusicalMomma » February 9th, 2006, 3:39 pm

Thanks Dayna!!!! :hug: Now I know I'm not losing my mind...just 30 minutes ago, I was screaming at my check book because it wasn't balancing!!!! Stupid checkbook!!!! :x ;) I will keep the estrogen in mind and try to keep my emotions under wraps :)
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Postby hotmomfromhawaii » February 9th, 2006, 4:30 pm

Wow Dayna! Thank you for the quote on estrogen! That really answers why I have been so moody... :twisted:. I've been short with the kids,and any kind of stress just sets me off to want to raid the fridge or head to Micky D's for some junk food :x ... It's been difficult for the past week to not cheat. I'm not giving up though!

Hang in there Momma!! We can do this!

I'm still shakin! :yay:



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Postby falisamarie » February 9th, 2006, 5:41 pm


Oh no it is not you my checkbook does the same thing to me all the time so it has to be something with the checkbooks cause everyone knows that women are never overly emotional :roflmao:

Hang in there girl!!

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Postby Soon2bFitSonja » February 9th, 2006, 6:13 pm


That was great onformation. Thanks for sharing. Heck when we feel like crying we can be happy because that means we are losing weight at a good pace. :)

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Postby Unca_Tim » February 9th, 2006, 8:26 pm

That's one of my favorites.
Gotta love the skipping sheep tho too...:)
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