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This is it!!!!!!!

Postby Lois » November 4th, 2003, 6:49 am

Hi there,

Well, I've done it! I had my first Medifast shake 15 minutes ago. Woooohoooo, I'm on my way!

By the way, it was an orange shake in 8oz. of Crystal Lite, and I thought it tasted..................great! Really!

So here we go, onward and upward (or maybe I should say "downward"....weight wise, that is :lol: !!!!!!!)

I'll post again at the end of the day.....

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Postby Ellen » November 4th, 2003, 10:09 am

Go Lois!! :cleader:

You took the hardest step and got started!

I can't wait to see you come back and post your first loss.
Have a great shake day and let us know if we can help in any way!

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Postby Unca_Tim » November 4th, 2003, 11:20 am

Congrats Lois,

Remember those first 3-4 days are the hardest. Hang in there, don't miss a meal, drink lots of H2o and you'll do fine...... :hi5:

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Postby Lois » November 4th, 2003, 7:20 pm

Hi there!

Thanks so much for your encouragement.

I felt a little hungry and head-achey today, but nothing I couln't bear (do remember I've given birth to 5 kids ;)

I had an orange shake at 8am, tomato soup at 11:30, a strawberry shake at 2:30, a cup of cocoa at 6:30 and tomato soup at 9. Plus I drank about a liter and a half of liquid.

I don't know if I've lost any weight, but I bet I've PEED OFF FIVE POUNDS :lol: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be posting again tomorrow.....

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Postby Ellen » November 5th, 2003, 7:40 am

I must say that I spend consdierably more time in the bathroom these days! I figure all those trips to the bathroom MUST be taking off additional pounds -- after all I think I've walked 14 or 15 miles in these last few weeks just going back and forth, back and forth... :lol: :lol:

Glad you had a successful first day!
It gets easier with time!

Have you chosen a day to check your weight each week, or are you going to wait a while before checking?

I decided to go with once a week on Saturday mornings.

Well, have a great shaking day!
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Postby Lois » November 5th, 2003, 2:47 pm

Hi there....

I think I'll weigh in once a week, or maybe once every 10 days. I don't want to do it too often or I'll get over-focused on the scale.

........I think we're gonna have to buy more toilet paper this week :lol:


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Did someone say Toilet Paper?

Postby explorthis » November 5th, 2003, 3:17 pm

Lois wrote:I think we're gonna have to buy more toilet paper this week

Conversation between Mike and his alter ego:

A/E: Don't go there Mike
Mike: ahhhh common
A/E: It's not nice, they might get offended.
Mike: Like I care, I have a good time.
A/E: You don't know these girls, they might be sensitive.
Mike: Like this has stopped me before?
A/E: Don't do it......
Mike: Shaddup, when have I listened to you in the past?
A/E: Right you are go ahead.
Mike: Already ahead of you.....

Well Lois, as much as my Alter Ego tried to get me to not comment, I could not resist....... Again, why are "WE" glad to be a Man?

Much less terlet paper!! Shake and walk!

A/E here: He can be such an ass sometimes.........
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Postby Lois » November 5th, 2003, 8:19 pm


Don't make me laugh! Now I have to PEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! :lol:

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Postby Ellen » November 5th, 2003, 8:50 pm

Hey Mike,

I guess now you've given a whole new meaning to my closings.

Have a great shaking day,

tee hee
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Postby susan » November 6th, 2003, 2:25 pm

:lol: Hi,everone, I got a big laugh out of this .just keep right on losing wt. I am on 3rd. week and its going good .I;ll post sat. morn Susan
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Postby Donna501 » November 6th, 2003, 5:14 pm

After the first 3 days on this program, I went to the bathroom so much I thought I had lost 30lbs at least. I went to Costco (like Sam's club) the next day and bought tp in bulk. Now I have lots of tp. Now I never have to worry about it. When I am at work. When I yell I have to go and need a break, they come running. They know to get out of my way. :drive:

So far I have lost 31lbs. I am 5 days away from a full month on the program. :cleader: I have not been hungry at all. I have been feeling great. But still, what I would not do for some Wendys chili. Don't know why, but I want it bad!!!!!!! :bib: I think because I have that girl problem going on now, this is the reason for the cravings. I want everything I can't and I think if I drink anymore water I will swim away. I know this too will pass. Ok, I am done complaining now. I need to go tend to my 3yoa twins. For some reason they feel they need to eat!! Ha hA
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Postby Lois » November 6th, 2003, 8:22 pm

You guys are great!!!!!! Thanks for sharing your potty trials and tribulations....we really are all in this together :D

Today was day #3 for me and I'm feeling great. According to eveything I've read, the hardest part is now behind me.

I absolutely love how easy and convenient this is......


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Postby Ellen » November 6th, 2003, 8:58 pm

Hey Donna -- what a fabulous job you're doing!!! 31 pounds! That has got to feel great. It is really wonderful reading about everyone's success on the program.

Have you tried the Medifast Chilli yet? I haven't tried it, but I'm thinking about ordering some on my next order. I'm sure it wouldn't fool you into thinking that it is Wendy's chilli, but it might help with the cravings. I have heard that there is a brand of bouillon called "better than bouillon" and they have a chilli flavor one. Some people at another board have been saying that they use that to spice up the Medifast chilli and it is really good. Several others have told me that they just add some hot sauce. Since I like the chicken noodle soup so much, I'm thinking about giving it a whirl.

Lois, I'm so glad you made it through the first three days. That's like a Medifast milestone!

Susan, wow, I can't believe it's been three weeks already. Are you hanging in OK?

Well hope everyone has a great shaking day tomorrow!
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Postby Unca_Tim » November 7th, 2003, 12:39 pm

Just wanted to throw in a big cheer for everyone.
You guys are awesome.

Keep on shakin'....
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Postby susan » November 7th, 2003, 5:27 pm

Ellen, I.ll post in the morn and I will be starting 4 weeks isn;t this wonderful to find something so easy and know it works . I really get excited and after talking to mike i decided to just weigh in once a week on sat. morn. I will stay on this as long as it takes .have a good day .susan p.s. sometimes i have a hard time drink all my water but am trying real hard to get it all down talk to you later
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