After the first 3 days on this program, I went to the bathroom so much I thought I had lost 30lbs at least. I went to Costco (like Sam's club) the next day and bought tp in bulk. Now I have lots of tp. Now I never have to worry about it. When I am at work. When I yell I have to go and need a break, they come running. They know to get out of my way.
So far I have lost 31lbs. I am 5 days away from a full month on the program.
I have not been hungry at all. I have been feeling great. But still, what I would not do for some Wendys chili. Don't know why, but I want it bad!!!!!!!
I think because I have that girl problem going on now, this is the reason for the cravings. I want everything I can't and I think if I drink anymore water I will swim away. I know this too will pass. Ok, I am done complaining now. I need to go tend to my 3yoa twins. For some reason they feel they need to eat!! Ha hA