This to Shall Pass

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This to Shall Pass

Postby dlr2424 » May 6th, 2005, 9:13 am

...........Okay..........NEWSFLASH.......I only weigh twice a week....however this morning...although not a weigh day...... I was feeling quite light..... :yay: .....and decieded to hop on the scale..... :boing: .....before getting on I thought.......... :hmmm: .......I am so close to the 30 lb club ..... :scratch: .......maybe it's possible I reached it..... :huh: .....and after all this past Sunday due to Aunt loss was a a :hmmm: .... with Flo gone maybe a few lbs down would be possible???...... :?: ...... so I hopped my nekid big bootie up on the scale.... :bouncie: ...and what did I see...?... :?: ..... :shock: .....UP one lb......not down......but much for feeling light.... :brickwall: ........ now the emotional side of my brain is having a very small smidgen of a pity party....... :pace: .....while the intellectual side is saying.....DON'T GO THERE......... :no: ......STAY AWAY......... :hammerhead: ........(now my emotional side of the brain unfortunatly is usually a bit larger than the intellectual side).........and the pity party part of me is saying ...... :coach: .....hey that's not fair..... :x .......I have been on the FULL FAST plan for 86 days.......3 mos this Monday.....and with the strength of the good Lord.........have been 100% compliant........not a nibble....a taste...or lick of anything not allowed.......... :x where does the FAST of FULL FAST come in?....for me it's more like FULL the intellectual side said...... :coach: ...Shake it off....remember "It's only a number".............this too shall pass.......get your shrinking bootie behind the computor.......... :puter: ..... and start reading.... :coach: ...don't allow that thinning mind to go to here I am amusing myself ...... :nutz: ......talking to each side of my brain and what if this Sunday brings yet week...... :huh: .....I'm doing my part......this body has to let go of this stall sooner or my point for me to this drawn out saga is...........Stay off the Scale when it's not weigh in day!!!!......remember ........curiosity killed the cat.........okay now that I have vented I can move on........... :wavie: ...bye for now....Off for a walk..... :exercise:


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Postby kassilou » May 6th, 2005, 9:27 am

Lesson learned, eh? Doesn't it make you feel like this: :brickwall: ? That'll teach ya! You were feeling good til you got on. :coach: Stay off those scales!!!!

I, too, have to wean myself from weighing every day. I even check how my rings are fitting to try to give me a clue before I step on the scale. It is so disheartening when that doggone scale moves the wrong way! Hate it, hate it, hate it!!!!

Hang in there, hon. It's not a bit fair, but the scale will move down eventually.
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Postby want2Bthin » May 6th, 2005, 9:35 am


Don't you worry my friend. I have slipped and weighed before weigh-in day in the past too. I had similar results. But guess what, you might have a gain today and still have a loss by Sunday. I have figured out that my weight loss occurs at the end of the week. I don't know why but it has been that way since I started.

Like you said, you may be in a stall. It may take until next week for your body to let go. Maybe next week you will have an unbelievable loss. What did you just tell me? ;) God rewards faithfulness. Be patient and it will come.

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Postby itsgonnaworkthistime » May 6th, 2005, 10:09 am


Don't even think twice about it.....I weigh EVERY day, and I know that one of these will happen: The scale will move down, it will stay the same and on occasion it will eek itself up a bit....but I just keep going...

For instance, yesterday I was .3 pounds away from the 50 pound club.... I was down 1.2 from the day before...I got on the scale this morning, hoping for the move downward so I could send out the pigeons to notify Unca, but I was up .8 pound.

I'm not fretting it, I know its water, I didn't make my usual 1:00am trip to the loo last night. It will eventually go away, I'm staying positive so you can too.

Just wait for roll call Sunday, and I'm sure you will be surprised.

Its funny how you mention "feeling quite light". Isn't it wierd how that happens. I can usually tell if there will be a movement downward because I get that feeling. And if it doesn't move, it certainly moves within the next day or so....So hang in there. You will succeed.

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Postby TamiL » May 6th, 2005, 10:27 am

Donna....THE NUMBERS on the scale WILL GO UP AND DOWN...for different reasons....that is why I never got caught up in the scale/numbers game!! find a pair of "goal" pants....ones that are tight for now....THOSE WONT GO UP AND DOWN..they stay the same excact size...only you will be shrinking...and that may not show up on the scale!! but if you try those pants on 1ce a week..or sometimes I made myself wait 2 weeks..I used to mark it on the calender "try on pants"!!!!! will see results!! if you let yourself get caught up in the get discouraged!! I KNOW!!! that is why I use clothes to measure my sucess!!

those numbers will drop...I used to think there was a medifast FAIRY that came to me in my sleep overnight and sucked out some poundage!! cuz weeks would go by and the scale would stay the same..then all of a sudden one day...I would wake up to feel "lighter" and I was!! but NOT always did the scale show I was loosing....but the way my CLOTHES fit did!!
dont loose faith..the medifast FAIRY will be by soon to visit you!! :-P

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Postby krandle » May 6th, 2005, 11:10 am

I don't know about most people, but i DO NOT lose water weight until a week after TOM. Not the day after not three days after a week later. So really i only have 2 good weeks out of the month.
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Postby raederle » May 6th, 2005, 11:34 am

Poor Krandle!! Yikes-- half of your life is spent in TOM misery! At least you'll have menopause to look forward to... ;)

Hey, Donna-- everyone here gave sage advice, so I won't repeat it (especially cuz I won't be able to even repeat it as well as they said it!). But I wanted to remind you of the 10 pounds I "gained" in one weekend... I lost 4.6 of that literally overnight, and the rest 2 days later. I'm no miracle loser, that's for sure, so what I hope that shows you is how freaky our bods can be with water retention. Lord knows you did NOT gain a pound of flabbage! (Remember, you'd have to eat 3,500 calories, over and above the cals your bod needs just to function, to gain a pound of real flab!) So it's just a GHOST POUND that will leave you quickly like Casper in a windstorm... :mrgreen:

Next time you get on that scale and feel disappointed, remember, you just cannot have gained real weight on the number of calories you're consuming, so your body is just playing tricks on you. Let it! Cause you'll have the last laugh by getting to goal and not letting the ups & downs get to you. :hug:

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Postby Dean0408 » May 6th, 2005, 11:40 am

Hey there my little buddy Donna,

Before I address your concerns, I have to note that you use the MOST EMOTICONS per post of anyone on this forum. Your posts are very colorful.........I like em'.

Now, on to the question of the scale. The scale is not does not change your weight from what it actually is no matter if you weigh yourself every minute, every hour, every day, every week or every month.

The scale is nothing more than an informational tool. You get on it, and it gives you information about your current weight. No more, no should not be feared.......nor respected........nor given credit for loss or blame for gains. It is no different than a gas gauge in your car. To say it is better NOT to know what your weight is on a regular basis is like saying"... if I do not look at my gas gauge, I will never run out of gas." Both devices merely REPORT what is..........they cannot CHANGE what is. Of course, you already know this on your "intellectual side", but maybe not on your "emotional side".

Full fast for three months without a nibble of "forbidden fruit" is VERY IMPRESSIVE!! Congratulations to you Donna. Not many can make this claim.

Now, about the sloooooooooooooooooooowwww weight loss. Is it really slow? Yes, it is slower than some........but faster than others. I suggest you go to the FAQ's and read the question "How much weight can I lose with Medifast?" I will save you the is the answer: "Women average 2-4 pounds a week while men can average 5 or more pounds a week"

You lost 27.1 pounds in about 12 weeks. This is an average weight loss of around 2.26 pounds a week. You are in the "Normal" range, not the slow range.

I believe (although I cannot prove it), that a slower, more steady rate of loss can actually be better in the long run. Your body gets time to adjust more fully to the "new you". Your skin can contract better over time.....and who knows? Maintenance may be easier for you as well.

Finally, remember that normal bodily functions that are about to occur, have just occured OR did not occur in a timely fashion can swing your weight up or down at random. This weight is not FAT!! Expect weight fluctualtions.........they happen to everyone, whether they are dieting or not

Anyhow, don't get down on yourself. You are doing all the right things......they will pay off in the END. (both figuratively and literally)

Also......DON"T BE AFRAID OF YOUR OWN SCALE!! It is bought is a tool.......use it. Take the information it provides and do what you will with it.

On another note, if you have not already done so.......and need a smile.....go to Unca's last post in "The Elevator" section. I sent something to him that I found. It is a little humor in sort of a religious parody format.

Keep smilin' Donna!

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Postby DonicaB » May 6th, 2005, 11:48 am

Donna~~Apparently I do not have as much PULL with the SCALEGODS as you do. Maybe I said something to offend them. :huh:

Seriously, Rae is right, the scales are just messing with you. Listen :coach: YOU WILL BE REWARDED FOR YOUR TREMENDOUS EFFORTS :hug:

There is not much else I can add to the excellent responses you have already gotten. Know this, your reaction to seeing the numbers is NORMAL, just realize that you are doing things right. You said it yourself, you have been 100% compliant. That in itself, is a miracle if you ask me.

You are such a joy, I hate to think you are feeling blue. :sadblue: So perk up girlfriend.

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Postby doglover » May 6th, 2005, 12:12 pm

Hey Donna - my buddy - I can't add anything new here. Just a hug :hug: and a warm thought to say I feel your pain. I had a terrible week this week w/ getting on that darn scale every day. I am so close to goal and just feel obsessed about being on that scale this week! And one pound came and went for 5 days straight! It drove me cwazy :nana: !

I understand totally and I think you deserve a pity party after how compliant you are and how positive your are. Go ahead - wine away! :uhuh: We're listening! And we're here with you! :stroll:
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
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Postby raederle » May 6th, 2005, 12:15 pm

doglover wrote:Go ahead - wine away!

Now, Donna, I don't think it's a good idea to suggest that our dear dlr turn to alcohol to ease her suffering. I'm pretty sure wine is NOT on the MF menu, and well, we're already addicted to food-- are you trying to get us all addicted to vino, too???

;) Had to do it. Dean would've, if I didn't!!!

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Postby doglover » May 6th, 2005, 12:17 pm

You're right Rae - you caught me - and Dean would have SURELY caught me! Was that subliminal do you think??? ;)
Donna - frequent flyer to FL!
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Postby Guest » May 6th, 2005, 12:25 pm

I don't think it was subliminal at all..........I think you knew exactly what you were saying...........We know the truth just want an excuse to help her drown out her sorrows. :buddies:

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Postby DonicaB » May 6th, 2005, 12:27 pm

Oops.........I'm a little slow........I forgot to log in. I'm sure you could tell it was me, since it was signed .........DonicaB :mrgreen:
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Postby raederle » May 6th, 2005, 12:54 pm

Nancy better not catch you spiking your dutch chocolate, Donna(s)! :pour:

High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
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