NEWSFLASH.......I only weigh twice a week....however this morning...although not a weigh day...... I was feeling quite light.....

.....and decieded to hop on the scale.....

.....before getting on I thought..........

.......I am so close to the 30 lb club .....

.......maybe it's possible I reached it.....

.....and after all this past Sunday due to Aunt Flo.......my loss was a
nadda....of a week....so......

.... with Flo gone maybe a few lbs down would be possible???......

...... so I hopped my nekid big bootie up on the scale....

...and what did I see...?...


UP one lb......not down......but
UP.........so much for feeling light....

........ ....Okay...........so now the
emotional side of my brain is having a very small smidgen of a pity party.......

.....while the
intellectual side is saying.....DON'T GO THERE.........

......STAY AWAY.........

........(now my emotional side of the brain unfortunatly is usually a bit larger than the intellectual side).........and the pity party part of me is saying ......

.....hey that's not fair.....

.......I have been on the FULL FAST plan for 86 days.......3 mos this Monday.....and with the strength of the good Lord.........have been 100% compliant........
not a nibble....
a taste...
or lick of anything not allowed..........

.....so where does the FAST of FULL FAST come in?....for me it's more like FULL SLOW..........now the
intellectual side said......

...Shake it off....remember
"It's only a number".............this too shall pass.......get your shrinking bootie behind the computor..........

..... and start reading....

...don't allow that thinning mind to go to pityville.........so here I am amusing myself ......

......talking to each side of my brain and venting..........so what if this Sunday brings yet another....
nadda week......

.....I'm doing my part......this body has to let go of this stall sooner or later..........so my point for me to this drawn out saga is...........Stay off the Scale when it's not weigh in day!!!!......remember ........curiosity killed the cat.........okay now that I have vented I can move on...........

...bye for now....Off for a walk.....