Well, things are getting much better now. As I mentioned before, I moved weekend before last, and it was GRUELING. I was already feeling under the weather, hormonal, and depressed, and had zero energy for packing, let alone for moving. I was so wiped out that I didn't begin packing until the day before my move. Anyways, long story short--I suffered from severe sleep deprivation for several days; endured lots of physical labor (cleaning old place and new, running around getting a moving truck and rental car), carrying bags and boxes, etc., up and down several flights of stairs (I moved to a third floor apartment, and moving my things in from the basement added two more flights of stairs to climb); caught a terrible cold (my immune system was wide open from being emotionally and physically taxed already), which spells Asthma attack for me, too. I tend to have Asthma problems when I move anyway--dust from cleaning and things irritate my lungs. So, pretty much all of last week I was virtually incapacitated; and started a new work assignment/project last Thursday. Can anyone say "been through the ringer"??
I'm still without DSL at home, and I just hooked up my computer early Sunday morning (needless to say, with all the I went through last week, I've probably only unpacked about 60% of my things). Things should be much more settled in by this weekend, and I will be a much happier, more relaxed camper, and will have more time for posting on the forum. I'm not 100% yet, but I'm about 90%, so I'll take it!
Now, as for Medifast. I re-started on this past Friday, so I'm on Day 4. With not feeling well and all of the physical activity of the past week, needless to say, Medifasting wasn't feasible for me. Cold beverages are not a wheezing Asthmatics friend either--it's too constricting on already tight lungs. But I'm re-committed--really re-committed again

Anyways, 5-6 shakes a day is not going to cut it anymore. I'm still committed to the supplements-only plan (of course, in addition to small amounts of brocoli, etc. added to soups). But the 5 and 1 plan is still not an option that I want to pursue. So, I'm looking at 6-8 supplements a day,(and I've been on the 70 shakes since late July, so I won't need to upgrade to these), depending on my activity level for the day (more likely will only be 8 supplements on days when I do cardio at the gym). I'm going most likely going to three shakes, 1 or 2 hot cocoa (it's getting cold so I'm going to take in warmer supplements now), 1 or 2 soups, and 1 bar (a few times a week). I'll probably start following Nancy's suggestion of having a small salad, on some days. Does that sound like a good plan? I'm very mindful of not only caloric level, but moreso protein levels--so this is really why I'm upping my supplements--I don't want my body to start metabolizing muscle. When I started adding up how much following MF will cost me now, some part of me was like "are you crazy, you might as well eat regular food--money is tight right now Sheryl!" Of course, that voice was quickly silenced. If eating regular food was working for me in the first place, I wouldn't have even started MF! I still have an agenda--to lose weight, lose it relatively quickly, improve my health, get good nutrition, and work on behavioral eating habits/food compulsion while I'm on MF. I'll be spending more money, but honestly, I had to ask myself what I could think of that was more worth the expense. If this isn't a most worthy expense and sacrifice for me, I don't know what is!
Okay, whew, that was a lot I wrote! Thanks for reading and supporting, as always. It's good to be back and I can't wait to jump back into the action here--I'm so behind!! Glad to see everyone doing so well!! DC, Camille, Sylvia--you all are so close--Carrie and Nelly about to waltz into the 100s, Gerald about to kick down the door to the 300s--this is wonderful--I'm getting goose bumps for you all
