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This is not a drill......

Postby Carrie » September 9th, 2004, 7:50 am

Hi Guys,

Well, after a couple dry runs here in the Keys, Hurricane Ivan is a serious threat to my part of Florida. So I'll be packing the cats, parrot, family photos, and guitars in the Blazer and hauling out of here tomorrow. I'll stop and pick my parents up and we'll caravan out.

The office is closing at noon, I'll be going home and putting up my plywood (hopefully I'm not rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic here), and loading the car.

I placed my last MF order Tuesday and it's on the Fedex truck for delivery today, so I hope it arrives. My nerves are shot, but I really really want to stay on my program even through this disaster.

I won't be on much for the next few days - so everybody keep shakin'!

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Postby Lois » September 9th, 2004, 8:37 am

Hi Carrie,

Be safe and stay dry!!!!!!!

You are in my prayers,

love and hugs,

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Postby DutchChoc » September 9th, 2004, 9:43 am

Hi, Carrie!! I thought of you when I saw the projected path this morning. I surely hope things change over the next days. So sorry you have to worry this one through once again. Hope you get your delivery, as you say, and I'll be watching the outcome and thinking about you. :pet: We'll be wondering, so keep in touch.
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Postby smartiegrrl » September 9th, 2004, 10:05 am

yikes! take care and be safe! *hugs*

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Postby RavenKat » September 9th, 2004, 10:11 am

Take care Girlie!!!!!

I'll be sending good thoughts your way.

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Postby hawaiiwhatnot » September 9th, 2004, 10:56 am

Mercy Mercy Mercy Carrie!

Lord, please settle this storm down to spare all these very tired folks. My prayers are with all of you.

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Postby elle4nelly » September 9th, 2004, 11:52 am

Be safe Carie!! I hope Ivan will pass quickly and without much destruction.

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Postby MomJackieLee » September 9th, 2004, 12:42 pm

Take care of you and yours. Sending prayers your way.
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Postby Landylue » September 9th, 2004, 5:50 pm

So sorry you are having to jump through all these hoops, Carrie.

Like I told Marge - you guys keep to the high ground, and let us hear from you soon.

May God keep His great hand of protection over you and yours.

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Postby Carrie » September 9th, 2004, 6:48 pm

Thanks so much everybody. I think there's a lot of praying going on right now, and we can sure use it!

I've got my plywood up and and am most of the way packed. Now to get the stuff down 2 flights of stairs and packed (crammed) into the car. <whew>

I got my MF order, so I'm good to go!

I'll be here in spirit - and hope to see that everyone's done REALLY well when I get back.

Now: 2/5/07: 233.6/220.0/145
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Postby Simmshe » September 10th, 2004, 6:46 am

I know you're probably on higher ground by now! I'm sorry that you've had to go through this anxiety again, and now the actual evacuation. I'm praying for you and your family's safety (and your pets!) and that any damage be minimal.

Sheryl :)
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Postby Guest » September 10th, 2004, 8:10 am

Carrie ~

Oh, how sorry I am that you and your family must leave but we want YOU to be safe! It ought to be interesting with cats and a parrot in a car...

Please check back with us when you are able. We will be praying for you.
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Postby Jeanette » September 10th, 2004, 1:13 pm

Hey Carrie!

You're in my thoughts girl.....looking forward to your return! We can swap hurricane stories!
Jeanette :star:
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Postby TamiL » September 11th, 2004, 3:39 am

My thoughts and prayers are with ya girl....Keep safe and let us know as soon as you can how you are doing!! hopefully this is the LAST HURRICANE to hit all deserve a break!! been hit hard this year...
HANG IN THERE...thinkin of ya
Tami ;)

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be safe

Postby susan » September 11th, 2004, 6:52 pm

Carrie, hope and pray ever thing goes ok and you and yours are all safe.
I am not a quiter I will hang in there tillI get to goal with the good lords help
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