Is this normal???

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Is this normal???

Postby disney..lover » March 8th, 2006, 10:43 am

can anybody tell me , please, if this is normal or I have to throw away my scale.
I weighted myself this morning and the read 178, I was very excited, so i got on the scale again , with a 30 second difference, and what was my surprise, it read 184. How can this be????
Please help !!!!!! Should I throw it away??? What weight should I keep???
Thanks :shock:
<img border="0" src=";10722;56;0;0/c/-41.19/t/-69/k/3376/weight.png">
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Postby MusicalMomma » March 8th, 2006, 10:52 am

I think your scale has seen better days....perhaps a new digital scale is in order. I can't give advice about which weight to keep. Were you closer to 178 or 184 the last time you weighed? Either way, I'd definitely invest in a good digital scale :) Keep Shakin!
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Postby bzlife1967 » March 8th, 2006, 10:55 am

I would get a new one if I were you. or maybe if it is one of the newer ones that has batteries and you've had it for a while you need new batteries. They have so many new ones that will moniter not only your weight but your % water and % body fat. They are a little more expensive but I love mine. They usually include settings for 3 or more people, you program your height and age into it and whaallaa give you a complete read out. It would be wayyyy to frustrating for me to have a scale that wasn't accurate. Also I would ENCOURAGE you to measure yourself!! Especially when you have a plateau in your weightloss if you measure during those times it Makes you extremely happy!! I haven't experienced a plateau yet, but Im sure like everyone else I will eventually..... and I will be so happy to see the inches lost.

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Postby Gwenski » March 8th, 2006, 2:45 pm

how many different numbers did it give you? You could average the numbers? Hee hee!!

That is odd - I am thinking the batteries were dead or you were standing on it funny. I have done the whole standing on the scale funny thing and it completely affects the dial ones. I have two scales cause I normally don't believe the one so the 2nd is for backup and confirmation.

Don't weigh yourself again until you have a new scale and start with that number????

It isn't normal and clearly it isn't you, the tool your are using isn't properly functioning. Don't be ruled by the numbers, they will mess with your head and think of all the calories you will burn by getting a new tool to help you measure this journey.

Repeat after me, the scale is nothing more than an unfeeling tool and IT WILL NOT RULE ME!!!!

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Postby HOPE » March 9th, 2006, 11:17 am

Sounds like a mean scale if ya ask me!!! hahahah I believe as well, that a new digital one will benifit you !!! I like those ouces mine comes up with on occasion as well!!!! EVERY LITTLE DROP MATTERS!!!!!!! You will fluctuate though, so dont be scale happy and dont be too hard on yourself! Best wishes!!!!!
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Postby Loribug » March 10th, 2006, 3:06 am

Personally, I would keep the scales, weigh several times, and pick the one you like best! :lol:
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Postby falisamarie » March 10th, 2006, 6:29 am


That was hilarious!!!!!!! You are my kinda woman :roflmao:

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Postby Ginabobina1969 » March 10th, 2006, 10:47 am

Lots of ideas...if it was me I would kick that scale to the curb.

That kinda inconsistency would make me psychotic and demoralize me. I need consistency and dependability, to help me stay strong.

Terry and Nancy have a veryyy nice digital scale listed on their product site. It's the 'take shape for life' scale, digital, and the weight locks in after a second or two, so no more number bouncing up and down. It also measures in .2 oz increments and is, I think $23.99.

I actually got mine from the main site --stupid me. I finally placed my first order with Terry and Nancy last night and also ordered the bod fat composition analyzer plus lots of I can hardly wait.


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